

My world was crashing around me.. everything id known had suddenly fallen apart…. Only two hours before id been happily going about my business, handling medical files and hoping for a promotion… now things were different. As I lifted my lids and looked around at my dank dirty surroundings I tugged on the bonds cutting into my wrists " Don't" at the sound of the timid voice I whipped my head around, looking for the source. There was a small woman beside me. Her greasy hair hung in strips beside her pale face but I could see she used to be beautiful, "why not? I"i asked , she looked at me with wide, frightened eyes and whispered "you'll only make it worse on yourself, we all used to fight, its not worth it, you don't know what they'll do to you…or us." At her words I calmed and looked at her and others in the room, I could see that some had been here for so long the cuffs had cut into the bone, their beautiful wings bound and their spirit crushed by the darkness…. That wasn't the worst part some were pregnant ad the look n their eyes showed they had given up all hope. Looking at the defeated woman beside me I felt a sense of hopelesness and guilt. It was my fault, id been runnning for years and these women had payed the price...hearing a noise I straightened, I wouldnt allow them to suffer on my behalf anymore, as they dragged me away I embraced what was happening, no-one else would be hurt now I was here,,besides I knew help was coming.

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