
Butterfly Tamer in the Apocalypse

On the day that mana arrived on Earth, everything changed. Those who were worthy of the energy were blessed with unimaginable powers, but those who weren't were transformed into monstrous beasts that threatened the very survival of humanity. Enzo, a seemingly ordinary college student, is one of the chosen few who received the blessing of mana. But his powers are far from ordinary - he possesses a genius-level intellect and a fierce determination to survive in the new world that has emerged. Enzo quickly learns to harness his powers and becomes a force to be reckoned with, feared by even the most mythical of creatures. As Enzo journeys through the post-apocalyptic landscape, he encounters many ordeals, and he can only count on himself if he want to survive and live another day...

Karme · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Survivors (1)

Although the swords looked impressive, there was still a significant problem: Enzo had no idea how to use them. He could attempt to wing it, but in the long run, this would prove to be inefficient. After all, what good was having a weapon if you didn't know how to wield it properly?

Nonetheless, despite his lack of knowledge on how to wield the swords, Enzo recognized their value as a valuable asset and resolved himself to use them to the best of his abilities for as long as possible.

"I should head towards the gymnasium," Enzo muttered to himself. "There's no point in lingering amid all these monsters."

Enzo hadn't walked far before encountering what appeared to be another monster blocking his path. Hurrying his pace, he soon realized it was not a monster, but a frightened woman. She was being pursued by a zombie and appeared to be in grave danger.

"Please, help me!" She cried out, her voice carrying far and wide and inadvertently drawing the attention of nearby monsters.

"Shit, you should've shut your mouth." Enzo muttered under his breath as he broke into a sprint, his heart racing with adrenaline. In the days before the Eden's arrival on Earth, it would have taken him a considerable amount of time to travel nearly a kilometer, but after defeating more than ten monsters and improving his physical abilities, he was able to cover the distance in a matter of seconds.

With one swift slash of his short sword, Enzo sent the zombie's head flying, its body collapsing to the ground and saving the woman in the process.

"T-thank you so much." She cried tears of happiness.

"Save your thanks for later." Enzo replied, not even bothering to look at her. He needed to stay focused on the task at hand. Although only five monsters were coming at them after the woman pleaded for help, he knew he couldn't afford to let his guard down if he wanted to survive.

As expected, wielding the Lys twin sword, he easily dispatched the monsters. However, to his disappointment, he didn't receive any stat points for defeating them. He had already killed these particular monsters three times before, and they were no longer a challenge for him.

Enzo wiped the blood off his sword and turned to the woman. "Are you injured?" He asked, finally giving her his attention.

She shook her head, her eyes still filled with tears. "No, I'm okay. Thanks to you."

Enzo nodded. "Good. We need to keep moving. There may be more of them lurking around." Even though the woman wasn't in the state to comply as she was mentally exhausted, he had to force her as they had a more urgent task in hand. He couldn't stay idle after all as more monsters would come his way otherwise.

So they both run while Enzo dealt with the monsters easily. He didn't even need to use his butterflies thanks to his deadly sword. They were so strong that a single slash was enough to deal with any monsters coming his way.

After Enzo dispatched another monster, the woman spoke up, her voice hesitant. "Excuse me, may I ask your name?"

Enzo glanced at her, trying to see something, his expression unreadable. "Enzo Vermillion. Why do you ask?"

The woman fidgeted nervously. "I was just curious. I didn't think I'd encounter someone like you here."

Enzo raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, you're a skilled fighter," the woman said quickly, "and I've never seen anyone like you on the campus."

The Louvre University was a sprawling, prestigious institution that felt like a city in its own right. Its grand buildings and manicured grounds exuded an air of sophistication and importance. Every aspect of the university seemed carefully crafted to enhance its prestige and appeal to students.

From the wide variety of restaurants and cafes to the amusement parks and recreational facilities, everything was designed to cater to the needs and desires of the students. The university spared no expense in providing the best possible environment for learning and personal growth. So it was normal for someone to not know another. And with the number of people bustling in this place, it was normal to get forgotten easily, especially since a lot of influential people came from all around the world to learn there.

"I didn't really need to fight, do I?" Enzo asked as he continued walking. They both knew that Enzo wasn't known at all. Compared to other grand people, he was just a commoner. So he didn't want to dwell on such a useless question.

As he walked, Enzo kept his senses sharp, scanning his surroundings for any signs of danger. It didn't take long for him to spot another group of students up ahead. This time, there were five of them, running for their lives as a horde of monsters pursued them.

Enzo quickened his pace, drawing his twin swords from their scabbards as he ran towards the fray. He could hear the screams of the students and the snarls of the monsters growing louder with each passing second.

As he reached the scene, he leaped into action, swinging his swords with deadly precision. The monsters fell one by one, their bodies turning to dust as Enzo's blades made contact. The students, meanwhile, huddled together in fear, watching in amazement as Enzo fought off their attackers.

Enzo glanced at the students and saw that they were frozen in place, their eyes wide with fear. "Don't just stand there, back off!" He barked at them, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

The students snapped out of their daze and quickly retreated, giving Enzo more room to maneuver. As he continued to battle the monsters, he realized that there were more of them than he had anticipated. His butterflies, which had remained dormant until now, suddenly burst forth from his body, their wings shimmering with an otherworldly light.

Enzo smiled seeing that, finally deciding to use his dagger as well. With renewed strength and agility, he slashed through the monsters with ease, their bodies crumbling to dust at his feet.

As he fought, Enzo could hear the students screaming in the distance. He turned to see another group of monsters bearing down on them. Without hesitation, he charged toward the new threat, his swords flashing in the moonlight.

However, right at this moment, something blocked his short sword.

"What?" Enzo exclaimed as he was pushed back.

However, it was the end of it.

Slash, Slash, Slash!

The swings were still raining down on him, and even the protective layers of his protective butterflies weren't enough to protect him.

"Seriously what is that?" Enzo's opponent finally took a few steps back, giving him some breathing room. As they stood at a safe distance from each other, Enzo could finally see the monster that had been attacking him. "A praying mantis? Seriously? Even the bugs have turned into monsters?"

Enzo knew that this would be a tough battle. He had fought many monsters until now, but this one seemed different. It was as if this monster has evolved as much as him, probably even more. The short exchange of blows they had had was enough. Enzo could feel the strength of his opponent. His hands were already numb from the force of their clashes.

To make matters worse, Enzo saw that the praying mantis had sliced through one of his protective butterflies, cutting it in two. Enzo cursed under his breath. He knew that he couldn't afford to lose any more of his precious butterflies. They were his last line of defense, his only hope of survival. He had to find a way to defeat this monster, and fast.

Alas, the praying mantis went for another charge.