
Burnt— by Juliette Caesar

Believe half of what you hear, and none of what you see.

Jv_Author_Aziz · Fantasy
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57 Chs

38. Lies. Deceit. Fraud.

"This will be luxurious, top notch, international event. It's a privilege that we're sending you to such an elite class affair." Adam said sarcastically "Lies. Deceit. Fraud."

They were all laying on mattresses arranged on the floor of some sort of sports wing, bored out of their minds. The whole day was rather uneventful, since before anyone of them even won at last night's fight, they were discovered by Anna's assistant David, who teleported them back to their wing in a panic.

In the evening, they'd been told they would all sleepover in the sports wing.

'Love and friendship bloom in natural environments.' Anna had said with a dreamy sigh 'All of you are so full of young passion, I'm jealous.'

They all knew it was probably an excuse as their hosts made a new list of events.

"Shut up, pipsqueak," Lars growled "Your muttering isn't making anything better."