
Built on Sand: ATLA/LoK AU SI Fanfiction

When Korra decides to change the world after Kuvira’s defeat in Republic City, she is going to need a master. Someone to train and guide her on how to be the Avatar. Damian was reborn in the sand village of Kushaw as an Earthbender 8 years before Korra was born. He has travelled to the spirit world and back to gain knowledge and power. How will the two interact when they meet and Damian is expected to teach her the intricacies of the bending world? Pateron: https://patreon.com/SuppleWeaver

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chapter 3: Outmatched

Chapter 3: Outmatched

Republic City

Korra had been all over the place lately. From stopping Kuvira to running around the city helping to rebuild it she was close to empty. At least all of her efforts had helped to finally improve her public image.

To rest she took the time to do something she had been slacking on lately, meditation. She was currently meditating on Air Temple Island as it became evening. Dinner would be ready soon and Korra couldn't wait to tell Tenzin about her day.

It had been about a month since the portal had opened in the center of Republic City. Tenzin had left a couple days after to the Northern Air temple to help check on his benders while Korra stayed. Tenzin had only just returned back to the island.

Despite only being here for a day he was already receiving phone calls. Yesterday Korra had overheard a call between Tenzin and Suyin, surprisingly, about a potential guest. Tenzin seemed quite excited about this person's arrival. Knowing Tenzin it was probably someone of great renown, or related to air bending to make him that excited.

Korra was curious herself of course but knew not to pry. If Tenzin deemed it important enough she knew he would tell her. It was about dinner time so Korra made to get up and head inside.

As she was standing Korra heard a rustle behind her. She quickly turned around expecting danger only to find a small lizard moving about in the bushes.

Korra breathed out a sigh of relief. Then a voice rang out from beside her chastisingly "Don't scare her like that Scrap, this isn't how you make good first impressions."

Korra jumped and bent fire towards the voice with a punch. She waited for the fire to disperse and as it cleared a figure appeared.

A man, of average height, dressed in green formal robes with gold patterns appeared before her. He had green eyes and bronze tanned skin. His brown hair looked rough like it had been run through sand.

This man stood before her with a sinister smile on his face. "Oh, so that's how we treat our guests around these parts" His words more statement than question. "I will have to speak to Tenzin about this. I'm sure your actions won't be appreciated" The smile still etched on his face didn't look good to Korra.

Korra made to reply and stammered "H-hey" as she was suddenly lifted about a foot and found herself unable to move. Korra felt as if she was sunken under the earth completely covered in stone.

The only place that was unaffected was her mouth. When she used her eyes she saw this hazy yellow brown see through glow surrounding her.

The assailant put his hand out for the lizard as it jumped on his hand and climbed up his shoulder. "Let's go see Tenzin, I would love to introduce him to you Scrap. He's just gonna love you."

The man then turned simply walking past her and began head towards the house. It was about 30 yards away. She still had time, it wasn't too late. She just has to get out so that he wouldn't hurt Tenzin and his family.

Korra's only unaffected place was her head. She began to scream to try and warn Tenzin. She then breathed fire out of her mouth to try affect her prison. It didn't work. She tried air. It didn't work.

At this point Korra was unsure of what to do. She persisted. She wasn't a quitter. Especially not now after everything she had been through. She would not be bested by some green man with his lizard.

Korra began alternating between fire and air breaths as she attempted to bend her way out of her situation. She was desperate. Time was running out. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Korra entered the avatar state.


What a rude lady. Who just attacks someone like that? Why was she such a brute. Anyway, she should be stuck there for a while.

I approached the house and knocked on the door. I heard a "Coming!" Yelled from inside. I waited patiently as a light show was going on behind me.

The door opened and a small bald child in air nomad colored pajamas opened the door. "Hello! I don't know you, so I'm gonna go get daddy." The child ran away as he called "Daddy! A stranger is here!"

