
By blade and bayonet

One day you wake up in trenches. Next second you hear artillery barrage and explosion. Get up and fight ! Do you want to live forever? MC get's isekaied into world resembling WWI times but with some major differences. Luckily he has system as a gift. So he will not become ordinary G.I. P.S non-native English language writer trying to write action based on BF1 and other shooters.

Abi_Daulen · Action
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16 Chs

Information about war and countries involved.

Sorry lad. I should have explained it before but muse caused me work on other things.

So world our MC ends up is similar to our WWI world except some major differences.

Firstly in this world most of wars put on repeat every 10 years or less since nobody can get upper hand and most of the cases end up in truce.

Second there are no big alliances. Most of countries are mid sized and in competition/rivalry with each other.

Now about the war and countries involved.

1 - Avaion Republic ( similar to France)

2- Jaeger Kingdom ( Germany)

3 - Emerald Island Kingdom (UK)

4 - Grand Duchy of Spar ( Italy)

Avaion Republic and Emerand Island Kingdom VS Jaeger Kingdom and Grand Duchy of Spar

Our MC is private of Jaeger Kingdom. At the moment war resulted in deadlock and trench warfare.

More info will be added here as story and MC progresses. Again guys I am sorry for missing that part but I got carried a way a bit.