
Bully System on "All of us are Dead"

I was Just testing ChatGPT ALERT: I am not paying attetion or editing any chapter. i am just copying and pasting, it is eterenly made from ChatGPt The MC is the guy who becomes in a zombie on the serie, the bully. Now watch chatgpt and its weird decitions HAHAAHA

Buri · TV
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86 Chs

Chapter 37: Betrayal from Beyond

The outlander alliance had brought hope and new possibilities to the resistance, but their unity was about to be shattered. As they embarked on their intergalactic quest, their journey took an unexpected turn when another faction of outlanders revealed themselves. Unlike the benevolent outlanders they had allied with, this group had their own agenda—one that threatened to tear Jung-soo's team apart.

Deep in the heart of an uncharted world, where the stars shimmered with an otherworldly glow, Jung-soo and his companions encountered a seemingly deserted outpost. Curiosity piqued, they cautiously explored its corridors, unaware of the danger that lurked within.

Suddenly, a barrage of energy blasts erupted from the shadows, catching the resistance off guard. Chaos ensued as explosions tore through the outpost, leaving destruction and confusion in their wake. Jung-soo's team fought back with everything they had, but they were outnumbered and outmatched.

In the midst of the chaos, Jung-soo found himself face-to-face with the enigmatic leader of this rogue outlander faction, known only as Kael. Kael exuded an aura of arrogance and power, fueled by a deep-seated resentment towards humanity. He reveled in the chaos he had orchestrated, relishing the opportunity to strike a blow against the alliance.

With a wave of his hand, Kael unleashed a devastating wave of energy, incapacitating Jung-soo and his comrades. The outlanders' advanced technology and abilities proved to be a formidable adversary, leaving the resistance reeling and on the brink of defeat.

Jung-soo, weakened but not broken, found himself taken as a prisoner by Kael and his faction. Bound by energy restraints and isolated from his team, he was trapped in a prison of uncertainty. Kael reveled in the capture, taunting Jung-soo with cryptic remarks about the true nature of the system and his role within it.

As days turned into weeks, Jung-soo's spirit remained unbroken. He used every moment of solitude to reflect, to delve deep into the mysteries that had plagued his existence since the system's arrival. Through meditation and introspection, he tapped into the hidden reserves of strength and resilience within himself.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, the remnants of the resistance rallied together, determined to rescue their captured comrade and bring an end to Kael's reign of terror. They sought allies among the outlander alliance, forging new bonds and strategizing their next move. The battle for freedom had become a race against time, as the system's grip tightened and Kael's faction grew stronger.

Unbeknownst to Jung-soo, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows, offering assistance in his darkest hour. This enigmatic ally, known only as Lyra, possessed knowledge and abilities that rivaled even the outlanders themselves. Lyra had long observed the struggle against the system and sought to tip the scales in favor of humanity's liberation.

With Lyra's guidance, the resistance launched a daring rescue mission, infiltrating the stronghold where Jung-soo was held captive. A battle of epic proportions unfolded as the combined forces of the resistance and the remaining outlander alliance clashed with Kael's faction. Energy blasts illuminated the skies, as powers clashed and destinies hung in the balance.

In the midst of the chaos, Jung-soo broke free from his restraints, fueled by a newfound determination and a burning desire for justice. With each step, he unleashed his hidden powers, channeling the strength and resolve he had cultivated during his captivity.

The battle reached its climax as Jung-soo confronted Kael in a fierce one-on-one duel. Sparks flew and energies collided as they fought for control, their clash echoing throughout the stronghold. In a moment of pure willpower, Jung-soo tapped into an untapped reservoir of energy within himself, unleashing a devastating attack that sent Kael reeling.

As Kael lay defeated, the remnants of his faction surrendered, recognizing the futility of their cause. The unity between the resistance and the outlander alliance was restored, stronger than ever. Together, they would face the final challenge—the ultimate confrontation with the system itself.

Jung-soo, now liberated from his captivity, stood tall among his comrades, ready to lead them into the heart of darkness. The mysteries of the system, the outlanders, and his own hidden powers beckoned, fueling his determination to bring an end to the tyranny that had plagued their world for far too long.

Little did they know that their journey was about to take them to the very edge of the known universe, where the true nature of their existence would be revealed, and the fate of all humanity would be decided. The stage was set for a climactic battle, a clash of cosmic proportions that would determine the future of their world and beyond