
Bullied To Love

"Come back!" he says after taking a sip of the coffee. I walk back and stand in front of him. "What do you think you are doing bringing me cold coffee!" "It w-was hot when I bro-brought it..." I stammer. "Shut your mouth!" his loud voice booms." I don't want to hear any nonsense excuses from you. Do you see those boxes behind you? They are filled with files. I want them arranged in alphabetical order and ready by 12:00p.m. Am I clear?" he says in a harsh voice. I widen my eyes when I see the size of the stack of boxes behind me. There is no way I am going to be done by noon. I am about to tell him when he says, "I know you are going to say that you won't be able to finish before noon, but the truth is I don't care. I want you to finish and I don't care how you do it." he says coldly and turns around. I knew there was no turning back because I signed my life away to the devil. I will have to bear whatever he does to me. What a way to start my first day! _________________________________________________________ Katherine Luciano is a beautiful lady, living with her single mom. She did not know her life would take a different turn the day she goes for a job interview. She meets the one person she wishes she never sees again in her life. The one person who made her high school the worst time of her life, Lorenzo Costanzo. A well-known person in society. He has the looks, the fame, the money, and everything with a lot of mysterious secrets. Does she fall prey to his wrath once again, or change the heart of a cold man

mss_amalee · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


I have been working non-stop since I got to the office this morning. Today is Friday, which means no work till Monday. I am so happy, but Friday’s are my worst working days. I have to finish all my work for the week before going home. And I am not planning on staying late again.

Enzo left very early this morning. He did not even let me prepare breakfast for him. Since I came to the office, I have not seen him all day. I am grateful for that because the Enzo in the office and the Enzo outside of the office are two different people. I still wonder why sometimes.

I am in my office replying to some of Enzo’s emails when my phone vibrates beside me. I check to see a message from Enzo saying, ‘we have a meeting with one of his investors from London at 1:00.p.m. He also said ‘we are going to meet the investor at a restaurant not at the office,’ one that I can’t even pronounce the name of, and ‘I should be ready before 1.’

By 12:40p.m. I pick up all the necessary files for the meeting. I walk out of my office to meet Enzo who is waiting for me by the elevator. We take the elevator down to the parking lot. We both step out of the elevator. Enzo walks over to his Mercedes-Benz Maybach Exelero. 'I must say this car is beautiful’ We get into his car to be on our way to the restaurant. We arrive at the restaurant in complete silence throughout the ride.

We walk into the restaurant and ask for our table, his table actually. We walk over to the table and meet a man who looks like he is in his late fifties sitting down already waiting for us. Once he sees Enzo, he stands up from his chair to hug him.

“Hello son, how are you?” the man says with a smile on his face

“I am fine uncle, how has life been for you?” Enzo says with a genuine smile on his face. Wow, so he knows how to smile, I never knew.

“It’s been fine, my dear boy. We should begin immediately, I have a date with your aunt afterwards, and you know how she can be when I arrive late.” He says chuckling while sitting back down.

“Yes, I know how she can be. Let’s begin and this is my personal assistant, Katherine,” he says, finally acknowledging the fact I am here.

I don’t say anything but smile at him while he nods his head. Enzo and I take our seat so we can start the meeting. Enzo asks me to hand them the file for the contract. I stand up from my chair to place the files in front of both of them.

“Uncle, can you excuse my personal assistant and I for a moment,” he says and pulls my hands before I can sit back down.

I wonder what he wants now because I am pretty sure I came with the right files.

“Sure, why not,” His uncle says before Enzo takes me to the back, which I am guessing leads to the restroom.

“Why is your shirt so open? I did not like the way your breast was showing when you were dropping the files on the table.” he says trying to cover up my cleavage.

“I-I-I…” I don’t even know what to say because it’s not my fault my cleavage showed while I was dropping the files on the table. Trust me, it's only when I bend over that you can see my cleavage—not my actual breasts—so I don’t even know what he is saying. He is just making me laugh, not that I am laughing out loud, though.

“Here, put on my jacket and make sure this is the last time you wear such a type of shirt. Am I clear?” he says removing his jacket to give me.

“Yes sir,” I say, taking his jacket from his hands. I wear it and cover my cleavage that is showing according to him. I can’t help the few giggles that escape my lips from his unexpected behaviour. We walk back to our table and continue the meeting.

