
Cønsequences Øf A Renagade

"Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely." What would you do with absolute power? How would the world react to you? With fear? Trepidation? Perhaps awe? Godlike reverence? With a power thrust upon me, tempestuously and my world falling apart around me, how would you thrive? Would you rule with an iron fist? Or munificent benevolence? My choices define me; to an end, I cannot make out. Perhaps it will never be discerned. But do I really want to know... how it all ends? ---------------------------------------------------------- Describing the book a bit more, considering the above is quite vague, it is, at its most basic, an evil Superman novel. Obviously, it's been done before: Homelander, Omni-man, Brightburn. However, none of these especially go into the mind of those characters. They're either psychopaths, had a bad childhood, loyal to another planet etc. So I wanted to portray a character that is a normal person, gaining powers whilst no one else does and seeing how the world reacts to them and what I believe would happen. I want to portray how their mind changes, their biases and beliefs. Whether this is done well is for you to decide. I’m an amateur writer, doing this as a mixture of practice and entertainment. The chapters may take a while to come out, but I like to spend my time on them – perfecting them to the best of my ability. The book will likely be a couple of hundred chapters long and completed no matter how long it takes. I’m trying to improve my English skills to a reasonable degree so harsh criticism would be much appreciated... within reason. Currently, I'm trying to achieve 2 chapters a week, but there are no promises. On a positive, it will be entirely free. On that note, if you enjoy the story, thank you. If you hate it, it is what it is; I understand not every book will suit every person. And with that, I hope you enjoy it. *Views expressed throughout the story do not represent my views. The narration is from a biased viewpoint, and it is a realistic and dark world; there will be things that you may find repugnant. This does not mean I believe or endorse them! *The story, setting, person(s), companies, entities or nations portrayed in this book are fictitious.

ARenagade · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Chapter 31: Independence

"Heh, Barak?" He spoke in doubt, "Jenny, you can't be serious. He's an arsehole, but he cares about those below him. He isn't going to let them be slaughtered like animals. Besides, he reports to the Cabinet, doesn't he?" Becoming increasingly doubtful at the sudden accusation.

"It's just speculation. He might be innocent, but events are proceeding rapidly. Subtleties will slip through the cracks, and loyalties are changing. Working for the Cabinet shows devotion to Britain, not you." Jenny spoke, her voice serious in contrast to Mark's.

"It's too early for accusations, Jenny. We can't throw this shit around without strong hints or solid evidence."

"I know the man, Mark. He's proficient in intelligence; he was the main tech guy in our Black Guard squad; he's a pro. It's likely why he's now a... servitor." The last word was voiced in slight disgust.

"So, what? He's good with tech and Intel; plus he works for the Cabinet. The UK doesn't have a reason to give me up to the US. It would just make them more dominant than they already are."

"They do, Mark. We've gained a spot on Mars. And likely, they have used you to gain it. The US will expand into space, the government knows this, and they might as well get on the bandwagon, even in a minor capacity."

"They... sold me off to America? Like a fucking slave? Just for access to a desolate rock..." His eyes burned lightly, the orange turning red as the air started to warm.

"Calm down, Mark. Calm down." Jenny rapidly urged with hand gestures as he stared ahead.

His eyes cooled down, returning to a vibrant orange. He huffed audibly, rubbing his neck, "I... honestly expected this to be clear cut. Either I'd be experimented upon, or they'd help me. To atone for my sins. But this is far more complicated."

Shaking her head, "The world is chaotic. And that is not to say it is Barak. He might be innocent; Fatima has a few screws loose, and her aides... they might have seen an opportunity. However, I don't see any of them having contacts with the US, nor the ability to communicate."

"So, in actuality, we have no proof on anyone? Only conjectures?"

Slightly exasperated, "Mark, proof is rare in this profession. We are against experts in their fields; they have the advantage. But, if we acknowledge this, we can take precautions or even traps."

"But what's the point!? If the government is just gonna offload me, then why should I bother with this facade? If that freak couldn't stop me, they certainly can't!

Audibly sighing at his outburst, "You're... not wrong. But every nation has deep roots. That would be a major error, Mark. Better to follow their plan, abuse them for all their worth, and then choose a side."

Aggressively rubbing his forehead, "I didn't ask for this. I was given a gift, yet it is squandered in politics and betrayal. I refuse to be like Ozymandias; my legacy should not disappear under bureaucracy and time."

