
But What About Romance?

Life is a drag, seeming to be too stationary for Mais taste. With one curious thought she asked herself "what's a good way to spend my time?" and the answer to that was agreeing to a meet up with an online stranger from a sketchy site. Little does she know "OLove" is a site for real obsessed killers to meet a partner of there dreams. Now she is left to be chased after seven different killers as more murders happen throughout her hell-spawned city.

Professor_Jelly0_0 · Urban
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3 Chs

Dirty Socks And....

The elevator shook as it took us down to the first floor. The yellow florescent lights flicker with each shake as the stained beige wall paper and seemed to partner well with the dark grey carpet. Felix fidgeted with the plastic bin in his hands as he looked around the elevator. Mina did the same as shy awkwardness creeped up her cheeks. It was strange, Felix seemed a bit different then how she previously characterised him. Never before had she seen Felix be somewhat assertive and believed him to be a timid person, granted their interactions have been limited. Maybe Mina should take a second look at her neighbor before making any assumptions, you know, like not judging a person you barely know. Mina couldn't help but have her stomach do a little dance as she nervously looked around, trying to find a way to make small talk.

"So...." Mina started slowly, collecting her charisma as time ticked by. "Is sewing something you do for fun?" Felix's eyes suddenly flick towards Mina. He blushes slightly as their eyes met. With him unable to stare into Minas eyes for too long he opted to look down at the basket in his arms.

"Y-Yes, though I guess it isn't a cool hobby..."

"What do you mean!?" Mina exclaimed. "I could see how talented you are! I can't even hold a candle to you skill right now man!" Minas shouts caused Felix to look up, even more flustered than before. "I mean look at how you stitched the bear together. You can barely see them! And when you do it's so even and clean. If I tried to do that the whole animal would end up looking like a blob!"

Felix could feel his already heated face become flushed from embarrassment. A shy smile crept along his face before widening more at the replay of her words. "R-Really? I-I don't think it would be that bad." Felix's sheepish smile caused Minas heart to thump at the rare sight. Even though his hair was still in the way for his eyes, it appeared lighter than usual. He also seemed sturdier under the light as I eyed his soft looking chin. The yellow buzzing light flickered again causing me to blink and realize that I had been starring, again.

'What is wrong with me today!?'

As I became flustered myself I look to the side and do what I must to try and not slap my face. As I slightly panic at my actions I swear I heard Felix chuckle. It was low and rich as it reverberated inside his chest. My shocked and flustered eyes glanced back at Felix's face only to see a sly smile starting to disappear.

'He...Was he laughing at me?'

Before I could fully soak the question in my brain the elevator shakes again only to come to a stop. The doors open with an aged screech as the sight of the lobby could be seen.

The same grey carpet pattern the floor with some areas browned due to water damage. Cheap sitting wear was scattered about as fake potted plants decorated the corners. The door to the outside was to our left as the front desk was at our right. Ahead of us was the now unlocked door to the laundry room we're two to three washer and dryers sat on the other side. The white lights were on and a buzz as the glass pane door allowed folks to see right through. That when I spot a shadow rush across and my fear confirmed.

'That old lady beat me to it! Again!'

I could stop the headache from forming in my head. Mrs. Arc was a resident of the apartment like I. She was a sweet old lady with short curly hair and wrinkled skin, wearing a large pink t-shirt and blue shorts as her worn lilac slippers were barely on her feet. She was a menace, don't let the sweet act fool you. I swear I fell asleep once, once, and now she insists on getting to the laundry mat before me and taking up all the washers at once. I couldn't stop the groan either that fallowed the headache as Felix looked back at me.

"S-So...are you heading in?" Felix's eyes were full of innocence as he was unaware of my dilemma. I pull a desperate smile as I readjust the bin in my hand.

"I don't think anything is available at the moment." I stated plainly as Felix's tilts his head in confusion.

"Why? It's only Mrs. Arc in there, it s-should be fine."

I only look at Felix and the door, not wanting to deal with the gezer. "You can try, but Mrs. Arc usually has all the washers running at once."

Felix shook his head as I could tell he thinks I'm exaggerating. "I-I'll go in first then, and see i-if today is an exception." Felix then proceeded to march in guns blazing as he offered Mrs. Arc a shy smile.

"G-Good morning Mrs. Arc, how are you?" Filex smiles sweetly at the old gezer.

"Oh you know me dear~" She chimed "Only tired of how slow everything is~" She huffed as she noticed that Felix had a basket in his hands full of dirty clothes. "I see that you are keeping busy today as well," Mrs. Arc moved about of the way of one of the washers and allowed Felix to start his load. "Tell me, did you take out that nice young lady yet? You talk so sweetly about her whenever we meet, it's about time-"

"Hahaha! I-I am working on that, Mrs. Arc!" Felix broke out in a fit of laughter and looked towards the door, seeing no sign of Mina. Felix dumped the clothes into the washer and shoved them down violently.

"My word!" Mrs. Arcet out an astonished cry. "What is that in your hands Felix!?" Mrs. Arc questioned the clothing that wrapped itself around Felix's arm. It was a light pink and white striped undergarment with white fringe around it. "Is that the girls-" Mrs. Arc started to muse as she let out a chuckle. "Oh my boy, to be young again~! Remember the secret to pleasure for a partner is-"

"T-Thank you, Mrs. Arc! B-But we do not have that relationship, really!"

"Not yet, my boy! But if she is as good as you say, satisfaction in sexual relations helped my husband won me over~!"

"A-Alrighty then! I'll keep that in mind!" Felix couldn't help but shout as his flushed and grossed out features rang him dry. "B-But for the record, this isn't my laundry! It's Minas!" The room went quite as Mina peeked around the doorframe.

"Y-Yeah...sorry about the confusion, Mrs. Arc."