I have been working for the past five hours since we came back to the office. We ended the meeting with Enzo’s uncle hours ago. It is 6 pm in the evening; I am about to finish my work and go home to watch some Netflix and have ice-cream. I am getting my things ready to go home when a knock comes on the door. I wonder who that could be?

“Come in,” I say letting whoever that is in.

“Hi, Katherine, can I have a word with you before you leave,” Joan says with a funny smile on her face. Joan is Enzo’s secretary.

“Sure, why not,” I say sitting back in my seat so we can talk.

“I know we are not close, and I was hoping we could change that. I felt horrible the other day when Enzo embarrassed you in front of everyone, and I did nothing to help you. Ever since that day, my conscience has not been at peace, so today I decided to meet you and apologise. And make it up to you by inviting you to go clubbing with me this evening. So, what do you think?” she says, looking nervous.

"There was nothing you could have done that day, but to make you feel better, I accept your apology,” I say with a little smile on my face. “I would love to go clubbing with you, but I am supposed to meet up with a friend. Would you mind if I bring her along?

“Thank you so much! Yes, bring your friend. You won’t regret it, just come to my house by seven tonight so we can go from there together. I will send you my address, just put your number here,” she says and gives me her phone to put my number in.

After I finish talking to Joan and telling Enzo I am going home, I take the elevator down and walk outside to wait for my ride to come and pick me up. Sofia is in town and is helping me go car shopping tomorrow. I am so happy I can’t wait to get my 'own' car. My 'first' car with my 'first' pay-check, the firsts are so many.

While I am standing outside waiting for Sofia, a sleek black and white limited edition Bugatti Veyron pulls up in front of me. The driver buzzes down the window, while I wait to see who is inside. I am expecting to see Sofia because she said she might ‘steal’ one of Enzo’s cars to pick me up, but I am stunned when I see someone else.

“Sofia was not able to make it, so she asked me to pick you up. I hope you don’t mind” he says while rubbing his neck like he is scared I will say no.

I am so confused that I forget how to speak. Did Enzo ask me a question like a rational human being? ‘Oh my God I think I have died.’ I wonder what happened to Sofia that she could not make it. Most of all, how can I ever say no to such a nice car.

I am so deep into my thoughts that I did not notice when Enzo stepped out of the car and came to open the door for me to get in. I wonder why the sudden change in his behaviour. 'Did he eat something bad or hit his head somewhere?' I mentally ask myself.

I get into the car and wait for him to get in. He gets in and starts the car. There is too much tension between us, so I decide to speak up.

“Thank you for picking me up but may I ask what happened to Sofia?” I say while playing with my fingers.

“Don’t mention it; Sofia’s car broke down on her way here.”

“Oh, she should have called me, I would have gotten a cab instead of waiting for her.”

“Really, so you don’t like the fact that I picked you up and her phone died after she called me,” he says raising his eyebrows with a smirk on his face

“No-no, I did not mean it like that. What I meant is that if you had not come to pick me up, I would have waited for her till God knows when. I guess it's not her fault since her phone died.”

“Oh, so you do like the fact that I picked you up,” he says with a full grin on his face. I wonder why he is smiling like he just won a trophy. It’s not like I said, ‘I am happy I entered your car.’

“Neither did I say that,” I say smiling back at him as I watch his smile fade from his face.

“What were your plans with my sister this evening?”

“We were meant to start looking for a car online. I would like to buy one this weekend.”

“Oh, so my personal assistant finally realised that she needs a car so she won’t be coming to work late,” he says, smiling. I wonder why he is behaving so carefree? Like we are old friends that are trying to catch up with each other.

“HA-HA-HA, very funny,” I say, deciding to go with the flow and see how things are going between us.

“So, what is your favourite car or rather your dream car?”

"BMW M9," I say.

“Wow! That is a very nice car!” he says.

“But my budget does not stretch that far, so I am looking for a not too expensive, but reliable car,” I answer.

"Since my sister is not here, do you have any other plans tonight?" he says, asking like he actually cares how I am going to spend the rest of my evening. This seems very weird coming from someone like him.

“Joan invited me out tonight.”

“Oh, and where are you guys going?” he asks becoming more interested in my night-time affairs.

“We are going clubbing,” I say seeing no harm in telling Enzo.

“Oh really, may I ask which club,” he says, and I start to wonder if he is just asking out of curiosity or if he has another reason.

