
Building The Soul Before The Body

In a world where Martial Arts reign supreme and cultivators are scarce, an ancient spirit finds itself trapped within the body of a village chief's newborn son. As he learns about this unfamiliar world, he decides to remain dormant, hiding his existence to observe the events that unfold. Witnessing the rise of his host's village through the child's eyes, he gets drawn into the politics, challenges, and opportunities of this new life. Yet, danger lurks around every corner as the child, Jasper, is destined for greatness. Will the ancient spirit aid in Jasper's ascension, or will their worlds collide, causing chaos and destruction? *** This novel is currently rotating around Jasper but will later in the story revolve around the Spring Village and the Clan that Jasper creates. In this novel you will see the Spring Village navigate and explore this world reaching the peak, and eventually having to face the God of this world. The cultivation system and synopsis will also change as the story goes on. *** ***Slight spoiler warning*** This novel starts us off with us following Jasper. Jasper is the son of the Spring Village Chief. The Spring Village also founded the near by Martial Hall which is now a local power. Jasper while going through his journey will be accompanied by a system, but what he doesn't know is that the system is actually just some old grampa living in his soul. (I'll make a better abstract later)

Omnidoa · Eastern
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37 Chs

Chapter 21 The System

Going back to the present, Jasper was kneeling on the ground. Groaning in pain, he looked at his blood splattered around him. But the situation didn't last as an unfathomable message echoed in Jasper's consciousness: "System detecting severe threat to host's life. Activating self-defense mechanism." The alien yet somehow familiar voice jolted Jasper, momentarily overshadowing his physical agony.

Simultaneously, a cascade of sensations flooded his frame, sending shivers down his spine. It was as if he had become a conduit for an otherworldly power, the energy from this mysterious system pulsing through every vein, every fiber of his being. It felt like a colossal dam within him had shattered, unleashing a boundless reservoir of potential that he had been oblivious to until this moment.

This foreign energy surged within him, its essence akin to aura yet markedly distinct, coursing like a tempestuous river throughout his body. The sudden influx incited a vehement response from his own aura, which sprang into action, roused from its dormant state. Without warning, an overwhelming surge of aura started to coalesce around him, the air in his immediate vicinity crackling and thickening under the sheer magnitude of this concentrated force. The aura seemed to possess a life of its own, growing progressively stronger, denser, and more formidable.

As his aura continued to swell, it soon reached a critical point, giving rise to a powerful shockwave that radiated from him. It was a telltale sign of a breakthrough, a monumental event in the life of any martial artist. Jasper had successfully ascended from the Pre-Practitioner Realm and stepped into the first stage of the Practitioner Realm. While Jasper might not be as experienced as a Practitioner, because of how dense his aura was he could indeed be considered in the Practitioner realm.

Jasper locked his gaze on the predatory beast that was preparing for another attack. His new-found power surged within him, his body primed like a coiled spring ready to release its pent-up energy. His every instinct screamed at him to fight, to defend his life against this imminent threat.

Jasper rushed towards the formidable tiger, his movements no longer those of an inexperienced youth but instead resembling a seasoned warrior. His sword, which had previously seemed heavy and unwieldy, was now an extension of his will, slicing through the air with deadly precision. With this new found strength came even greater control of his body.

Each swing, each feint, each parry was executed with a degree of accuracy that was simply unimaginable earlier. The tiger, overwhelmed by the ferocity and tenacity of its once easy prey, was now on the defensive.

"Ding Ding. Threat level has been reduced. Host is advised to administer the final blow," the voice echoed within his mind again.

Meanwhile, as Jasper skillfully engaged the beast, his aura flowed harmoniously, its potent energy accentuating every movement he made. He felt invincible, empowered in a way he'd never experienced before.

His sword seemed to gleam with an otherworldly light, slicing through the air with lethal efficiency. Each strike was made with calculated precision, the blade humming as it danced its deadly ballet. He no longer felt the dread and fear that had initially seized him when the tiger had first attacked. Instead, his mind was razor-focused, his determination unwavering.

Despite its size and raw strength, the tiger found itself outmatched. Its savage roars and powerful swipes were systematically evaded or blocked by Jasper's swift maneuvers. The youngster's strikes increasingly found their mark, leaving the tiger reeling and disoriented.

With a final burst of energy, Jasper charged forward, his sword aimed at the beast's heart. A split second before the contact, time seemed to stretch, the moment hanging in the balance between life and death. Then, with a swift and resolute thrust, Jasper drove his sword deep into the beast's body, puncturing its heart.

The fierce battle was finally over. As Jasper pulled his sword from the lifeless beast, the system chimed in his mind once again. "Ding Ding, Threat has been eliminated. Initiating recovery process for the host." Without Jasper even having to control it, the mysterious energy and his aura started circulating in tangent. His wounds were healing at visible speeds, shocking Jasper beyond belief.

