

I raised a brow. 'Clever.'

The man chuckled, stepping back. He yanked the knife from my hand and pocketed the lighter. Then he ran his tongue along the flat of the blade, closing his eyes before he flicked the tip of it against his lips, colouring them red.

I raised my hand and stared through the slitted hole the blade had left. An infection would set in if I didn't clean it soon. I placed it to my mouth and sucked hard at the skin, spitting onto the ground beside me before stuffing it into my trouser pocket. Ruby blossomed across the dark fabric till it was damp. 'Patrols will be here in two minutes.' I said.

The man licked his lips again and shook his head. 'I've lived in Daegu all my life. There's no need to leave. The officers who come now are rookies.'

I glanced back at him. 'Of course you would know that, Youngmi.'

The infamous killer who escaped from prison last year, killing four guards on the way out, totalling his number of murders to seventy-four.

He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. 'And they thought I was the good guy.'

Gloss - a rookie rapper who had risen to the top within a year. His fans must have been beyond horrified.

Reading my gaze, he smiled again. 'How many?'

I didn't need to ask to know what he meant. 'Branded one hundred and three.'

Footsteps reverberated off the walls.

'The police have been looking for us, Mr Kim. Do you want to play with me?'

Two officers walked into view, one raising a torchlight.

'I always love a little game of cat and mouse,' Youngmi purred.

I wrinkled my nose as the bright light hit my eyes.

Youngmi was already moving, sprinting for the smaller one. He drew the knife - and with a single slash, the officer crumpled, blood spurting from his lips.

Youngmi pounced like a cat; with feline grace and terrifying accuracy upon the other, smashing his fist into the man's face. There was a yell, then he was knocked to the floor. The torch flew from his hand and thudded to the floor, the light blinking as the batteries were dislodged.

I stood and Youngmi threw out a hand, the tip of the knife pointing at my throat. 'He's my kill.'

Of course. There was a frenzy in his eyes, a frenzy of delight and anticipation. If I stepped forwards now, I would be as good as dead, just as he would be if the roles between us were reversed.

Youngmi dragged the point of the knife across his prey's lips, as the man trembled like a leaf in a storm beneath him. He opened the man's mouth and pinched his pink tongue with his forefinger and thumb. Then, very carefully, very gently, sawed it off. The killer smiled in satisfaction.

The piece of flesh and muscle dripped blood down the man's throat as he writhed and screamed to his best ability. I watched in fascination.

Youngmi stepped back, dropping the severed tongue onto the ground.

The man cowered beneath him, hands shielding his face in a pathetic attempt. He gagged and cried and Youngmi looked at him in disgust. He spat into the man's face and turned away. With a bored manner, contrast to of that he'd been a few moments ago, he said, 'Someone has to be the pigeon.'

Stones crunched together as the man scrambled onto his feet. Gurgles sounded as he tried to speak. Blood flowed over the corner of his mouth. 'I-'

Min Youngmi spun around, a small, dangerous smile playing upon his lips. 'Hm? What was that?'

The man let loose a scream from his throat, red liquid bubbling from his lips.

But the streets were empty, and only the stars remained awake, glinting coldly as the shadows wreathed around the city.