“I don’t know. After I go home and change, I am going over to her place. We are going together from her place.” I say wondering if he will ask me to ask Joan which club. Then I would know for sure that he is not just asking because he is curious, but for another reason.

“Alright then, I can wait for you to change then drop you off at her place,” He says acting a bit too nice for the Enzo I know.

“No, it’s fine. You don’t have to do that” I say totally wondering what is wrong with him tonight.

“It's fine, I don’t mind” he says with a small smile on his face.

“Alright then if you say so,” I say not wanting to stretch the matter for long.

We arrive at my house shortly after our conversation. I walk straight inside to my room to change while he waits for me in the living room.

I change from my office suit into a black gown that stops before my knees with a wide v-neckline showing a little of my cleavage but not too much. As soon as I am done I walk downstairs.

“I am ready, we can go,” I say, walking into the living room. Enzo does not say anything for a while. He looks lost in his thoughts, and I start to think maybe I look bad.

“Enzo!” I say trying to bring him back to earth.

“Yes, Yes,” He says speaking like he was caught doing something wrong.

“I said I am ready.”

“Oh, yes, let’s get going then,” he says walking out of the door faster than normal.

I give him Joan’s address as we step outside and get into his car to be on our way.

We arrive shortly after and I wave Enzo goodbye before entering Joan’s house. I walk up to her doorstep and ring the bell. I wait for her to answer the door. Joan opens the door after the bell rings three times.

“You came! I am so happy; I can’t wait to have fun tonight, and you look amazing” she says smiling, while pulling me into her house.

“Thank you,” I say walking into her house.

I must say her place is charming and homey. We take the stairs to her room. Her room is beautiful with a queen size bed on the left with two side tables, two doors which I am guessing are her closet and bathroom.

By 7:50p.m. she is done dressing and doing our makeup. I did not do my makeup at home because I did not want to keep Enzo waiting for long. Joan is wearing a black leather skirt with a white top and leather boots. We walk downstairs to take Joan’s car to the club.

We get to the club by 8:00p.m. Luckily for us, Joan knows someone, so we did not have to stand in line. We just walked in with Joan's friends, who are people from work.

We take a seat in the far corner of the club. Joan orders drinks for us as that is something I know nothing about. I hope she does not give me something I can't handle. I am taking a sip of my drink when a guy with brown hair and a sexy body—but not as sexy as Enzo, and why do I have to always compare every man to him ahhh!—walks up to me with a big friendly smile on his face. 'I must say he is handsome, though.’

"Hi, I am Chris, do you mind if I join you?" he says, giving me his hand to shake.

“Hello, I am Katherine, no I don't mind at all," I say, shaking his hand so as not to seem rude even though I clearly don’t know who he is.

"I work for the same company with you and Joan, but in the marketing department."

"Oh, that’s nice."

We continue talking and getting to know each other. I must say he is a fun person to talk to. He even asks me to dance, which I gladly say yes to.

We are on the dance floor, when I feel his hands finding their way around my waist. At any other time I would break his hands before he feels my skin, but tonight I am going to have fun and do things I don’t normally do. Before Chris's hands go around my waist entirely I hear bone cracking behind me. I turn around to see Enzo beating up Chris. 'Oh my God, what is he doing here? Why is he beating up Chris? I have to do something before he kills Chris!'

“Enzo, please stop,” I yell trying to stop his hands from hitting Chris’s face, but to no effect.

“DON’T YOU EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN,” He says still punching the shit out of Chris.

“Enzo! I am begging you, please stop,” I say shouting like my life depends on it, with tears falling down my face. I still try to get his hands off Chris but to no avail.

He finally notices me and stops punching Chris. He drags me outside the club and straight into his car. Because I’m afraid of what he might do to me, I decide it’s best to shut my mouth till he cools off. So many things are going through my head like, ‘why in God's name did he beat him up?’ ‘Is he jealous or what?’ I hardly think he is jealous because he has never shown interest in me so, 'WHY, WHY, WHY, DID HE BEAT HIM!?'. I want to ask him but the way he is driving and breathing so hard, like he wants to kill someone, I think it’s better I wait until he has cooled off.

In less than thirty minutes we stop and Enzo gets out of the car and opens the door for me

"Get out," he says as soon as he opens the car door.

I step out without saying anything. I look up to see where he brought me. I see a very tall building; it looks like an apartment complex. I am guessing this is where he lives.

