
byebye everyone no more

Can't find how to deleted

giou_sora · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Case1 Four Families - ch1

The silver-haired man sat in a room that was said to be his room. Green eyes that didn't blink stared at nothing for a long time. The conversation with the man who brought him here is still evident.

'I want you to be my partner.'

Incomprehensible sentences circle around in his head. That because he is not human. He is an experimental doll. Or what the human creator called him the Watson Prototype Project or shortly WPP.

"I am a human weapon, not a partner, a murder weapon for obeying orders that are human form." He uttered the truth in a calm voice.

Free Man Hand member, Sherlock Holmes looked at the figure without speaking for about two seconds before that lips let out a faint murmur.

"... I don't want you to be a weapon."

After saying that, Sherlock Holmes quickly changed his expression, chat with a bright voice.

"Come to think, should I call you John or Watson? Oh, let's introduce ourselves again. My name is Sherlock Holmes; you can call me first or last name."

"I'm a Watson doll," he replied with a smooth, dull voice.

"Watson then." Sherlock Holmes nodded. "Watson. I don't want you to say to other people that you're a doll. Including not talking about Free Man Hand, got it?"

He nodded his head, did not answer anything more. Let the human in front of him continue to speak.

"Where do I begin to explain? Well, this is the house I rented. The house owner is Mrs. Hudson, who lives on the ground floor of the inner room. It's still morning; I'll introduce you again. The second floor has a bedroom and my office. As for this room, it belongs to you. It may have a lot of books, err..."

Speaking of which, Sherlock Holmes frowned and swept his gaze around the room. Before walking to the bed, gathered about ten cluttered books. The floor also has a mountain of books scattered until almost no space to stand and thick dust.

Watson stood looking at the man who gives him a name, bring him here, telling him to feel at home, now walked in and out, gave him no need supplies, and said he wanted a weapon like him to be his partner.

He was unable to understand a human named Sherlock Holmes at all.


"You said ... from today, this man will come to live here too."

"Yes, his name is John H. Watson."

In the mood for breakfast, Sherlock Holmes introduces Watson to the householder Mrs. Hudson, a beautiful lady whom everyone admires as a beautiful young girl. But the truth is, she is many decade years older than Sherlock Holmes, but with her youthful face, it is regularly misunderstood.

"You can call him Watson," Sherlock Holmes continued to introduce Watson. "Mrs. Hudson Watson grew up in a country, just arrived in London for the first time, maybe he a bit strange. In any case, please take care oofff..."

The detective had not finished speaking. The white cheeks were pulled until the voice was not clear. The slender fingertip owner that pulled the young man's cheek stretched her gaze and spoke in a small but powerful voice.

"The point to say first is the RENT. The fee-rent-house, you would pay, right? Pay, then no problem."

Mrs. Hudson herself summed it up and released a hand from the man's cheek, Sherlock Holmes, stroking the slightly stinging cheek while sending a wry smile.

"...Yes, Mrs. Hudson."

While Sherlock Holmes smiled at Watson to tell him there was no problem. Mrs. Hudson walked over to examine the new young man with a sharp look and nodded her head in a satisfied expression.

"Looks serious, not like you, Sherlock," said Mrs. Hudson, speaking something like praising Watson but hitting the black-haired man.

"Err, is not like me is a good thing?" Asks Sherlock Holmes.

"Yes, it's excellent." Mrs. Hudson nodded her head. As she patted Watson's shoulder, who was still sitting there, not open his mouth, said, or showed any gesture. "Mr. Watson seems to be a reasonable person, knows that he should not make a messy house or bring strange things into the home."

"Strange things ... is that?" Sherlock Holmes mumbled with an expression that seemed to protest.

"Or you will say 'Animal bones' are the ones that should be on the dining table, Sherlock," said Mrs. Hudson. "And don't you think, I don't know, two days ago you secretly collected dirt into your room. And there are still ..."

"Oh, I remember I have work to do. Excuse me, come on, Watson."

When he noticed the complaint going to be no end, Sherlock Holmes got up and pulled Watson's arm to accelerate out of the room. He also heard Mrs. Hudson's mumbling chasing after. But the blame or complaint of his lifestyle has no hate in her voice that why Sherlock Holmes can listen with a smile and speak to the householder with love and respect.

"Mrs. Hudson is a good person; you will like her," said Sherlock Holmes to the silver-haired man who followed by.

"I'm a doll. There is no love emotion like a human being."

