
Bully System on "All of us are Dead"

I was Just testing ChatGPT ALERT: I am not paying attetion or editing any chapter. i am just copying and pasting, it is eterenly made from ChatGPt The MC is the guy who becomes in a zombie on the serie, the bully. Now watch chatgpt and its weird decitions HAHAAHA

Buri · TV
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86 Chs

Chapter 1: The Desolate Streets

Chapter 1: The Desolate Streets

Jung-soo ventured out of the crumbling library, his senses heightened by the eerie silence that engulfed the desolate streets. The once vibrant city now lay in ruins, its buildings reduced to rubble and its streets strewn with debris. The stench of decay hung heavy in the air, a constant reminder of the devastation that had befallen humanity.

As he cautiously made his way through the deserted avenues, his eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any signs of life or potential threats. The distant sound of shuffling feet echoed through the abandoned alleyways, a chilling reminder that he was not alone.

His heart pounded in his chest as he pressed on, determined to find shelter and gather his thoughts. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, stumbling towards him with an unnatural gait. It was a zombie, its decomposing flesh hanging loosely from its bones, its eyes vacant and lifeless.

Fear and adrenaline surged through Jung-soo's veins as he instinctively reached for a nearby object—a broken pipe. With a swift motion, he swung it at the approaching zombie, the metallic thud resounding in the silent streets.

The impact stunned the creature momentarily, buying Jung-soo precious seconds to escape. He sprinted through the maze-like alleys, his heart pounding in his ears. The sounds of more zombies joining the pursuit filled the air, their guttural moans growing louder with each passing moment.

Desperation fueled Jung-soo's determination as he darted into an abandoned building, seeking refuge from the relentless horde. He barricaded the entrance, his breath heavy and labored. In the dim light, he took a moment to catch his breath and collect his thoughts.

The reality of the situation sank in. He was trapped in a world overrun by the undead, forced to confront his own inner darkness to survive. The sounds of scratching and growling outside the door reminded him of the constant threat that loomed just beyond his fragile sanctuary.

As he sat in the darkness, contemplating his next move, a flicker of determination ignited within him. He refused to succumb to despair. There had to be others out there, fighting to survive. And he was determined to find them, to forge alliances in this unforgiving new world.

With renewed resolve, Jung-soo rose from his makeshift hideout, ready to face the dangers that awaited him. The journey ahead would be treacherous, but he was no longer the person he once was. He had embraced the darkness within, and now he would harness it to navigate the horrors that lay in wait.

Venturing out into the desolate streets once more, Jung-soo moved with stealth and agility, avoiding the attention of the mindless undead. He used his knowledge of the city to navigate through the crumbling infrastructure, finding hidden paths and safe havens.

Days turned into weeks as Jung-soo scoured the city in search of survivors. He left signs and messages, hoping to connect with others who were also defying the odds. Each encounter carried the weight of uncertainty—friend or foe, ally or enemy? Trust was a luxury in this shattered world.

As he traveled, he witnessed the true extent of the apocalypse. The once bustling streets were now a graveyard, buildings mere skeletons of their former glory. The constant moans and growls of the zombies became the soundtrack of this twisted reality, a haunting reminder of the world that had been lost.

But amidst the despair, glimpses of hope emerged. Jung-soo encountered pockets of resistance, small groups of survivors banding together to fight back. They shared stories of loss and survival, exchanging information and strategies for staying one step ahead of the relentless undead.

Jung-soo's reputation grew as a formidable and cunning survivor, his ability to navigate dangerous territories and outsmart the zombies earning him respect among the remaining humans. But he never forgot the darkness that lurked within him, a constant reminder of the fine line he walked between humanity and monstrosity.

Together with his newfound allies, Jung-soo formed a resistance group, dedicated to pushing back against the encroaching hordes. They salvaged supplies, fortified their hideouts, and strategized for their ultimate goal—to find a way to reclaim their city from the clutches of the undead.

As days turned into months, the resistance grew stronger, their determination unwavering. The battle for survival had become a fight for the very essence of humanity. Jung-soo and his companions stood as beacons of hope in a world consumed by darkness, determined to reclaim their lives and build a future worth fighting for.

And so, with each step they took, the echoes of their resolve reverberated through the desolate streets, defying the relentless moans of the undead. Their journey was far from over, but they faced it with unwavering courage, ready to confront whatever horrors lay ahead.