
Building The Soul Before The Body

In a world where Martial Arts reign supreme and cultivators are scarce, an ancient spirit finds itself trapped within the body of a village chief's newborn son. As he learns about this unfamiliar world, he decides to remain dormant, hiding his existence to observe the events that unfold. Witnessing the rise of his host's village through the child's eyes, he gets drawn into the politics, challenges, and opportunities of this new life. Yet, danger lurks around every corner as the child, Jasper, is destined for greatness. Will the ancient spirit aid in Jasper's ascension, or will their worlds collide, causing chaos and destruction? *** This novel is currently rotating around Jasper but will later in the story revolve around the Spring Village and the Clan that Jasper creates. In this novel you will see the Spring Village navigate and explore this world reaching the peak, and eventually having to face the God of this world. The cultivation system and synopsis will also change as the story goes on. *** ***Slight spoiler warning*** This novel starts us off with us following Jasper. Jasper is the son of the Spring Village Chief. The Spring Village also founded the near by Martial Hall which is now a local power. Jasper while going through his journey will be accompanied by a system, but what he doesn't know is that the system is actually just some old grampa living in his soul. (I'll make a better abstract later)

Omnidoa · Eastern
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37 Chs

Chapter 7 The Ancient Qi Cultivator

"Remarkable... Truly remarkable," an aged voice echoed within the vast, inky void of an unoccupied hall. This voice, laced with centuries of wisdom, rang out with curiosity and a touch of perplexity. "In my span of existence that stretches across millennia, I've not encountered such an enigma."

The mysterious owner of the voice fell silent, seemingly ensnared in a web of deep introspection about his peculiar situation. "It feels as though I'm nestled within the cradle of another's soul, but how could that be possible?" He mused aloud, grappling with the conundrum before him. "Body possession, yes, I'm familiar with that concept, but to claim dominion over someone's soul is unheard of. Even more so, I don't feel the power that would suggest possession; rather, it seems as if I'm embedded here, like a moth caught in amber."

His voice dwindled into silence once again, leaving behind a profound contemplation that seemed to ripple through the emptiness around him. After a period of deliberation, the man started experimenting with his environment, exploring his newfound abilities within this soul-space.

Ethereal tendrils, wisps of his spiritual essence, snaked out from him, probing the surrounding void. As they extended further and further, the oppressive darkness seemed to morph, reshaping in response to his influence.

"It appears I've succeeded in exerting some control," the voice resonated again, sounding somewhat more confident. "Even trapped within the confines of another's soul, it seems my manipulation of spirit qi hasn't waned. If anything, it feels enhanced. When I infuse this space with it, I experience a degree of control, a mastery over this domain. Perhaps, just maybe, I can dominate this soul."

Bolstered by this realization, the man sent out waves of spirit qi, casting them into the seemingly infinite darkness around him. As the spirit qi gradually saturated the surroundings, it began to illuminate the soul space, casting off the shadows that previously consumed it, and birthing an eerie luminescence within the void.

Persistently, the man continued to unfurl his spiritual tendrils, imbuing every corner of the soul-space with his potent spirit qi. This laborious process continued unabated, wave after wave of his spiritual essence spreading out, slowly driving back the shadows and bathing the entire domain in its ethereal light.

As the man's spirit qi pervaded the once impenetrable darkness, he made two startling discoveries. First, his initial presumption of full dominion over this space was slightly overestimated. He held influence, certainly, but the control was far from complete. The soul-space resisted his dominion to an extent, as if it maintained its own independent will, a protective instinct defending against external encroachment.

Secondly, as the last remnants of darkness were vanquished by his spiritual illumination, the man began to discern subtle traces of purity and innocence that the soul-space harbored. The raw, untouched nature of the soul, its delicate complexity, and the nascent aura that it emanated — everything pointed towards one astonishing revelation. He found himself within the soul of an infant, as new to existence as a bud about to bloom, with the promise of life yet to unfold.

A note of resolute determination resonated in the man's voice as he murmured to himself, "Intriguing... to be ensnared within a soul at its inception, so raw and untouched. An unexpected occurrence, but one I shall exploit to my advantage."

His musings echoed through the ether, a tinge of ruthlessness lacing his words. "Although I have imbued this soul-space with my spirit qi, it grants me only marginal control. However, I'm not confined to simply observing... there is much I can still influence."

A pause ensued, filled with contemplation. "A newborn's soul... an opportunity cloaked in fragility," he declared, acknowledging the unique situation. "Yet, it presents an unparalleled chance to extend my spirit qi's reach into an untouched vessel."

An edge sharpened his voice as he outlined his strategy. "I need not shield this soul. Its resilience or downfall is irrelevant. My focus remains on extending my influence, and to achieve that, I must extend my spirit qi into every corner of this being."

