
Burnt— by Juliette Caesar

Believe half of what you hear, and none of what you see.

Jv_Author_Aziz · Fantasy
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57 Chs

08. Purr

Angelina's POV

Angelina didn't wake up in the middle of night again.

She never went to sleep.

After delivering the invite at the only gate along the walls that marked Alpha Parks' territory, she'd made it back home too quick.

Everything was too loud.

She could hear the buzz of light from the single lamp in their room. She could hear Morgan's heartbeat. She could hear the shifting of bodies on beds in the rooms besides theirs.

Morgan had asked her several times if she was feeling alright.

Just cold, was the only answer she could give.

Angelina pulled the blanket off herself. She was too warm. Feverish.

A hundred thoughts skittered along her mind.

Her scent was no longer normal.

Her vow to the pack was as good as dust.

It wouldn't take anyone long to notice.

Even now, this room felt claustrophobic. Something in her ached for space, open sky, fresh air.

Angelina curled to a side, trying to shut out every sound and thought that wouldn't let her sleep.

Her eyes would not close.

After an eternity, when sunlight crept in through the gaps in the windows, she stood up and knelt by Morgan's bed.

"Mum," She shook her shoulder gently "Mum, wake up."

Morgan's eyes flickered open, a shade lighter than hers. She caught the look on Angelina's face, and all sleep went out of her posture.

"Angelina," Morgan pushed herself up, brows furrowed "What's wrong?"

Everything. "Nothing."

Angelina took a deep breath "Elise wanted me to come for that meeting next week."

"She told me," Morgan nodded, now fully awake "Don't you want to go?"

"I want to leave today."

"Today?" Morgan blinked

Angelina nodded "I'll help her prepare."

Morgan rubbed her eyes "Alright. I'll inform Alpha Jax that a few omegas were needed there—

"I want to go alone."

"What?" Morgan's brows raised "What's the harm in taking a few others—

"Mum, please," Angelina caught her hands in her own "I need some space. Please."

Morgan watched her for a moment, then sighed, long and heavy.

"Alright. I'll do something."

A relieved smile broke over Angelina's face "Thank you. You have no idea how much it means to me."

"You call me your Mum and still act so formal," Morgan smiled, but it looked rueful. She put a hand on Angelina's head "You can tell me anything, kiddo. You know that, right?"

Angelina placed a kiss on Morgan's cheek.

"I know I can." She said, and she meant it

But it didn't mean she would.

The sound that escaped her was definitely a purr.

Angelina heard her muscles pop as she stretched her arms over her head, with a contented sigh, she snuggled back in the blankets around her and started reading again.

She'd just gotten to the sizzling confession of betrayal when the door slammed open.

Angelina slammed the book shut, jumping from her seat.

"Liiiina!" An all too familiar whine reached her "Stop reading smut and help me!"

Her best friend strolled inside and crossed her arms across her chest.

Elise's golden brown hair was framing her face, a wool hat resting on her head to ward off the cold even in the toasty house.

Angeline stuck out her tongue at the Luna Supreme, making no move to get up.

"My work hours are over." She opened the book again and started searching for her page

It had been a good three days since she was in New York, helping Elise manage everything for the up coming meeting.

She hadn't felt so much like herself in such a long time.

"Come on, work with me here woman," Elise tugged on the blanket "I have the perfect idea for the hotel booking!"

Angelina rolled her eyes "You said the same about all the ideas we've already worked on and dropped."

"But this one's the best yet! I just need someone to hear me babble it out before I forget the details!" She said

With deliberate slowness, Angelina closed her book and set it on her lap.

"What do you offer?"

Elise gasped "You did not just do that."

"Yes, I did," Angelina crossed her arms "What's your offer?"

When Angelina had arrived at the Winters' pack five years ago, she wouldn't talk to anyone. Since no one would talk to Elise because she was a werewolf made omega, that left both of them in a ditch.

In the five years after, they had both found a way to make the other do something they didn't want by this;

Elise cleared her throat, all business.

"One big piece of chocolate cake."

Tempting. But not enough for Angelina to leave the warmth and softness of the blanket and the intense contents of her book.

"I'm listening," She drummed her fingers against the book cover

Elise narrowed her eyes in a mock glare "And a big cup of honey tea."

Angelina raised an eyebrow "Go on."

Elise gaped at her "You cannot be serious!"

Angelina held back a laugh "Of course I am, I'm waiting for you to get to the good stuff."

Elise gave a look that told Angelina she was about to start whining again.

"Alright, I'm coming!" she huffed and did the painstaking job of getting out of her comfortable fort "This better be the best idea in the history of ideas."

"Don't worry," Elise grinned and took her arm "It definitely is."

She led her through the house to the meeting room that Alpha Supreme mostly used, but these days, they'd mostly kept it occupied.

"The slightest thing makes Alphas throw tantrums." She said "I just want everything to go smoothly."

By the time they ran over the last details of where the Alphas and their associates would stay, the meals, the party and the decorations, it was well past 11 pm.

The door knocked and a moment later, Alpha Supreme walked in. His eyes flickered to the catalogues, menus, and catering ads dumped everywhere before looking at them.

"I thought you two would already be asleep." He said, coming over

"Last minute preparation," Elise yawned, then smiled at him "We're almost done though."

"Don't over exert yourself, love." He offered her a hand as he approached "Come, you can finish this in the morning."

Elise squinted at the catalogue she was holding, then dropped it and took his hand "Fine, but only because you insist."

Angelina could've sworn she saw him roll his eyes as he smiled. Alpha Luke turned to face her, the small smile still there.

People used to say Alpha Luke Winters doesn't know how to smile. That he's exactly like his name. Bright and cold. Horribly cold.

Apparently, Elise had warmed him up a little, whether she knew or not.

"I gather she convinced you to work over time again?" Luke said

Angelina returned his smile as she stood "You bet."

It had been awkward for them to interact informally in the start, but Luke was her Alpha, and the pack bond between them quickly forged a decent familiarity.

Elise would give them both hell if they acted formally.

"We both need to stop giving into her whims," Alpha Luke shook his head

Angelina nodded "I couldn't agree more."

"Hey, I'm still here you know," Elise gave them both a look "Besides, you both never do anything for free."

"Lets get you to bed before you start getting grumpy." Luke guided her through the room after saying "Good night, Angelina."

"Night Lina!" Elise said as they disappeared through the door

Angelina shook her head with a smile.

Silence surrounded her, and she slid in a chair with a sigh.

Right now, the effects of magic still lingered, enough that a heavy dose of perfume could help her.

Soon, that would not be the case.

Soon, she would have to run again.

She just wished it would be easier than it had been the last time.

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