
Burnt— by Juliette Caesar

Believe half of what you hear, and none of what you see.

Jv_Author_Aziz · Fantasy
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57 Chs

15. Emissary

Alpha Luke called her in his office.

Angelina knocked on the heavy wood and let herself in when he called.

He seemed… cold.

Unease pricked her skin as Angelina offered him a customary nod "Alpha Supreme, you wanted to see me?"

"Sit, Angelina."

The hard tone of his voice confirmed her suspicions. Something was horribly wrong here.

She sat down in a visitor's chair.

"You know one of our guests was," Alpha Luke paused to look for the right words "Disposed of, during the party, yes?"

Throat dry, Angelina only nodded.

"I searched the scene and I found something," Alpha Luke reached for a drawer and pulled out a small plastic bag

Inside it, Angelina could barely make out a single, long red hair.

Her mind was racing a million miles per second, going through every possible scenario.

"Elise was also looking for you after the incident, because you weren't anywhere at the party."

Elise won't let Alpha Luke kill her, that was a given. At the most, he'd kick her out of the pack. She had to leave eventually. This would save her the hassle of finding an excuse later.

Angelina drew in a deep breath, strengthening her resolve.

"I did it." The words came out stronger than she'd expected

Angelina fisted her hands in her lap, heart pounding hard against her ribcage. She lifted her chin to meet the Alpha Supreme's gaze, steel in her own.

Only to watch his expression morph into surprise.

Alpha Luke set down the bag and watched her closely.


Angelina started "P-Pardon?"

"Why would you do that? Did she attack you? Was it an accident?"

"I, Alpha, that," She pressed her eyes shut

This was worse than accusations. He was trying to understand, as if she was truly a part of this pack. As if he would help.

"Did you think I would announce a punishment?" Alpha Luke's voice was thoughtful

"Yes," Angelina looked intensely at her lap "As you should."

"You didn't answer my question. Why?"

Angelina looked up, debating her options. To lie or tell the truth. Both would get her in a lot of mess.

Some sort of understanding crossed the Alpha Supreme's face. He leaned back in his chair.

"Whatever you tell me wont leave this room." He said, not unkindly "Tell me the real reason, and we'll see what we can do."

To lie or tell the truth.

Her nails dug into her palms. Lies would eventually run out.

"I knew her," Angelina whispered "A long time ago."

Alpha Luke didn't comment, simply waited.

Angelina let out a shaky breath "Before Mum took me, five years ago, I knew Talia due to… mutual acquaintances. She didn't take seeing me again very well."

"Morgan said your previous pack was wiped out in a rogue raid." Alpha Luke raised his brows "And Talia is from Germany. What sort of acquaintance was it?"

All the words she hadn't spoken in years bubbled to her mouth.

"I knew Alpha Thornwood."

This time Alpha Luke's brows reached his hairline.

"Not very well," Angelina hurried to add

"Why wasn't Talia pleased to see you then? What did you do?"

"Nothing," Angelina tried to quell her fury "They knew my parents. And whatever grudge they held with them, they seek to take it out on me."

Silence stretched out in the room. Angelina thought that would be it, that was as much of the truth as she was willing to tell.

"Who were you parents?"

Angelina snapped her head up to meet his gaze. Alpha Supreme studied her with narrowed eyes.

"Lycans." Angelina answered dumbly

"That's not what I asked." Alpha Luke's eyes narrowed further "I've noticed something odd about your scent recently and I can't quiet place it."

This was the moment she'd been dreading. Angelina ran her thumb subconsciously over her finger, where the ring used to be but now wasn't.

A hundred lies rose to her mouth, but Angelina was so sick and tired of lies just the thought was revolting.

She took a deep breath.

"Have you heard of Lone Wolves, Alpha?"

Alpha Luke arched a brow "In bedtime stories."

Angelina resisted the urge to shoot him a sharp look "In any history books?"

"Only that they were the personal guard of the royal Lycans," Alpha Luke said "And that all of them were killed during the Vampire war."

They weren't just guards. They were the most brutal and efficient soliders of the kingdom, with power beneath only the Lycan King himself. Bloodshed was in their nature.