His spirit qi stirred, sending ripples through the illuminated space. "Meridians... conduits for qi throughout the body. They are unguarded, unsullied in this newborn. If I guide my spirit qi along these paths, I might instill deeper roots within this existence."

With a cold chuckle, he released another surge of his spirit qi, directing it towards the meridians. "It's not a matter of cohabitation. It's a question of expanding my influence. I am a visitor, yes, but one who refuses to be confined. If this soul is a vessel, then it is mine to command."

His determination echoed in the silence, spreading outwards alongside his spirit qi. "The symphony this soul plays will soon harmonize to my tune. I will have my control, and I will extend my reach. I shall not be a mere passenger in this voyage."


"Since when was I so poetic?"

His words hung heavy in the illuminated space as he directed his spirit qi throughout the newborn's meridians, filling every corner of its existence with his formidable energy. As the baby's body brimmed with spirit qi, a frown etched itself onto the man's face.

His tone bore a hint of disappointment as he spoke, "Despite the baby being completely saturated with my spirit qi, it seems to be confined within this shell. An invisible barrier rejects my qi from seeping out into the world beyond."

His voice fell silent, the resonant echo of his words lingering in the space around him. As realization dawned on him, he mused aloud, "Could it be that this infant's body is acting as a vessel, tightly bound and unyielding? Intriguing... The limitations of this form are... frustrating yet fascinating."

Understanding that his sphere of influence was confined within the newborn, he resolved on a new course of action. "Since I cannot extend my reach outside this body, I should focus on what I can control within it. I need to fortify this vessel."

His voice rang out with determination as he made his decision, "I must refine the spirit qi and condition this fragile body. Strengthening it is the only way to ensure survival in the face of potential adversities or neglect. My existence is intertwined with the life of this child. If it were to perish... I would share its fate."

With that, he began the arduous process of refining the spirit qi within the newborn's body, focusing on reinforcing the infant's physicality to prepare for any eventualities that may lie ahead.

A year of tireless work, refinement, and adaptation led to a joyous revelation. The man's spirit reverberated with triumph within the illuminated space as he finally grasped a glimpse of the world beyond the infant's body.

"Success!" he exulted, his voice resonating with newfound excitement and satisfaction. "By saturating the meridians in the baby's eyes with my spirit qi, I've accomplished what seemed impossible! I can finally perceive the outside world."

His spirit qi had been carefully channeled into the eye meridians of the baby, and through a meticulous technique, he managed to induce the meridians to absorb the spirit qi, a task akin to threading a needle in darkness. His continuous and unwavering effort was finally rewarded. The once impenetrable barrier now had a window.

"Now, through the baby's eyes, I can see the world beyond these confines. This truly is a breakthrough," he marveled, his tone filled with awe and relief. "I am no longer blind in this vessel. The world is no longer a void of darkness. A light at the end of the tunnel... and what a sight it is!"

The man savored the victory, a sense of elation coursing through him as he basked in the sight of the world that was revealed to him, a world that was once so elusive. It was not just an achievement, but also a new beginning.

A bittersweet revelation greeted the man's newly regained sight. A figure in the throes of despair came into view. A man whose anguished features reflected deep, unresolved pain, clutching his head in his hands as tears flowed freely from his eyes. It took a moment for the man within the baby's soul to comprehend the sight before him. This grieving figure was the baby's father.

Upon further observation and internal reflection, the man connected the dots. The father was in the throes of despair, his sorrow unabated even a year after a tragic event. The baby's mother had passed away due to circumstances unknown to the man within the soul, leaving the father alone to grieve his lost love.

"The grief this man is going through... it's evident. He lost his beloved, the mother of this child I inhabit," the man mused, his tone softening in sympathy. "He's been mourning her loss for a year, alone with his sorrow. What a heavy burden to bear."

For the man inside the baby, who'd been focused on gaining control over his host's body, the sight served as a stark reminder of the reality outside his spiritual world. Despite his strange circumstance and his own predicament, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of compassion for the grieving father. He was a stranger in a stranger's life, witnessing the profound grief of a man mourning the loss of his beloved. It was an intimate and heartbreaking sight, one that momentarily shook him from his initial goal of survival.

Yet, the man's moment of compassion was fleeting, soon drowned out by the countless atrocities he had borne witness to in his millennia-long existence. A few drops of sympathy in the vast ocean of his experiences were easily lost. Life was harsh, and he'd seen it all - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

With a soft sigh, he resolved to focus on his situation. There was a unique world to explore, one that was as fascinating as it was perplexing. Thus, he set himself to the task of refining the baby's body with his spirit qi, all while keeping an eye on the unfolding events outside.