"Mark, your legacy will be historic despite what happens. As I said, there will never be another Mark Evans like you. Follow the current, achieve what needs to be achieved, and then; break the shackles that bind you. Freedom isn't a possibility. It is a certainty." A friendly smile with yellowed teeth finished her sentence.

Uncertainly smiling back, "I'll follow till my public appearance. After that, I'm done with the death and hidden knives. Done! This isn't how I want to live my life. I want an education, friends and family. Not to worry about who to trust."

"I know, Mark. I know." Jenny bitterly spoke, "Life isn't fair. Some have illnesses far before their time. Some are born defected; some are murdered randomly. But you have to shrug it off and move on. Trust will always be a problem for you now. You are a powerful man and powerful people have to watch their back."

Pondering her words, he closed his eyes as he sighed, "I need some time outside."

Receiving a positive response, he made his way out of the building, brooding on many things occupying his deepest thoughts. Being thrust into this position, one of ultimate strength, without warning or purpose was distressing. In every direction, something glistened under the surface.

'Why did the old fogey never mention this? Such an important aspect of politics kept hidden by a focus on historical events, not today's actions and consequences.'

Lightly chuckling to himself, the smile slowly faded into another emotion.

'The old man owes me an apology... I can do that... I need... I want my own life.'

Standing up at his thoughts, he stared into the sky before gazing into his palm. Assuring himself, he shot into the sky like a rocket. There was no sonic boom as he left, his ascent quiet and hopefully unnoticed.

Rapidly rising into the air, above the Mesosphere and towering over the clouds, he stopped as suddenly as he started.

"Shit. Does internet work up here? Hmmm." Mark mumbled to himself. Opening the tablet he'd taken with him, he tried the internet, the Nexus browser appearing. Exclaiming to himself, chuffed, "Damn, not bad."

Opening Maps, he set the destination for 'The City of Leicester University'. It took a minute to calibrate, unsure of the best route considering he was in a unique position. Taking a rough glance at the map and direction, he shot off mostly north, veering slightly west.

Taking occasional stops to let it recalibrate, so he could follow the blue line, he arrived far above the city, specifically over the university. Focussing on the institute, he spied for the professor he held dear. Glancing at the time, the afternoon sun shining brightly, he elected to wait till he saw the old man.

Watching the clouds and airliners float and fly past, boredom overtaking him, he nervously searched online for himself. It was surreal and embarrassing, images of his nakedness plastered across the internet and social media. Stranger still was the comments, ranging from wild overblown theories to simple comments stating it was fake. He dug deeper, loading up social media and opening trending.


There were numerous articles and posts. The reports were written by big publishers, influencers and nobodies doing their own comments and images. Each very clearly, showed him flying around the base, face slightly obscured but quite evident the same person from the previous night. The oldest was dated not even half a day ago, new posts constantly appearing as an endless stream. Irked at their plans falling apart, he gazed downwards, zooming in on an elderly figure sitting at a bench, phone in hand.

Looking for a secluded spot to land, out of notice from the few wandering students and teachers, he eyed one next to a tree. Landing as silently as he could without alerting everyone in a ten-mile radius, he patted himself down. Staring at the ground as he casually walked, he seated himself next to the balding man, absorbed in his screen.

Smiling to himself, he spoke in a voice he hoped was neither loud nor quiet, "Hey, Professor. Been a while."

Rattled, his head turned towards the young man next to him as if he'd seen a ghost, "W- Mark? Is that really you? These old eyes are not deceiving me, are they?"

Laughing as he turned his head towards the man, "I'm currently deaf, so forgive me for staring at the screen. But not yet, grandpa. You're not even 70; you've got 20 years left, at least.

In a mixture of shock, amazement and confusion, he reeled off questions, "Y- What happened to your face? You're deaf? Your eyes? How are you alive? They said you were dead..."

Frowning, "Dead? Who said that?"

"Sorry, I- I'm just a bit shook. The... the police said you died in a gas explosion... your family too. Are you dead? Your eyes... you aren't breathing... you aren't a ghost haunting me, right?"

Shaking his head, "The police, huh. Figures. Well, I'm as alive as can be, and my eyes are due to... changes. My family... they weren't as lucky."

