
Burnt— by Juliette Caesar

Believe half of what you hear, and none of what you see.

Jv_Author_Aziz · Fantasy
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57 Chs

29. Special chapter: Tyler's POV

Most nights, he hardly slept.

Tyler stared at the ceiling of his room, sorting his thoughts. He needed to put together a team to find the Lone Wolf, and in Ethan's absence, he had to make sure no one came looking for trouble. There was also the matter of the kid from the Alpha bloodline, Kevin.

Tyler didn't approve of the decision per say, but he had never really opposed Ethan's decisions. He was the Alpha, and his word was final.

Or at least he had never opposed Ethan before. Recent events had changed that.

He considered his conversations with Ethan today and yesterday. A part of him was disappointed in his own conduct, but every other part was seething at what the Alpha was doing.

Mostly, Tyler could tell what Ethan was thinking, he'd almost forgotten that was only because Ethan let him read between the lines.

He was entirely capable of giving away nothing, and this day was a sharp reminder.