I heard a sigh come from Tenzin as I heard him get up and head towards the door.

Tenzin opened the door and saw me in the light. "Hello Tenzin" I said, "I'm back." The airbending master had a surprised look on his face as he looked at me. He quickly schooled his expression and said "Welcome back Damian. I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting you for at least another week. Suyin told me yesterday that you had just left. Well, come on in. We were just having dinner."

As I was invited into his home it looked just as I remembered. You could truly tell airbenders lived here. It's good to know that some things don't change.

We approached the dining room and Jinora was the first to notice me as I walked in. "Damian is that you!" She got up quickly and came to hug me. I returned the hug. "It's been so long! Where have you been, well I know where you've been, but what took you so long to come back?"

I smiled at the heartfelt appreciation and responded "Don't worry we'll discus all about it in a little bit. Could I get some food first? I kinda haven't eaten all day." I sat down as Tenzin's wife entered.

"Welcome back Damian, it's been so long" the two younger children were just looking around in confusion. They both asked "Dad who is this?"

Tenzin looked at them and explained "This is Damian, he trained here a few years ago and learned airbender methods. We also helped him to access the spirit world so that he could find Wan Shi Tong's Library." He looked at me expectantly, "Did you find it!?"

"Of course I found it, but before we get started with that I must say that the lady outside was quite rude. I was coming to the house from the shore and as I was walking I began talking to Scrap here, he had scared the poor lady" Damian pointed to the little salamander resting on his shoulder, "and she just blasted me out of nowhere. I put her in her place of course, but still is this how you treat all your guests Tenzin. I mean I know it's been a couple years, but…"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence as Tenzin gained a look of horror on his face and ran out of the house screaming "Korra!"

Korra, I knew that name. I mulled it over for a second. "Korra, as in Avatar Korra?" I asked Jinora who had become seated.

"Yes that Korra" she said as she looked down embarrassed for what her friend had done.

"Oops, well the brute deserved it." I finally released my bending as I heard a loud scream coming from the front entrance followed by an even larger explosion.


I was still sat at the table, Korra was absolutely seething across me from me. Tenzin looked like he had just come out of a burning building. Yet, none of that mattered now. That's all because I had food! I hadn't eaten all day, this was about to taste so good.

Tenzin's wife had gotten around to giving me a plate and I was thoroughly enjoying it as I could feel Korra glaring daggers into me. If looks could kill, am I right?

It's too bad that even Tenzin was mad at me too now. I was hoping we could team up against the brute and get her properly punished. Now they were teaming up against me.

Well, it is what it is. Here's the Avatar now, "What did you do! I was shrink wrapped! I even entered the avatar state and I couldn't get out! Was it bending!? Magic!?" She was starting to get hysterical at this point so I shut it down

"Skrink wrapped, I like it! But no, it was bending, not magic, just a clever application of earthbending. You of course have to factor in my overwhelming power." My sarcasm wasn't appreciated and Korra looked skeptical, but Tenzin was starting to look curious.

"Are you sure it wasn't magic? I literally opened a portal to the spirit world all on my own without the avatar state. Now you are telling me I was stopped by clever earthbending? It doesn't add up."

"Well, I don't exactly have to tell you how I did it. Plus for a brute like you it would just fly over your head. It's too technical."

Korra jumped up and was about to ready to vault over the table until Tenzin held her back.

"How about this? It's late, we should all go to bed. Let's let this cool down and tomorrow we can all talk." Korra didn't look satisfied but finally relented to Tenzin suggestion. Of course after he gave her the classic stern airbender death glare. I had been on the wrong side of that a few times myself.

"Fine, but I want my answers" Korra threatened. I wasn't scared. I'm willing to bet Scrap here on my shoulder could give the Avatar a run for her money.

For now it was time for bed. As the table was cleared and the lights were turned off I wondered what I had gotten myself into. Hopefully the Avatar doesn't have a blood feud with me now.