

Get in" he says and I stop to weigh my options. I ignore his offer and start to run home on my own when the chasers burst out of the forest and sight me. They start chasing me and the car comes closer with the door still open. "Get in" he shouts and I shrug "How can I be sure you are not with them and after my life also" I ask and he smiles. The smile was so sinister you could feel the devilish emotion behind it "if I was you would be long dead" he replies and I t felt more like a threat than a sentence. The sentence sends shivers down my spine. Once I get myself I roll my eeyesat the behaviour. What a proud asshole. I look behind me and the chasers were getting closer. I was finally in the middle of the devil and the deep sea. Just as the chasers get close enough I choose the lesser devil and jump into the van. Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen.  A single tragedy turns his whole life upside down. Now he has to leave his home, family and everything he has known his whole life to a new world and life he knows nothing about and to spoil it all. He is being hunted by an all powerful being. Follow Jason on his magical and unearthing journey to becoming the most powerful being to step this planet.

Ipadeola_Ifeoluwa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs



The light kept growing and I didn't even notice I was already levitating. I keep glowing and every part of me was ahinning a bright gold from my eyes to my hair to my skin. Every part of me was accepting the light of power. The crystals with the elders all begin to float into the air and surround me. 

Out of nowhere a crown and bracelet appears floating with the rest of the crystals and rests in front of my floating body. All I could still feel and see was the continuous flow of power into my body. The crystals begin to revole round me at a speed faster than normal but I could still see it clearly. The crystals were all shinning brightly and it was like they could also feel the energy in the environment. They keep revolving round me increasing speed and brightness.

Until they all finally attach themselves to the crown and bracelet. The golden crystal was the last to attach to it and it sent a strong wave of energy and power round the crowd. I start to feel my body once again and notice every single crystal in the room was glowing brighter than I have ever seen them do. 

I finally land on my feet and the light dims till there is no crystal shinning. Everyone was looking at me in awe and the unnecessary attention was a lttle annoying and scary. They finally get themselves and a resounding applause was given to me.

The applause started with the royal family and their entourage and moved to every single living person in the temple. I look at my hand and see the bracelet resting there and could feel the crown on my head. Is till can't phantom how a crown comes from mid air and where it came from. I face the elders and they keep chanting for a while before the Chief Elder walks up to me. He holds me hand and walks up the podium to face the crowd.

"Great people of Taslania I present to you our very own manipulator of all crystal branches, Prince Jason Dawson." He says and another round of applause followed. I smile and wave at them as the elders leave the podium leaving me all alone there. I walk down back to my seat beside Tom.

"Congratulations brother, powerful manipulators are rare" he says and I roll my eyes

"You use rare? More like extinct" I reply and he chuckles.

"I just never saw the crown and bracelet appearance coming. The Regal Cheink is not something that just appears for just anyone" He says and I perk up interested in anything that might help me understand the things happening.

"What do you mean by the Regal Cheink?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I have forgotten you are clueless" he says and I give him the stink eye "I'm just joking. The Regal Cheink is the crown and bracelet of the first King of Taslania and the only manipulator that existed before you. No one has been able to touch it since his death not to talk of wearing it. It makes sense it will find you since you are the only manipulator after him this world has had. It fits you though" he says whispering in a low voice. He was trying to explain it to me without gaining the attention of everyone.

"Another thing that makes me more special. Isn't it?" I say in a dull tone and he chuckles.

"Cheer up, it is a good thing" he says but I just couldn't get the cave out of my mind. I really thought I would die in there. Thinking back to it the fireman was an asshole.

" You remain here and your body remains in a vegetative state for a while until you can get 4 elements. Though after about 6 months you die" he says in a sinister tone and fear sets in. I just called their bullshit. No one will ever want to give me their element. I am really done for completely. I really thought I would die until they speak again.

"There is another option though. The Snow lady says glaring the fireman.

"I need to hear it" I reply and she smiles.

"You can go back now without any element choosing you and live your life out a normal person with no responsibilities or powers whatsoever" she says and I couldn't believe my ears. This is what I have always wanted my whole life. A normal life where I could just be like every other person and not live my life scared of what I might do next or who I might harm next. It sounded so enticing and I was about to accept the offer when I see Nic face in my head.

He was so happy he found a manipulator. He saw me as a light at the end of the tunnel. I remember Isaac final words to me about allowing him witness history being made. I rember the glint in Elias and Sheila eyes when they realised there was someone that could help them win the war. I remember Tom's happiness when he found out he had a manipulator for a big brother.

I remember the pride, love,admiration, respect and most importantly hope in the eyes of the whole crowd who were here. I can not just ignore all these people expectation and snuff out the little glimmer of hope these people have of survival.

"So what will it be?" She asks and I take a deep breath thinking we'll before replying.

"It is a very enticing offer but I will have to refuse it. I truly do not want any of this power you guys think you can give. I just want a normal life but a lot of people's expectations and future is resting on me. If there is any chance that me being a manipulator will put smiles on a lot of faces and save lives I have to give it a try. I will allow you guys decide if you want to make people cry or smile" I say adding that last part for emotional effect.

"Very selfless, we respect that" the twins says and I smile "Now it is time we decide what elements he has. Each keeper that wants to bless him with their elements can do that now starting with air. Let the choosing ceremony begin" the twins says in their weird way and I was kinda getting used to it already.

The air man walks up to me and conjures a ball of air with lightning inside it. He reaches me and places the element on my head and I feel the power enter me.

