
Building The Soul Before The Body

In a world where Martial Arts reign supreme and cultivators are scarce, an ancient spirit finds itself trapped within the body of a village chief's newborn son. As he learns about this unfamiliar world, he decides to remain dormant, hiding his existence to observe the events that unfold. Witnessing the rise of his host's village through the child's eyes, he gets drawn into the politics, challenges, and opportunities of this new life. Yet, danger lurks around every corner as the child, Jasper, is destined for greatness. Will the ancient spirit aid in Jasper's ascension, or will their worlds collide, causing chaos and destruction? *** This novel is currently rotating around Jasper but will later in the story revolve around the Spring Village and the Clan that Jasper creates. In this novel you will see the Spring Village navigate and explore this world reaching the peak, and eventually having to face the God of this world. The cultivation system and synopsis will also change as the story goes on. *** ***Slight spoiler warning*** This novel starts us off with us following Jasper. Jasper is the son of the Spring Village Chief. The Spring Village also founded the near by Martial Hall which is now a local power. Jasper while going through his journey will be accompanied by a system, but what he doesn't know is that the system is actually just some old grampa living in his soul. (I'll make a better abstract later)

Omnidoa · Eastern
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37 Chs

Chapter 25 The System

As he returned to his courtyard, Jasper turned his focus to the mysterious system interface that had been assisting him. With time, he had gained a better understanding of the system's features and workings. He now knew how to earn the elusive system Coins: through completing System Missions and exchanging Spirit Qi.

The term 'Spirit Qi' was one that he had never come across before, but the system had provided him with guidance on how to cultivate and circulate it. Each time he circulated the Spirit Qi, he could feel his reserves growing, albeit slowly.

After accumulating a decent amount of Spirit Qi over time, Jasper discovered he could exchange it for a small number of system Coins. Though the quantity was insufficient to buy the medicine pill he needed for Jillian, it was just enough to purchase something known as the 'beginner's package' within the system.

This beginner's package was purported to contain a meditation technique that could significantly enhance his Spirit Qi gathering speed. Even though it was not what he initially desired, it felt like a good investment. So, Jasper made up his mind - today, he would finally buy this package.

With determination set in his heart, Jasper navigated the system, opening the shop and clicking on the beginner package. Slightly illuminated, the package clearly indicated its special status, being one level above the starter package. Jasper quickly scrolled down past the item description to the 'buy' button.

"System, exchange 50 wisps of Spirit Qi for 5 Coins," he commanded. Immediately, an ethereal mechanical voice rang out in his mind.

[Ding. Ding. 50 wisps were removed and 5 Coins have been deposited.]

The feeling of losing more than 70 percent of his Spirit Qi was very strange. It was almost like someone was stealing his energy, it was an uncomfortable feeling. Regardless it was something necessary and has to be done.

Without wasting any time, Jasper clicked the 'buy' button. The screen glowed with a green hue as a message appeared.

[Congrats on your purchase, Host! The Beginner Package has been sent to your inventory. 5 Coins have been removed from your account.]

Following the message, Jasper navigated back to the system's home page and clicked on the inventory icon. Luckily the Starter Package had come with a helpful 'tutorial' for the system interface, saving him from the possible confusion of operating such an advanced system.

Jasper was initially overjoyed when he first learned about the 'inventory' feature of the system. He'd hoped that it would allow him to store any item within it. Yet, after numerous failed attempts and a swift shut-down from the system, he learned that it only stored system items. Once removed from the inventory, these items would no longer be classified as system items and could not be placed back inside.

These thoughts resurfaced as he clicked on the new icon of the beginner package. The lone package, surrounded by vacant item slots on the inventory screen, glowed with a magnificent blue hue. After a few moments, the glow subsided, and in its place were three new items.

The first item was a booklet named 'Beginner Manual of Qi Sensing and Refinement.' The second item was a small stone, a 'Spirit Stone,' with the number '5' at its top right corner, presumably indicating that there were five such stones in the inventory slot. The third item was a paper labeled as a '30-Minute Free Pass.'