"Hmm, even though you don't have now, but it can happen." said the detective. "Humans didn't have the emotions in the first place like an empty glass until they poured water. The taste and feel are like a variety of emotions. Water that is bland but moist. The tea has a strong taste and smells good. Or wine that is fermented at the right temperature. Even the dirty water in the pipes. Emotions that you never had before will gradually arise ... now you just don't know it, Watson."

Sherlock Holmes patted Watson's shoulder lightly. And step into his own office, Watson paused to say that it was not like that but did not raise a voice. He couldn't understand why Holmes could speak with such confidence even though he was just a half-functional doll, no need to pay any attention.


About two hours passed. The newly-named doll walks back into Sherlock Holmes's office with a final stack of books and papers. Turning a storeroom room into Watson's room, Sherlock Holmes tells Watson to help transport a variety of books or documents to the office. That doubled the amount of stuff in the room and the space to walk less; it looked like Holmes was trapped among the books.

"By your order, I have moved all of the items." Watson reported a smooth voice. Before rolling his eyes a little, the man who focused on the book didn't seem to hear him speak or raised his head.

"Sherlock ... Holmes ..."

Watson moved his mouth to call. He got permission to call first or last name. But considering the status of the founder of Free Man Hand, he decided to call the other person by the last name.


"... Hmm, what is it, Watson?"

Sherlock Holmes rolled his eyes and asked. The next moment, his eyes shifted down to focus on the text in the book he had just found after Watson moved it to his office.

"What is the next command?"


The black-haired man who concentrated on the book did not understand the meaning of the other person. So, he raised his head again and met with serious but empty eyes. So, he closed the book, realizing something that could not be ignored; Sherlock Holmes stared at the green eyes, speaking slowly and steadily.

"Watson, what did you mean 'Command'?"

"I am a doll made for a murder weapon. Has a duty to do the command." Watson enumerated the truth. The voice was empty, without emotion. "If you want someone to disappear, just say the name..."

"Watsons !!!"

Sherlock Holmes uttered a resolute tone. He stood up and left a book. Step forward to face the green eyes that don't reflect anything.

"I didn't bring you here to make you a tool to follow command or order. I want you to be my partner or a friend." The detective took a deep breath. "You not a slave or subordinate. Between you and me, we stand in equal status."

"I don't understand the words' partner' or 'friend' that you're talking about," Watson said in a smooth voice. After several moments He spoke slowly. As if not sure. "So, what is a partner? What do I have to do to be your partner?"

The question that made Sherlock Holmes thinks this is a better sign. However, it is a question that is difficult to explain.

"Ah ... a partner is ... well, someone who's with you when you're having a hard time and fun time. Help each other, which is an act of doing willingly, not compelling or following orders ... like that. "

"Then all I have to do is protect you and help your work, is that right? "

Sherlock Holmes was silent for more than 5 seconds; his lips moved slowly. Thinking Watson's conclusion was irrelevant, he could not deny it with just the word 'No'.

"Let just say that OK ...for now." Holmes responded hesitantly. He thinks comprehension can change when found facts more clearly. There was still plenty of time for Watson to take it slow. Learned things that never known before. At the same time, Sherlock Holmes thought the conclusion to himself. He heard Mrs. Hudson shout.

"Sherlock has ... come ... up ..."

Mrs. Hudson's voice was drowned out by a tight running sound, bare feet up the stairs. Before Sherlock Holmes could make any move or make a noise, the silver-haired man stood in front of the door; at the same moment, two small, dirty faces appeared in front of the room.

The twin boys who had the same looks, same running gestures were shocked at the same time as they saw the tall and cold green eyes looking down at them. The two children were stunned and pulled their right leg back one step in unison.

"Ahem Watson, these two are my acquaintances." Sherlock Holmes thinks this situation was not a sight to see every day; he kept the humorous feeling. Step up behind Watson, who acts as a bodyguard. "Watson, the left boy is Perkins, and the right boy is Viggo. I asked them to help me gather information."

Sherlock Holmes advises twins dressed in torn old clothes. Bark brown shoulder hair, bright green eyes reminiscent of the leaves reflecting sunlight.

"This guy is my partner, John H. Watson."

After introducing and Watson making way for the twins to enter the room, Sherlock Holmes sat down. Look at the little boy standing in line.

"Well, what good news do you guys have for me?"

"Mr. Holmes, we have found Gail Maddock." The twin boys' choir to speak in unison as if only one person uttered a voice. "He walked towards Prince Street and went straight to the pier. One of us is guarding him."

"Well done. I'll go now. Come on, Watson." Sherlock Holmes stood up to give each child a shilling coin. Then he grabbed the coat and walked quickly out of the house.