

Born into a low income family, Byeol was supposed to be the star child who got them out. Her family's dreams came to a startling halt when Byeol was three. Her tantrums were so much more than a simple tantrum. There was no stopping them. Most children stopped when they got what they wanted, not Byeol. The older she got, the less she acted out. Her parents thought that maybe there was still a chance, but they didn't see what she did. They didn't feel the things she did. Byeol was her parents biggest regret. Once she turned eighteen, she up and vanished. She couldn't stand bringing pain and suffering to her family. That's all she's ever known, and the last thing she wanted was for them to feel how she did all these years.

baby_quokka · Fantasy
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19 Chs

|chapter three|

You'll look like a baby if you cry. There's no reason to cry. It's just people. They won't hurt you. If they were going to hurt you—please don't cry. Don't cry here. There's only an hour left. In an hour you can go home and cry all you want. Please don't cry. I'm begging you.

"Byeol—I pushed you too far, didn't I?" SaeRon sighs as she kneels down beside me. She rests her head on my shoulder and wraps an arm around my waist.

"No—I'm fine. I'm just a little tired, that's all." I lift my head and force a smile. I rub at my eyes and stand up. I dust off my pants and immediately head toward the sink to start working on dishes.

"Look at you trying to put on a show. You really should become an actress. You'd be the best in the world if you put as much effort into acting on screen as you do acting in front of me." SaeRon scolds as she pokes me in the temple. She scowls at me before clicking her tongue and slipping out into the dining room.

"You can head home if you want, Byeol. I've got it from here." SeungMin states calmly as he places his hand on my shoulder.

In most cases, I'd hate being touched—like that guy earlier—but with SaeRon and SeungMin, it's comforting. I crave their attention. I crave their touch. I don't understand it, but I know it helps.

"You're here?" I ask softly as I finish rinsing off a plate and setting it down. I turn toward him and dry my hands off on a towel.

"Yeah, I stopped in to walk home with you guys. I got off work early, so I figured I'd stop in to make sure things were alright." SeungMin smiles softly as he brushes my hair out of my face.

"You should've just gone home. We can manage it here alone." I mumble as I lower my head.

"You really need to keep your hair in check. People are going to think you're homeless at this rate. Turn around." SeungMin instructs as he grabs my arm.

"It's fine. We're almost done here anyway." I try to object, but he's already pulling my hair tie out of my hair.

"Stay put, this will just take a second." SeungMin whispers as he nimbly runs his fingers through my hair. It takes him no more than a minute to braid my hair.

"I'll never get used to that. You're better at hair than I am." I sigh as I step aside and hand him the towel.

"Let me wash, you dry." He quickly hands me the towel and sips his hands into the water.

"You know, you're actually really good at that." I chuckle softly as he hands me a bowl.

"Good at what? Washing dishes? Doing hair?" SeungMin looks at me in confusion before going back to the dishes in front of him.

"Distracting me. I was on the verge of a meltdown and you changed my focus. Thanks." I swallow hard as I lower my head. I can't stand to look him in the eye when he does these kinds of things. It's so natural for him. I'm jealous.

"It doesn't really take much. All I have to do is pull the attention from you and put it on me. If you're thinking about me, you can't think about your problems. Right?" SeungMin glances up to see SaeRon huffing as she slips into the kitchen.

"Those no good, ungrateful little as—SeungMin?" SaeRon stops abruptly, she holds an empty tray to her chest and glances awkwardly around the room.

"And why exactly are your customers no good, ungrateful asses? Please tell me you're not referring to the customers that help pay the bills, right?" SeungMin scolds SaeRon innocently.

"No—I mean—maybe—but they—ugh, never mind." SaeRon backs down immediately. There's no way she'll win an argument against SeungMin. The older sibling always wins.

"That's what I thought. I have a question though." SeungMin places his hand on the small of my back before slipping passed me to stand beside SaeRon.

"Yeah? What's that?" SaeRon mumbles as she starts making her way back out to the dining room to collect the dirty dishes.

I don't pay any attention to them. The moment they leave the room, I do my best to distract myself with the dishes. If I can't think about anything else except the dishes in my hands, it's a win in my book.

I scrub with everything I have. I scrub as if the plates and bowls are covered in my hatred for myself instead of the remnants of food. I want to wash them all away until there's nothing left. If there's nothing left, there's nothing to worry about. If I can free myself of my worry, life would be so much easier.

"No. I'm not agreeing to any of that nonsense. I already told you, SeungMin—no." SaeRon slams the tray down on the counter and spins around to slap SeungMin's chest.

"Seriously, SaeRon? It's literally going to change everything. If you make it official, things would be so much easier. It's not like you have to do it tomorrow. You can plan it for three years from now for all I care—just please consider it." SeungMin sighs as he leans against the counter. He shakes his head and stares at the ground.

"I've told you a million times to stop asking her. She's going to be even more against it if you keep bringing it up. Besides, what's the point? It's not like the guy is a god. He's not going to do anything for you. Once they're married, he'll probably ship SaeRon off to Hawaii or something to keep her quiet. You and I both know that SaeRon is not one to comply with rules." I remind him as I slap my shoulder.

"Go home, Byeol. Get some rest. I can handle cleaning up here and dealing with her. Trust me, I know what I'm doing." SeungMin takes my hands in his. He smiles brightly at me before pulling me in for a hug. He skillfully unties my apron and pulls it off as he steps away.

"I can help finish—there isn't much left." I try to convince him to let me stay, but I know I won't win.

"Go home, take a warm bath, and go to bed." SeungMin instructs as he grabs my coat from the chair. He helps me slip my arms in the sleeves before zipping it up for me.

"I want to stay and help." I give it one last attempt as he picks up my bag.

"No. Go home. We'll pick up dinner on our way home, so don't try cooking anything either. Do you have your key?" SeungMin asks as he smooths my hair down before putting my hat on me.

"Yeah, I have my key." I sigh, finally accepting the fact that I'm being booted out of the restaurant.

"Be careful. Don't slip on any ice. Don't talk to strangers—what am I saying—you're not SaeRon. Don't get lost—that one is more you." SeungMin chuckles to himself as he grabs my phone from the counter and places it in my hand.

"Don't be too long. You know I don't like being alone." I mumble softly as I turn toward the back door.