Giving him a momentary pause, the professor patted Mark's arm reassuredly, for himself and the young adult. Finding his words, he spoke softly as his beard swayed in the cold breeze, "I'm... sorry for your loss, Mark. I truly am. No one deserves such tragedy, especially one so young. Even worse, we lost a bright soul in Elise." Sighing, "Such a shame."

Sighing lightly, "It's fine. I'll make my peace soon enough."

Hesitating slightly, "I don't mean to pry... but the gas explosion; is that why your face looks beaten? Did it damage your hearing? Or was it all false?"

"Heh. It... wasn't a gas explosion. But in answer to your questions, no. I got into a scuffle with someone strong." Chuckling at his word choice, "I blew out my ears. It's a long story."

Pondering silently as an absurd thought crossed his mind, trying to match the face, he asked a simple question, "Mark... are you the flying human slash alien? The one covering the news?"

Smiling as his white teeth shined brightly in the dull winter gloom, "I suppose. Although, I'm not an alien. That night, I gained... powers? Abilities? Whatever, you get the point. Well, the government took me in, we got attacked, and I fought a monster, sequentially being spotted by the news."

After a long pause, "... I see... It seems a lot has happened in only a short time." The aged gentleman slowly uttered, his brows narrowed.

Glancing away from his tablet to the man, "In truth, Professor. I need advice... and an apology."

Looking into Mark's black and orange eyes, slightly disturbing his emotional state, he spoke nervously, "Advice and an apology?"

Chuckling, "Yeah, I want an apology for how fucked politics is. You never talked about the backstabbing in modern affairs."

Incredulous, "Well... I suppose everyone sees modern day as more refined and polite. However, people haven't changed much compared to the olden days. Envy, greed and lust for power are the banes of our existence. Our prime motivations." Pitying the younger fellow who has lost everything as he sighed, "Never telling you. For that, I am sorry."

"Honestly, perhaps I never wanted the apology. I guess I just never realised the extent of Humanities problems. You hear it on the news, read about it from the past, yet it never shows to the average person." Sighing as the old man waited for him to finish, "I need advice, and I trust you. We've known each other for many years, so I want to ask your opinion."

Chuckling at Mark's words, "We've known each other so long, and you're still the same. Always coming back for help. You need to be more self-assured, Mark."

"That was actually one of the questions. Apparently, I've been betrayed at the government facility; I'm deaf from something that could hold its own against me, and I have no idea what to do." Laughing, "The greatest irony. So much power yet held back like anyone else."

Taking a moment to think, ironing out his beard, the professor spoke, "Hmmm. I have no idea of your capabilities. But, in my experience... you will never be safe in the hands of a government. You should remember that a government is just the collection of power by a collection of individuals. Each has their own agenda, priorities and beliefs. If you are truly powerful, you shouldn't be used by them. You should use them. In regards to betrayal, I have little to say. I have no experience here, my apologies."

"I would still like your opinion, Professor. No matter how inconsequential, I feel lost on my own."

Taking another period to ponder, he responded, "The betrayal is by someone within the facility, correct?" Getting a positive nod, "Then, in line with distancing yourself from the administration, you should leave the base. Trust is a fickle thing, so hard to earn and so easy to lose. They have lost yours, so do as you would be done."

Raising an eyebrow, "That simple? No revenge or anything?"

"Revenge is not something you should seek, Mark. Many have died needlessly in their own quests, driven by it. Do not let history repeat itself with yourself. My thoughts, you should leave peacefully, allowing no lawful retribution. And... considering how you will one day be revealed to the world, make it a positive one. Not violent."

With that said, Mark went into contemplation. Time passed slowly as the old man glanced at his silver watch, "I'm sorry, Mark. But I've got a lesson in five. I apologise for not being able to console you nor provide advice properly, but if you need anything else, find me whenever. I will always make time for you."

Brought out of his thoughts, he thanked his impromptu mentor as he watched him stroll away.

'Do as you would be done, huh. So be it.'

Consciously breathing out, he huffed. He scratched his eye as his thoughts glanced over his differences. Too much drowning in misery, following along the path set out by people with other interests. It had to change, it would change, and he would gain what he longed for, independence.

Seem to be struggling with recent chapters, unsure of exactly how I want things to play out according to the plan already set before I created the story. Will try to up the pacing soon, just want certain things established before I proceed so there isn't plot holes later on. Thanks for reading! :)

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