
Business Proposal (moved to a new link)

Ever heard of arranged marriages? Well, here’s one. She saved her sister. She didn’t want or expect anything more. She thinks her adventures have ended, but what if they’ve just begun? When he’s not the person she pictured, she struggles. Will her loss heal with time? Will fate bring them close or tear them apart? Their guards lower, but just around each other. Their hearts open, but only for one another…

SapphireKnight24 · Teen
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3 Chs


Asher's POV

Waking up at 5, I hit the gym after a quick shower. Training with my brother was kicking my ass, as I was out of training for the past month. 

"Come on Asher, gimme five more," he pushed. "You said that fifty push-ups ago," I whined. "Move it lazy ass. It isn't my fault that you got shot," he said. "I know, I know," I said.

My mom and he had repeatedly told me to wear a damn vest, and I thought that I'd be fine without one. Then I got shot, and this little shit is enjoying making me suffer.

"You should've just listened to mom," he snickered. "I know. Stop rubbing it in my face" I grunted, and got up after the last push-up. "You're milking this too much. Wait till I beat your ass," I said, whipping him with the towel. 

"Yada yada yada. Stop yapping dipshit. Mom's calling us downstairs. She has pancakes, and dad had news," he said, walking out of the gym, and a long time due ass-whooping.

"Morning mama," I said, hugging her, and feeling her warmth. "Morning baby. Did you sleep well?" she asked, brushing my hair out of my face. "Mhm mhm," I said, still hugging her. "Stop hogging mom and move outta the way shit-head," my brother yelled from behind me, and I let go of my mom begrudgingly.

"Dad, you Aaron said you have news?" I asked my dad. "Yeah. We are signing an agreement with Knight," he said, to my surprise. "Knight? How on earth did that bastard agree? He'd rather go bankrupt than sign this, right?" I asked, wincing as mom slapped me upside my head.

"Language Asher," she said. "You know I'm right mama. That old piece of shit would rather sell his family than accept the fact that he is shitty in doing business. Can't ignore the way he treats people around him too. I hated him since the beginning, and I hate him more since he made a pass at you. Lucky for him, dad didn't put a bullet in his head," I said with a shrug.

"Respect Asher. Respect. Stop cussing him out," my mom said with a sigh. "Enough of this. You're going to his house, and closing this deal," my dad interrupted. "But, I agreed on one condition. You get married," he said, and all the noise in the whole house came to a halt. 

You could hear a pin drop.

"You said what dad?" I asked, just to be sure. "I, told, you that, you, are, getting, married," my dad paused each word. "Really dad? I don't want this. Like don't make decisions for me, especially without telling me," I said, getting angry with every passing second. 

"Look, Asher, this merger will bring more investors, and that is exactly what he wants. Plus, I asked him to hand over sixty percent of his shares if he wanted this. And, for your information, it was his demand for the marriage. He wanted to marry into our NAME. Not our family.

Aaron is already in a relationship. So you're the only one who can do this. I asked for the shares. He demanded marriage. It's conditional. You can get a divorce later. He needs the investors attached to our name. That is what this marriage is for," my dad explained.

"What about his daughter? The one that he'd be selling off like an object? Is she willing to be married?"

"You know him, Asher. He'll force the girl, and even threaten her, just to make sure she agrees," dad sighs.

"You just could've said no to him," I said. 

"You really think he'll stop? If marriage doesn't work with us, he'll go knocking on the Davidsons door, and god knows how awful those bastards are. In a way, you're saving the poor girl."

"Yeah, I've heard rumors that he's abusive too. By the way, it is Esme right?" I asked. "Yeah. Who else is of marriage age?" dad said.

"Wouldn't be surprised if he has a secret child. But just give me the files. I'll go over by 11," I said.

To be honest, I wasn't upset that my dad made this deal. I knew how to treat a woman right. And if this was gonna bring more profit, I was down. Yes, marriage is sacred, but to my misfortune, not a single woman can put up with me. All of my past relationships were tragic. 

They cheated, made up excuses, wanted only my money, or wanted to kill my family.

Knock knock 

"Come in," I said. "Hey, I'm not interrupting right?" my brother asked. "Nah. Come on. What's up?" I asked. "You aren't angry with dad, right? I know he had no right to give this commitment but tell him if you don't want it, alright? You know him. He will find another way to work this out," he said softly. "Aaron, dad knows me better. Yes, he did make this deal without asking me, but I'm not upset. I mean, I didn't wanna settle down any time soon, you're in a relationship so you are out of the picture, and we'll be doing the girl a favor. It's better than the Davidsons. Those bastards prey on young girls," I said, sighing. 

"Why are you this weird?" he asked. "I don't know," I said, playing it off cool.

He can't know the real reason…

"Okay then. Here are the files. Can't wait to see you at the altar," he chuckled. "Get lost dipshit," I laughed.

After saying goodbye to mom and dad, I picked out the car for the day and drove to the Knights' residence.

Shit face, aka Thomas Sullivan Knight, greeted me at the gates and took me inside his house.

"LILY OLIVER ROSALINE KNIGHT, YOU BETTER GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT LITTLE GIRL," I heard a female voice yell, as a little girl ran through the living room. "But I don't want that dress Kelly," she whined, still running around. This scene brought a chuckle out of me. Thomas was massaging his temples. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU KEEP IT DOWN? THIS IS A GODDAMN HOUSE LILY. NOT A FUCKING ZOO," he yelled at the girl Lily, making her halt in her steps.