He starts walking towards the entrance, not caring if I am following him or not. I follow him because it’s not like I can stand here forever. He enters the building and walks straight to the elevator, at least this time he waits for me before we take the elevator up to wherever it is Enzo is taking me.

The elevator comes to a stop; we walk out of the elevator into a beautiful penthouse. The foyer is painted all black, the living room is painted all white with black chairs, and the dining area is painted dark brown with light brown chairs.

"When you are done admiring my house, I want to make something clear to you. What happened tonight should never repeat itself again, because if it does, I won't only break his face." he says with much anger in his voice.

"WOW! Really? Because the last time I checked I am a free woman and I can do whatever I want. So you have no right to tell me who I can dance with or not, or have the right to beat up any guy I am with." I say yelling the last part in his face because I have had it with Enzo and his nonsense. I don't see any reason why he should beat up a guy just because he danced with me!

"I DON'T FUCKING CARE! You. Are. Mine! So When I Say No Guy Will Touch You, I Fucking Mean No Guy Will Touch You. Because You Are Mine!" he yells back at me

"That’s it!!! I have had it with you! Every time this ‘I am yours, I am yours, I am yours.’ I AM NOT FUCKING YOURS! You don't OWN me. The only thing you do is make my life a living hell. Don’t you have a heart? You can’t tell me deep down in your heart you feel nothing, not even a little pity for what you do to me. First, you stop me from having even one friend during my entire high school years, even though we were not even classmates. But you made sure I had no-one even after you left. Now you want me to end my relationship with the only friend I have ever made in my life because according to you, William is a bad person. Please, Please, just this once tell me why you hate me so much? Because I cannot remember doing anything to gain so much hatred from you. Please, I am begging you, if I ever did something wrong to you, I am pleading, please, please, please forgive me because I am tired of all this suffering.” I say as I break down into tears and fall to my knees.

I did not know where all that came from, but I am happy I finally let it all out. I hear footsteps coming towards me, but I don’t care to lift my head. I am too exhausted to lift my head up right now.

I am raised from the ground and forced to look into the eyes that make me feel a thousand things in a second. The man who is the reason I keep tossing and turning all night long. Surprisingly, the only man I have ever been attracted to in my life. I stare into his beautiful eyes without saying anything because I don't think there is anything to say anymore. The next thing that happened was not something I ever saw happening in my whole life.


AAAHHHHHHH! I am mentally screaming right now. I can't believe what just happened to me. Something I thought could only happen in my dreams, not that I have dreamt of it happening. But he is really kissing me and trust me, I am not dreaming. After what seems like hours—but I am pretty sure it’s just minutes—we pull apart and stare into each other’s eyes. I look into his eyes and see so much adoration in them. I never knew he felt the same way about me all this time. By just staring into his eyes, I can tell he feels something profound for me, but I am pretty sure he can’t put his finger on it.

“I don’t hate you. I could never hate you because you are MINE and MINE ALONE. When I say you are mine, I don't mean I own you; you are your own woman. You are the strongest woman I have ever met. You always stand up for what you feel is right and those are the things I like about you. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. You have the prettiest smile I have ever seen. You make me feel things I have never felt before for a woman. I know you might not believe me when I say I could never hate you, but it’s true, because you are mine.” he says with so much sincerity in his eyes, while holding my face in his big hands. He uses his thumb to wipe away the tears on my face.

“Then why do you treat me bad, because I just don’t understand. If I make you feel the way you say, then why do you act like you hate me, and why are you just telling me this now?” I say in between tears.

“The reason I act this way is because it’s the only way you give me your attention. I don’t know if you can remember back in high school. The first day, I tried to talk to you, all you did was act like I wasn’t even there. But when I bullied you, you gave me all your attention. That’s why I act the way I act, to get your attention. Why I am telling you now is because I can’t see you with someone else. I can't see you cry. Seeing you cry just breaks all these walls I have built around my heart.”

“Oh my God, you could have tried other ways besides bullying! Maybe ask me out on a date or something." I say in between tears, but these tears are tears of joy, not hatred.

Because finally, I realise that my feelings were not one-sided. That he feels the same way I do. Although he did not say ‘I like you too’ he said it in his own words.'YOU ARE MINE'. Even though I used to hate him say those words, now that I know his meaning, I love it when he says it because 'HE IS MINE TOO.’