
Burnt— by Juliette Caesar

Believe half of what you hear, and none of what you see.

Jv_Author_Aziz · Fantasy
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57 Chs

13. Entourage

Angelina cleaned the blood from her dress.

She had never been more glad to have washed a million clothes in the past five years, knowing exactly what to do.

She dried the water with a drier and started pacing her room.

Talia was dead. The thought sent a cold shiver down her spine. She wished she was the sort of person to cry, to lament the loss of a life, no matter the reason.

But she wasn't that person. She was the person to evaluate what to do if anyone found out, the person who thought the threat was neutralized.

But it wasn't. Not really. She had no clue who else was with her. She couldn't have come alone.

What could Alpha Luke want with them? They were from another continent. Why would he call them here?

'Did they figure out I'm here?' Her palms were getting clammy. But no, Talia was surprised to find her here.

The door to her room flew open.

"Burning Hell!" Angelina jumped, a hand pressed to her chest

"Oh thank heavens!" Elise crossed the room "Are you alright? Where were you?"

"I had to call Mum," Angelina felt her skin prickling with the lie "What happened?"

"Luke had called a delegation from Alpha Thornwood's council," Elise ran a hand through her hair "We just found her— dead."

Angelina didn't need to fake the sharp breath she sucked in.

Alpha Thornwood's council. She swallowed thickly.

"I was so worried when I couldn't find you," Elise hugged her, letting out a breath "I'm glad you're alright."

Angelina wrapped her arms around her, tightly.

"No one knows about this yet," Elise said "The girl who found her— we told her to keep it a secret until we find out what happened. Don't wander anywhere alone, yeah?"

'If only you knew', She pressed her eyes shut, as if they would shut the truth out as well. 'I'm the most dangerous thing out here.'

But she didn't say that. She didn't say anything at all.

Ethan sat in the Alpha Supreme's office.

His inner circle had refused to let him come alone.

'If he wants to make threats,' Victoria had said fiercely 'He better make them against all of us.'

He didn't know if it was his imagination, but Alpha Luke looked more pissed off than he'd expected.

"I don't remember asking you to bring an entourage," His lips circled in distaste

"In case you decide to dispose of me." Ethan said with exaggerated humbleness "Someone needs to carry my corpse back."

Luke looked a little more annoyed, but Ethan didn't feel particularly careful right now.

He'd spent last night trying not to let certain memories take over every shred of sanity he had left. He could handle a bit of Alpha Luke's wrath.

"Why did Kieran say what he said last night?" Alpha Supreme asked

Ethan shrugged "It's no secret he hates me with seething passion."

"It makes no sense," Alpha Luke narrowed his eyes "No one would place such a heavy accusation without some proof."

Tension swirled in the room. Ethan could almost feel his inner circle bristling. He shouldn't have let them come.

"Then what am I doing here, Alpha?" Ethan asked "You'd be better off discussing this with Kieran."

"He said you killed his sister."

"I did no such thing." Ethan snapped, too late to catch his own anger

Alpha Supreme raised his brows "Then why would he say that?"

He laughed at that, bitter and cold "This is rich. Perhaps you fancy me a mind-reader, Alpha?"

Tyler gave him a look from the corner of his eyes. A warning, and a worthy one.

Ethan sighed. He wasn't angry anymore, just tired.

"I don't know what you want me to say, Alpha Supreme." He said

"Fine then," Alpha Supreme leaned back in his chair "Tell me. Is your mate alive?"

His throat tightened around the words "I should hope so."

"Then find her," Alpha Supreme said "The council is bristling with Kieran's claim. If you don't prove this accusation wrong, the council is going to force my hand to kick you out."

Ethan was staring at him, speechless.

"Apologies, Alpha," Vincent said "But surely you must have some replacement in mind then? Someone better to deal with the Human Government?"

Alpha Supreme shot him a look, catching the sarcasm in his tone.

"That is why I'm telling you to get your act together," Alpha Supreme turned to Ethan again "It's going to be bad for you and me both."

"Alpha Supreme," Victoria started "What do you want us to do then? Our Alpha cant find his mate in a day."

"I'm sending an emissary to your territory."

Ethan blinked "Pardon?"

"To make it known that you have nothing to hide behind those walls," Alpha Supreme continued, unfazed "It's a temporary solution, but it should keep things going until you find your mate, and this matter is settled permanently."

But he wasn't going to find his mate.

Everything he'd worked to uphold would unravel.

It took every fiber of willpower in his bones for Ethan to stand and nod his head. If there was one thing he did better than dressing immaculately, it was bluffing.

"We'll be waiting to greet your emissary at our borders."

"You should've just said no!"

Ethan was lying flat on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Vincent was pacing, Victoria had left to get them all chamomile tea, and Tyler was sitting cross legged on the settee.

Vincent was now glaring at Ethan.

"And then what?" Ethan waved a hand dispassionately "Make it obvious that we do have something to hide?"

"Goodness knows who he's going to send," Vincent resumed his pacing "It has to be someone discrete, someone who wouldn't leak all our defenses to everyone."

Ethan sat up "Whoever it is will only see the first defense. This wont last forever, I'll find a way out."

"Told you we need a Luna," Victoria said, carrying a tray inside. She closed the door behind her again

"That's not proving Kieran wrong."

"But it would've strengthened our position," Tyler said "Even if by some miracle, Alphas live after their mate is gone, they can't be with another. Kieran's claims would've been washed away."

"That's not the point anymore," Ethan said, helping himself to a cup of tea "That chance is gone and now we need to focus on what's ahead. We'll find a way out."

There were murmurs of agreement, as everyone drifted into their own schemes and thoughts.

Ethan would find a way out of this.

Just as soon as he found a way not to die before that.

*Wishtle* Who do you think the emissary would be?

I simply have no idea.

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