

Get in" he says and I stop to weigh my options. I ignore his offer and start to run home on my own when the chasers burst out of the forest and sight me. They start chasing me and the car comes closer with the door still open. "Get in" he shouts and I shrug "How can I be sure you are not with them and after my life also" I ask and he smiles. The smile was so sinister you could feel the devilish emotion behind it "if I was you would be long dead" he replies and I t felt more like a threat than a sentence. The sentence sends shivers down my spine. Once I get myself I roll my eeyesat the behaviour. What a proud asshole. I look behind me and the chasers were getting closer. I was finally in the middle of the devil and the deep sea. Just as the chasers get close enough I choose the lesser devil and jump into the van. Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen.  A single tragedy turns his whole life upside down. Now he has to leave his home, family and everything he has known his whole life to a new world and life he knows nothing about and to spoil it all. He is being hunted by an all powerful being. Follow Jason on his magical and unearthing journey to becoming the most powerful being to step this planet.

Ipadeola_Ifeoluwa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs



The noise of stuffs being moved around by a very sluggish person was what woke me the next morning. I was about to pull my covers over my head when I realized I wasn't in my bedroom. I jerk up and all the events of yesterday came rushing back. I really hoped it was all a dream I would wake from but it turned out to all be reality. I take a look around and most of the cases and boxes were missing and so were my captors.

I really thought they had left me and gone and I don't know why I felt bad about it. Iget up to find out why I was all alone when someone walk in. I scream in surprise before turning to find Nic behind me

"Holy fuck you scared the living daylight out of me" I say holding my chest and trying to catch my breath "where were you guys" I ask and he takes the remaining boxes trying to move them out. 

"We woke up early and felt we should give you time to sleep a little more before leaving but now that you are awake, just get ready and we will be on our way" he says heading out the door with the boxes. He stops midway and faces me "oh I almost forgot , there is a bag with your stuffs beside the bed. Isaac took the courtesy of searching the car this morning and found the bag you were on when we were running for our lives" he says and I was too shocked to reply so he leaves me to my thoughts. 

I guess they were going to kidnap me anyways. I find the bag and begin to go through it. it had about 2 change cloths and a few of my picture and my headphones and all the other stuffs that were in my car I was able to get out before it blew into oblivion. I pick one of the clothes and walk into the bathroom. I take a quick hot shower and change into the clothes consisting of a black baggy hoodie and grey sweatpants with black tennis boots. 

I come out fully dressed and find the room completely empty except for my backpack and the chain grandpa gave me when I was born on the bedside cupboard. I put it on and feel tears brimming but I push it back in and walk out the door to the van.

They were both there already so we wont be waiting for anyone. Isaac opens the door for me and I thank him for getting the bag. He waves it off and we sit behind the van and Nic voice breaks in

"We ready to roll" he asks and we both nod "Well then road trip it is" he says jokingly and the next thing we know we are driving out of the motel and onto the highway.

We drive for hours but unlike the other night this ride was less silent and more chatty in a way. For a while we rode in silence until Isaac started asking me questions about myself and other stuffs. At first it was weird but later it became comfortable because it became a conversation about our lives. I told all about myself at least all I know and he returned the favor by telling me about himself and it helped me know him more him more. 

I found out we were more alike than I thought, he was also a loner, smart and fun to be around. Turns out he had a younger sister who is still in middle school and that his father is a politician of sorts. We were still chatting when I see Nic has driven into the woods but unlike the one in my estate he was familiar with this one. 

Now I was on edge because my last chasers met me in the woods so I think I have a little phobia for being in the woods with strangers. Even though this people are starting to feel more comfortable to be around they are still practically strangers, fuck I just met them yesterday. I consider stealing Isaac's phone to call my parent but I bury the idea as soon as I remember the mercenaries that are after my life. I remain on my seat but a little too silent and jittering that Isaac notices and speaks 

"you don't have to be scared I promise we are the good guys, we won't hurt you in any way" he says and I scoff 

"that doesn't explain why you are bringing me to the woods in the middle of nowhere. Seems like you are preparing to slaughter me without interference" I reply and they both burst into laughter 

"stop being paranoid kid no one is slaughtering anyone, you say it like you are one sacrificial lamb" Nic replies in between fits of laughter and I felt a little embarrassed. I loosen up a little but the fear for my life still remained. We finally reach an empty spot in the woods that had no tree for about 20yards. 

That's weird. Isaac gets down and brings out stuffs from the car that looks like 4 electromagnetic poles of sort. He went to the clear land and set up the poles in a perfect square. He presses a few buttons on them before taking a tablet out of his bag.

He presses different things on the tablet and the polls start to emit golden energy and once it was a perfect and huge ball it bursts and I had to shield my eyes from the effect. They both stayed unshaken because they were both used to it. 

Once I turn back to it what I saw made me speechless. Looming in front of me was a 15ft long and 30ft wide golden wormhole and it was beautiful

"What is this and how, how is any of it even possible" I ask stuttering and by now Isaac was beside me. He whispers into my ears "magic" and flares his fingers. I roll my eyes and face Nic

"what is that exactly" I ask and he replies smiling widely 

"our way home" he replies and I shook my head vigorously. He has got to be joking to believe this is his way home. What happened to driving? 