The giggles and running died down instantly, and I was shocked. He cussed his daughter out. HE CUSSED HIS DAUGHTER OUT. In front of a stranger might I add? All that poor thing did was run around.

So he was an asshole at home too. A real piece of work he was…

Ahem. I cleared my throat, reminding him of my presence. "I'm so sorry Mr. Raymond. My children don't know how to behave in front of people," he said, giving Lily a death stare.

If only looks could kill. Poor thing would be buried 24 feet under…

"My apologies sir. That was very rude and disrespectful," Lily apologized, her look cast to the ground. "It's alright Ms. Knight. You have the freedom to run around in your house. Who am I to impose on that?" I said with a shrug, and her head whipped up at a speed that had me wincing. 

I swear I heard her neck crack…

Shock and utter confusion filled her eyes as if this was the first time she had heard such words.

"I'm sorry sir," she said again. "Stop yapping and get ready Lily. Don't make me angry," Thomas said, with a warning in his tone. "Yes father," Lily said, walking up the stairs. 

"This way Mr. Raymond. Esme, will you accompany Mr. Raymond to my office," he said, directing his question at his eldest daughter. "As you wish, father," she said.

"Follow me, Mr. Raymond," she said, walking ahead.

Esme's POV

My father was signing his merger with the Raymonds today. 

I wonder how they agreed to this. This piece of shit was almost bankrupt.

"Kelly, help me get ready," my sister Lily said, pulling me into her room. "Alright, but where are you going?" I asked. "Dad told me to get ready for his meeting. He said he'd send the dress up. But he'll prolly make a maid give it to me," she said sighing, as confusion filled my head.

He wanted her to be present for a 'meeting'?? He never does that. I accompany him. Not Lily. And a dress? For a meeting? What does he have up his sleeve now??

Shaking my head I asked, "Did you tell Gabriel about it?" "Yeah. He and I found it weird that he was getting ME ready for a meeting. Like isn't that your job?" she asked. "Yeah. But I'll be there the entire time. So you don't have to worry," I smiled, as I did her hair.

Knock knock

"Ms. Knight, Mr.Knight told me to bring this up," a maid said, handing over a bag. "Thank you," I said, before closing the door. 

Opening the bag, I took one look at the dress, before feeling the anger rise in me. 

"Come on Lily. Let's get you ready," I said.

"OH HELL NO. I AM NOT WEARING THIS FUCKING SHIT," she lost it as soon as she saw the dress.

"Baby girl, you literally have no choice here. You know what he'll do if you won't wear it, Lily."

"So, you want me to wear this piece of clothing and flash him? I am not wearing this." She said and ran out of the room. I knew what she was trynna do.

God save this girl… 🙂 🙂


"But I don't want that dress Kelly," she whined.


"I'm so sorry Mr. Raymond. My children don't know how to behave in front of people," he said, giving Lily a death stare.

Oh, so he was signing mergers with the Raymonds...

"My apologies sir. That was very rude and disrespectful," Lily apologized, her look cast to the ground. I felt my fists clenching.

"What's happening?" Gabriel, my younger brother asked, coming out of his room. "What's with all this noise? Why's the old hag yelling?" he asked.

"Long story. But he's yelling at Lily. I gotta get her out of there. Be in my room. I'll explain later."

I was ready to march down there and pull my sister out before I heard a voice.

"It's alright Ms. Knight. You have the freedom to run around in your house. Who am I to impose on that?"

Deep, smooth, velvety, strong and powerful…

I felt it in my stomach…


"I'm sorry sir," Lily said again. "Stop yapping and get ready Lily. Don't make me angry," father said, with a warning in his tone. "Yes father," Lily said, walking up the stairs. 

"This way Mr. Raymond. Esme, will you accompany Mr. Raymond to my office," he said, directing his question at me. "As you wish, father," I said.

"Follow me, Mr. Raymond," I said, walking ahead.

We turned down the second hallway when he spoke. 

"Nice home you've got here Ms.Knight."

"Thank you, Mr. Knight. But it's just four walls, with a roof over it. I wouldn't call it a home," I said with a shrug.

Silence followed after that.

"Please wait here, Mr. Raymond. Would you like some coffee?" I asked as he settled on the couch.

"No formalities Ms. Knight. Will you be there for the meeting?" 

"Not sure Mr. Raymond. I'll be there if my father needs me," I said walking out and shutting the door.

I turned around a corner when my mother gripped my elbow.

"Where is Esme? This meeting is important for her. Where is she?" she asked.

"Calm your tits woman. I'll get her ready," I said, shrugging off her arm and walking away.

"Lily, are you ready, lovebug?" I asked as I pushed open the room door.

"Fucking hell Esme. She isn't wearing that," Gabriel seethed.

"Lily?" I asked one last time.

"Nope. Not happening," she said.

"Alright. Get up. You're wearing my dress. I'll wear that," I said, walking into my closet.

"You are not wearing that rag Esme," Gabriel's voice followed me.

"Better me than her Gab," I said, shuffling through the smallest-sized clothes I owned.

Hey guys, I hope you had a glimpse of the characters... Leave your opinions about them. You can also give me ideas of things you'd like to see in the book.

Live love and laugh... Enjoy your lives...

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Jeff <3<3

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