"Not all." Angelina looked away

"Are you saying, that your parents were part of them?" Alpha Luke looked almost amused "You can't be serious, Angelina."

This time she did shoot him a sharp look "Then I suppose this conversation is over."

He sobered up "What does Alpha Thornwood have to do with that?"

"I don't know," Angelina said, truthfully this time "All I know is that his father had a deal with mine, and when my father backed out—"

She cut herself off, afraid her voice would betray emotion.

"I see," Alpha Luke said somberly "Now they want to hold you accountable for that?"

'Not that,' Angelina thought darkly, 'they want to hold me for something else entirely.'

"They think I'm dead," Angelina said quietly "And when Talia saw me, she was going to take me there, dead or alive."

Silence again. Alpha Luke sighed, rubbing his temple.

"And now she's dead." He said "I understand your situation, Angelina, but the one that has issued isn't great either. You should've told me before. Intercontinental peace is already fragile as it is."

"You still don't believe what I said."

"Maybe you're parents lied to you. Lone Wolves aren't real. And if they were, they're not anymore."

It would've been a good policy to let him believe that. It would've been great, in fact.

But with everything she'd just confessed a part of her was pissed that he didn't believe her.

Angelina leaned forward and put her elbow on the table.

"Alright, lets conduct a test."

Alpha Luke eyed her hand "You honestly want to arm wrestle?"

She'd been out of physical training for a long time now, but the first thing she'd learned after talking was how to throw a punch. She could handle this.

Angelina nodded.

For a moment she thought he'd deny, but then Alpha Luke set his elbow on the table.

She pinned his hand down in a second.

Angelina glared at him "You didn't even try!"

"And break your hand? Elise would kill me."

"Try," Angelina looked at him dead in the eye "For real this time."

Whatever the alpha saw on her face did the trick. Competitiveness flickered in his gaze.

He was the Alpha Supreme, and he did have the strength to break someone's hand with the slightest pressure.

Though right now he was having some trouble.

"This is unbelievable," Alpha Luke gritted out, the veins on his hands bulged, but their hands remained where they were

"I hadn't noticed," Angelina tightened her jaw

This time when his hand slammed on the wooden desk, it broke from impact.

Both of them stared at the broken wood, breathing hard.

Angelina flexed her fingers, marveling at the rush of adrenaline in her veins. It had been… so long since she'd used that inherent power.

It felt great.

"So they do exist," Alpha Luke murmured, looking at his own palm. He looked back at Angelina "Morgan is your aunt, isn't she a Lone Wolf?"

"Mum and my biological mother are like any other Lycan," Angelina said "Papa was a Lone Wolf."

"How did you make this go away?" Alpha Luke asked "Someone must've noticed."

Angelina brushed her thumb against her finger again.

"After I… ran from Alpha Thornwood's people, I went to a witch," Angelina said "She owed my father a debt. She said she'd conceal my powers until a time when her debt was paid."

"That was recently?"

Angelina nodded. Alpha Luke sat down in his chair again, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Alpha," Angelina hesitated "Now that I'm no longer… invisible, I should leave the pack. If anyone finds me, things will get complicated. After this incident, you even have a reason—"

"I have a better idea." Alpha Luke cut her off "You have to lay low until this matter is resolved and after what you've told me, it's best if we clean this mess when you're away. I know just what to do about that."

"What?" Angelina braced herself

"I'm sending you to another pack as our emissary."

"That's not a safe option!" Angelina blurted "My scent—

"Would be different because of being from a different pack." Alpha Luke held up a hand "As our emissary, you'll be safe. Until I find a way to deal with all of this, you'll remain there. I will not have Alpha Thornwood make his revenge a reason for more dispute."

Frustration built up in her throat. He wasn't taking any of it seriously.

Angelina ran her mind through the worst case scenarios, and tried to release the tension in her shoulders with a deep breath.

Ironically, because he was taking things so lightly, it meant Alpha Luke thought the whole situation to be under control. That was good, the more trivial he thought the problem to be, the less attention he'd give it, and the quicker it would be forgotten.

"Very well," she finally said "Where am I going, Alpha, and when?"

"To Alpha Parks' territory. Tomorrow."