"Use the power of air wisely. It might be invisible but it is dangerous." He says and I thank him as he goes back to his seat. The woman beside him also walks up to me. She conjures a box of rocks with plants growing on them and places it on my head. My body absorbs the power and she smiles.

"The earth can heal but can also destroy. You make the choice" she says and walks back to her seat smiling. The Ion guy gets up and walks up to me too but this time he was holding a star made made of pure molecules in their most minute form. He places it on my heart and my body absorbs it.

"Understanding thingsim their tiniest and most minute form gives you control over them and how they are wired" he says and walks back to his seat. Three down one to go. The twins remain seated and the water lady walks up to me with a ball of water floating on her palm. She tosses it at me and instead of getting wet the water is absorbed into my body. She seems like the playful one.

"Water is calm and collected but when angry it clears everything in its path. You can either be a smooth river or a flood." She says and walks back to her seat skipping. Four is complete at least I won't end up a vegetable for months.

I really thought it was over as nobody moves for minutes. All eyes was on the fire man and he takes his time before standing up. He walks up to me frowning. He conjures a fireball made of lava.

"I see a fire burning inside of you. Don't let anything snuff out the fire. Fire can be dangerous and destructive most time but it gives heat in cold times. Always remember that" he says and places the fireball on my head and walks away as my body absorbs it.

The Ice queen stands up and walks up to me in her whole regal style. She smiles at me after conjuring a shard of ice as she gets close.

"You are selfless but you need to be callous and cold-hearted to survive in the world you are going back to. Ice and Cold can be cool but when it gets too much it becomes dangerous. Ice can take any form you want it to but discipline determine the impact" she says warning me and I nod as she stabs me in the chest with the shard. I was scared at first but when I don't feel any pain because my body absorbs the ice I calm down. She throws me a sly smirk before going back to her seat.

I really thought it was over until the twins get up. I hear gasps from every other person in the room.

"But you guys have never given anyone control over your element before" the fireman says standing up. He really is the antagonist of my story right? I don't even know why he gave me his power.

"Yes we haven't and that is because no one has ever passed the test. He passed the darkness test because even though he has his bright light of a side he also embraces his dark side. His light and darkness bothe coexist in harmony and only such a person can use our power" the twins says and the fireman sits back as they walk up to me. Once they get close they both conjures two halves of a ball and merge it together. The two sides don't mix at all as they place it on my head.

My body absorbs it and unlike the rest the power was enormous. I stagger a little but get my feet back once I had fully absorbed it.

"There is no light without darkness. Let your light shine brightly and illuminate the world but don't forget the darkness that lives in you because it keeps you in check. With great power comes greater responsibility" they both say in a more synchronised voice before going back to their seats.

The earth woman opens the cave wall and once I hear it I turn to see if it was really open. It turn back to speak to them but they were all gone. There was no sign they even existed or were here. What a weird set of people. I walk out of the room and head to the opening of the cave where grandpa was. The moment he sees me he jumps for joy and pulls me in a hug.

"Thank the gods somerlements chose you. I thought you would have used those snarky comments of your to end any chance at all" he says excited and I chuckle

"I did give my sparky comments but they still decided to give me their powers anyway." I reply and he was a little surprised but he brushes it off and looks me over for a while before speaking.

"So what element keepers chose you?" He asks and I smile

"Everyone" I reply and he laughs.

"You are kidding right?" He asks and I shake my head "but that is impossible, this is the first time the twin keepers have ever chosen an avatar but they chose you. Something is coming and they gave you that power so you can be prepared for it" he says and I nod in understanding.

"We have a lot of catching up to do Gramps. What are you doing here though? Why didn't you go to heaven when you died like every other person?" I ask and he smiles

"We don't have much time you have to get back to your body soon because the link is fading. I am a guardian of the elemental realm and I came here because I am a manipulator and this is where we come when we die. You have to go now" he says pushing me towards s shinning light that I came through.

"Do you mean I will also end up here? And why can't I just stay a little longer so we can catch up?" I ask and he shakes his head rigorously.

"Listen to me kiddo, you see that light it is your only way back home and if it disappears you will remain here for life and we don't want that." He stops as we get to the front of the fading light and faces me "Kiddo I don't know what the future holds for you but I know you have a lot of people counting on you both on earth and in Taslania." He says and I burst into tears since this might be our final time seeing each other.

"I know and I don't think i can reach up to their expectation. I need you grandpa I can't do this" I say tears falling down my face and my heart breaking slowly.

"You don't need me anymore. I have my place here and you have your place with your family and friends. They will all be there for you. You can do this Jason, you are strong, confident and powerful. Never forget that" he says and I burst into a wail and hug him

"I don't want to let go Gramps but it is the only thing I can do. I'm just grateful and happy I got to say good bye. Goodbye Gramps" I say and he smiles at me.

"Goodbye kiddo manipulator, now you have to go" he says hastily and I look at the light. It has almost faded completely. I jump through it and finally I fall back into my body. Thinking of it now I never expected the Keepers to give me their elements but I'm haply they did because not I have a better chance at making my grandpa proud. I smile at that thought and Tom nudges my elbow with a smile on his face.

"At least we are in this together" he says and I nod. I don't know what I would have done without him. After a brief announcement by the Royal Secretary and a speech by the Chief of the Council Joseph Gunber with me standing half of the period the main ceremony was finally ove.

Now we have to move to the Gifting Ceremony.