
Burnt— by Juliette Caesar

Believe half of what you hear, and none of what you see.

Jv_Author_Aziz · Fantasy
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57 Chs

41. B. Born lucky


He arrived early in the morning, and Angelina rushed down as soon as her mother called. 

Logan was two years older than her, just turning fifteen. His dark hair was a mess as always, but other than that, he was as immaculately dressed as always.

Angelina didn't hesitate before tackling him into a fierce hug "You're here!"

He stumbled back a little, holding her just as tightly with a short laugh "Hello, Angel."

"Did you bring me a gift?" Angelina pulled back, rocking on her toes excitedly 

"How could I forget?" He gestured at a box placed neatly on the table in the front hallway

After their first meeting, Logan had always brought a gift for her. Everything ranging from exquisite daggers to pearly earrings. The only condition was that during his stay, it would be their time. No one else got to butt in.