With uncertainty about the purpose of the other two items, Jasper decided to focus on the 'Beginner Manual of Qi Sensing and Refinement.' Upon clicking the book's icon, he was presented with a few options:

- [Read

- Destroy

- Pay 100 Coins to Imbue Knowledge]

Seeing the 'Pay 100 Coins to Imbue Knowledge' option, Jasper curiously questioned the system, "What does this last option imply?" The system promptly responded,

[Ding. Ding. Imbuing Knowledge refers to the direct transmission of information into your brain].

Jasper's eyes widened at the system's response. "So, I could potentially learn everything in the 'Beginner Manual' instantly?" he asked, the prospect almost too good to be true.

[Ding. Ding. That is correct, host]

the system confirmed, leaving Jasper awestruck. An option like this was beyond his wildest dreams. However, his elation quickly faded when he remembered that he didn't have enough Coins for this option. Sighing, Jasper clicked the 'Read' option and settled in to study the manual.

With a sigh, Jasper selected the 'Read' option. Instantly, a display filled with dense text and intricate diagrams materialized in his mind's eye. The vast amount of information was enough to overwhelm anyone unfamiliar with such comprehensive knowledge. The seemingly endless scroll contained about fifty pages of valuable content.

Jasper quickly skimmed through, catching glimpses of the depth and detail it offered. Realizing he wouldn't be able to absorb everything in one go, he scrolled back to the beginning.

Adopting a meditative posture, he took a deep breath to clear his mind, preparing himself for the arduous task ahead. He then focused his full attention on the material, beginning his comprehensive reading of the Beginner Manual of Qi Sensing and Refinement. He was determined to absorb as much as possible, his journey of cultivating the elusive Spirit Qi truly beginning.


The booklet started with an overview of Spirit Qi cultivation, defining it as the process of absorbing Qi, the essence that exists between heaven and earth, into one's body. This fundamental stage, known as Qi sensing, involved finding and drawing in this omnipresent Qi.

Initially, the collected Qi would be chaotic and hard to manage. If accumulated recklessly, it could inflict long-term harm to the cultivator's body. To mitigate these risks, cultivators would refine this raw Spirit Qi, transforming it into their own specific Qi - a stage referred to as Qi Refining.

While some practitioners might differentiate these stages into distinct realms, this particular manual merged them into one, simplifying it to the Qi Refinement Realm. It further offered a meditation technique to aid in the absorption of Spirit Qi and a circulation method to facilitate its refinement.

Usually, upon refining Qi, it would gain a distinct mark that identified it as belonging to the cultivator. However, in Jasper's case, his meridians had already been refined by the system using Spirit Qi. Therefore, his Qi would be exceptionally pure and devoid of any distinctive marks.

Over the next month, Jasper practiced the Qi sensing and refining techniques diligently. Every day, he would absorb the Spirit Qi from heaven and earth, using the meditation technique he learned from the system's beginner manual. Then, he would refine the chaotic Qi into his own, using the circulation method. The process was complex, but Jasper found himself steadily improving, able to absorb and refine more Spirit Qi with each passing day.

While not practicing, he would visit Jillian in the Medical Room, watching as her condition gradually stabilized and improved. These visits became his source of comfort and motivation. Although she was still unconscious, seeing her every day gave him hope.

Aside from his cultivation and visiting Jillian, Jasper also focused on his new team. For the first week, they met every day, working out their team dynamics, setting up their team norms, and preparing for their future missions. After that initial period, they decided to meet once a week to check in on each other before accepting a new mission. Their unity and cooperation were commendable, and they began to work well as a team under Jasper's leadership.

As a month passed, a significant change occurred in Jasper's cultivation. During his meditation on the last day of the month, he managed to absorb about 100 wisps of Spirit Qi. These wisps soon accumulated and condensed into a swirl of Qi within him, signifying a major milestone. According to the beginner manual, this marked his entry into the first stage of the Qi Refinement Realm. This achievement marked a huge step forward in Jasper's cultivation journey, reinforcing his determination and dedication towards becoming stronger and one day buying the medicinal pill for Jillian.