
Bully System on "All of us are Dead"

I was Just testing ChatGPT ALERT: I am not paying attetion or editing any chapter. i am just copying and pasting, it is eterenly made from ChatGPt The MC is the guy who becomes in a zombie on the serie, the bully. Now watch chatgpt and its weird decitions HAHAAHA

Buri · TV
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86 Chs

Chapter 44: The Astral Convergence

The Celestial Coalition basked in the afterglow of their recent victory, yet the echoes of the battle still resonated within their souls. They knew that their journey was far from over, for there were still realms to explore, allies to unite, and cosmic forces to harness.

In the wake of their triumph, a momentary peace settled over the realms. The celestial energies swirled with tranquility, as if the very fabric of the cosmos exhaled a sigh of relief. But amidst this calm, a sense of anticipation stirred. Jung-soo and his companions sensed that something monumental was on the horizon, a convergence of astral forces that would shape the destiny of the realms.

News of the Celestial Coalition's exploits spread like wildfire across the realms. Tales of their valor and celestial prowess reached the ears of beings from far and wide. Among those who heard the stories was an enigmatic figure known as Aria, a seer gifted with the ability to glimpse into the future.

Aria, drawn by the celestial energies radiating from the coalition, sought an audience with Jung-soo and his companions. She spoke of a cosmic event known as the Astral Convergence—a rare celestial alignment that occurred once in a millennium, heralding the potential for great transformation and unlocking hidden powers.

According to Aria's visions, the Astral Convergence held the key to unraveling the mysteries of the celestial realms, granting those who harnessed its energies the ability to reshape reality itself. But the convergence also attracted dark forces, outlanders and other malevolent entities who sought to exploit its power for their own nefarious purposes.

Embracing the weight of this knowledge, the Celestial Coalition embarked on a quest to prepare for the impending Astral Convergence. Their journey led them to ancient temples, mystical sanctuaries, and wise celestial beings who imparted their wisdom upon the coalition. They sought to unlock the full potential of their celestial powers, to stand united and unyielding against the looming threat.

As they delved deeper into their training, new revelations unfolded. Jung-soo discovered an even deeper connection to the celestial energy, a dormant power within him that yearned to be awakened. Through rigorous discipline and the guidance of celestial mentors, he tapped into this hidden wellspring of power, emerging as a beacon of celestial might.

Meanwhile, the bonds within the Celestial Coalition grew stronger with each passing trial. Their shared experiences forged unbreakable ties of friendship and camaraderie. They learned to harness the collective power of their celestial abilities, intertwining their energies to create celestial phenomena that defied imagination.

But as the Astral Convergence drew near, dark omens cast a shadow over the realms. Whispers of an ancient prophecy began to circulate—a prophecy that foretold a cataclysmic event should the convergence fall into the wrong hands. It spoke of a cosmic balance that must be upheld, for the consequences of unbridled celestial power could plunge the realms into eternal chaos.

The coalition knew that their role in the impending convergence was crucial. They must stand as guardians of the balance, wielding their celestial might with wisdom and selflessness. With hearts ablaze and celestial energies coursing through their veins, they prepared to face the oncoming storm and safeguard the realms from the malevolent forces that sought to exploit the Astral Convergence.

In the penultimate chapter of their cosmic saga, the Celestial Coalition braced themselves for the ultimate test of their mettle. They stood shoulder to shoulder, their celestial auras intermingling, as they gazed up at the heavens ablaze with celestial alignments. The realms quivered with anticipation, the air heavy with the convergence of destiny.

As the Astral Convergence commenced, the realms trembled, and portals between dimensions crackled into existence. From these rifts emerged a multitude of outlanders, each fueled by dark ambition and an insatiable thirst for power. A battle of cosmic proportions ensued, with the coalition fighting valiantly to protect the realms from the encroaching darkness.

Amidst the chaos, Jung-soo's celestial powers surged to new heights. He unleashed celestial energies that rippled across the battlefield, challenging the very fabric of reality. The clash between the Celestial Coalition and the outlanders shook the realms to their core, their fates hanging in the balance.

But as the chapter came to a close, a revelation struck Jung-soo with the force of a supernova. He realized that his destiny was intertwined not only with the celestial realms but also with the outlanders themselves. Beneath the veneer of darkness, he sensed a glimmer of redemption, a chance to forge a path towards unity and understanding.

With this newfound insight burning within him, Jung-soo prepared to embark on a perilous journey—a journey that would take him deep into the heart of the outlander domain, where he would confront their leader, the enigmatic and formidable Vexis.

As the curtain fell on this chapter, the realms trembled with uncertainty, the Astral Convergence reaching its zenith. The fate of the celestial realms hung in the balance, and Jung-soo stood poised at the precipice of his greatest trial yet, ready to face the outlander threat head-on.