
Burnt— by Juliette Caesar

Believe half of what you hear, and none of what you see.

Jv_Author_Aziz · Fantasy
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57 Chs

30. Corpses don't feel cold

"Tell me again," Vincent groaned "Why aren't we taking a car to the airport?"

Ethan and his inner circle was currently at the nearest train station, waiting for the 5 am train to arrive. It was still dark, and even with all the layers they had on, the cold was persistent. Even Tyler had put on a coat.

"Because everyone knows I'm the one going to the Luna's Gambit," Ethan said, rubbing his gloved hands "And we don't have enough people free to escort us to the airport. Most of the council thinks I'm a luxury loving brat, so the train won't be expected."

"Why are people always out for our blood?" Vincent grumbled, arms crossed tightly to keep himself warm "Get a life already."

"You knew what you were signing up for when you joined the pack." Tyler told him

The news of possible trouble from Kieran or Lyon had originally reached the beta, and he and Ethan had decided Tyler would accompany them till they were on their flight.