As his wounds started to heal, Jasper couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. However, his mind immediately went back to Jillian. He turned his gaze towards her, laying motionless not too far from him.

Jillian, a girl about the same age as Jasper, had fought valiantly against the beast. She lay on the ground, her body marred with grievous wounds inflicted by the tiger. He could see the pain etched on her face, her breaths coming out in ragged gasps. Fear filled her eyes, but she clung onto consciousness, showing a tenacity that belied her tender age.

A pang of guilt seized Jasper. He wished he could do something to ease her suffering, but he himself was just a child, with no knowledge of medicine or healing arts.

As Jasper looked at Jillian, a thought came to him. If the 'system' could heal him, could it possibly do the same for Jillian? He didn't know the full extent of the system's capabilities, but he felt an urgent need to help Jillian. He had to at least try.

Desperation creeping into his voice, Jasper addressed the ethereal voice that had guided him since the onset of the battle. Barely above a whisper, he pleaded, "Is anyone there? Please, help me save Jillian."

A moment of silence passed before the system responded in its customary clear and emotionless tone. "Ding Ding, apologies, Host. The system's base functionality does not include direct healing of external entities. Healing pills can be purchased from the system store."

Jasper felt his heart drop at the words. A store? He asked the system hastily, "Where is this store?"

"Ding Ding," the system responded mechanically. "The store can be accessed by focusing on the phrase 'system store.'"

Wasting no time, Jasper concentrated on the phrase, and to his dismay, an interface appeared in his mind. A healing pill icon was visible, but it was highlighted in red, indicating his inability to purchase it. He frantically clicked on the unresponsive pill icon, his heart sinking further. "I... I don't have any system coins. Is there... Is there anything else I can do, system?"

"Apologies, Host. Without system currency, no transactions can be conducted. You could attempt to manufacture medicinal pills yourself."

Confusion clouded Jasper's mind. "What are you talking about?" He retorted, "How could I possibly have time to refine medicinal pills now?" In a desperate move, he quickly emptied his and Jillian's pockets, extracting all of the gold and silver coins they possessed. He scrutinized the 3 gold and 24 silver coins before inquiring again, "Can I exchange these for system coins?"

"Ding Ding, No," came the system's indifferent response.

Jasper's heart clenched at the system's emotionless response. The despair he felt was tangible, a dark, enveloping abyss that threatened to consume him whole. He was a martial artist, a practitioner realm at that, but what good was all this power when he couldn't save the ones he cared for?

Despite his fear, he found a new surge of strength in his desperation. With newfound resolve, he hoisted Jillian onto his shoulders, her faint groans of pain spurring him on. He could feel his energy waning, but he pushed the fatigue aside. He began to run, the Martial Hall his only hope.

Every second was critical. He raced against the ticking clock, praying that he would reach the Martial Hall in time. He clung onto hope, the slim chance that he could get Jillian the help she so desperately needed.

The journey was a blur, every gasping breath, every pounding footstep amplified in his ears. Yet, he kept pushing forward, refusing to give up. He wasn't just fighting for Jillian's life now; he was fighting against his own helplessness. He could only hope that he wasn't too late. Jillian was the last member of his group still alive, he had to make sure she lived!

With Jillian in his arms, Jasper dashed towards the Martial Hall, every second ticking away like an eternity. His breath was ragged, his muscles screamed in protest, yet his resolve never wavered. Jillian's condition deteriorated with each passing second, and he had to get her to the Medical Room.

As he neared the Martial Hall, the Alchemy Hall came into view. The grandeur of the building, with its towering walls and intricate carvings, did little to alleviate the dread that clawed at his heart. With renewed urgency, he stormed into the Alchemy Hall, his bloody and torn clothes a stark contrast to the pristine white robes of the medical practitioners within.

Ignoring the shocked gasps and wide-eyed stares from the people around him, Jasper navigated through the labyrinth-like hall. Each turn, each corner was etched in his memory from his previous visits. He passed by the Herbal Room, a place where he had spent countless hours with his team submitting herbs they gathered on their missions. A wave of sadness washed over him as he thought about his fallen comrades, but he quickly brushed it aside. He had a task at hand, and he wouldn't let anything deter him.

His focus was solely on reaching the Medical Room. The guards at the entrance, recognizing him as the Chief's son, did not dare to stop him. The atmosphere grew tense as onlookers watched the boy race against time.

Finally, he burst into the Medical Room. His desperate plea echoed through the eerily silent hall. "Help her, please!" he cried out, his voice filled with a despair that belied his young age. The sight of the gravely injured Jillian in his arms, coupled with his desperate plea, sent the medical practitioners scrambling into action.

The dire situation had begun to unfold, and the outcome was uncertain. But Jasper held onto the glimmer of hope that the healers in the Medical Room could save Jillian's life.