"there is no way I'm entering into that thing" I say pointing to it scared it might swallow me whole and disintegrate me 

"well you have no choice. Get in" Nic says and I stand my ground. I fold my arms arm as he walk up to me "pls kid I don't have the luxury of time. Get in the vehicle and let us go" he pleads and I shook my head, there is no way in hell I'm going into a wormhole conscious

"you left me no choice" he says raising both arms and walking up to me slowly and once he is close enough he lifts me over his shoulder and starts taking me to the van. I kick and refuse nonstop but it was like he was made of metal. He didn't even budge until he had dropped me in the van and locked the door. I sit there defeated and Isaac throws me an apologetic look. 

"Home sweet home here we come" was all he said before driving straight into the wormhole. I close my eyes as the transport felt like it was falling down rocky mountain but thank the stars it only lasted a few minutes before our car was back to normal speed and movement.

I open my eyes and at once I knew we weren't in the woods anymore. This place was way different from where we were before, the air felt fresher and more conducive and the energy in the environment was choking. To top it, it was night here and we left the woods at midday. 

There was too much power flying round this place and it was like being high on energy. Nic continues to drive and Isaac pulls back the portal by pressing his tablet and the poles floated after the car and landed right beside him. Now I wasn't only surprised but very scared 

"where are we and how did that happen" I ask pointing to the poles and Nic replies

"home and I'm sure everything would be cleared soon enough" he says and that was it, I was tired of being lied to and the short answers. My anger was boiling and I didn't know but I felt a different kind of power in me that bursts as I screamed. 

"Enough" I shouted and I felt the power leave my body. Every single equipment powered by one form of energy or the other dies immediately. I cannot explain it but I could feel it before I saw it happen. The car also died so I push the door open and jump out

"I have had enough of you guys keeping stuffs from me. First you kidnap me from my family, now you bring me to God knows where and expect me to just follow your lead like a puppy. That's not gonna work. So you better tell me all I want to know or I'm not going nowhere with you" I say my anger boiling the more I speak. Nic walks towards me with hands in front of him slowly

"you have to calm down or you are going to kill us all with that blast building up in you. I promise I will tell you all I can but you have to calm down first. I look at my hand they were shinning a bright gold like they were the sun itself. I turn to face Isaac and see him cowering in fear far from me and that sight alone was enough to calm me. I close my eyes and take deep breaths until I finally feel calm.

I open my eyes and my body was not shinning anymore but back to its normal tone "now start talking" I say in a stern voice and we seat at the back of the van with the doors open.

"First I've got to say that was dope" Isaac says very giddy when he is calm enough to speak and you would not believe he was the same person cowering in fear a while ago. I face Nic not paying him.any attention and once he sees I'm not dropping it he speaks. 

"Well we are not going anywhere soon so we might as well make good use of this time" he pauses before continuing "Normally we have to get the permission of the king before telling an outsider or newbie about us but for you we can make an exception" he says and Isaac cuts in 

"Finally, some truth" and Nic glares him down "as I was saying before I was interrupted. You are no longer on earth but on another planet called Taslania" Nic says and I laugh 

"was that your best shot, you really expect me to believe that thing was a portal that took us to another planet" I say amidst laughter but he kept a serious look through it all "wait you are serious" I ask and they both nod "holy fucking shit, I'm on another planet" I ask and their silence confirms it. I take a while to take it in and nod him to continue which he does 

"Taslanians are not like humans, even though we look the exact same we are different because of what we can do. I'm sure you have seen each of us do some unimaginable things within the short while you have been with us and have even a few of your own.

I can't go into details right now until you see the king but what I can tell is that of all Taslanians you are the most special. That is why the mercenaries were after you and why we brought you to this planet. To understand you and help you reach your full potential." He explains and everything started to piece together. What I can do and why I can do it, the mercenaries powers and even the portal and the different feeling of the energy in this environment. 

"If I get you right you mean I'm also Taslanian" I ask and they nod "and I have a power unlike anyone else that dangerous people would do anything to get their hands on" I ask and they nod again "beautiful, just beautiful" I say trying to make sense of it all. "So where is this king of yours let's meet him and get this over with" I ask and Nic frowns and faces the car 

"though I know you didn't do it purposely you just drained the power in the car and all our equipment. We have to walk" he says and Isaac mumbles angrily before walking away and I move to the front of the car 

"I'm not sure I can get all the equipment back because I don't even know how I did it but I can try for the car" I say and they both laugh

"you know nothing about using power how will you fix it" Isaac asks amused and I smile 

"Ever since I was a kid every time I get angry or furious the car stops so my grandpa taught me how to get it working." I reply and they were both shocked. I close my eyes and feel for the energy in the environment. I feel for the energy in the elements and the universe itself and fill myself with it. 

Once I'm filled I put my hand on the bonnet of the car and pass that energy into it. I focus on letting it flow from me into the vehicle and immediately the car comes to life. I open my eyes and see both of them shell shocked and smile to myself "can we go now" I ask mockingly and they nod and scramble into the vehicle and Nic drives. 

Now to meet the king