
Building The Soul Before The Body

In a world where Martial Arts reign supreme and cultivators are scarce, an ancient spirit finds itself trapped within the body of a village chief's newborn son. As he learns about this unfamiliar world, he decides to remain dormant, hiding his existence to observe the events that unfold. Witnessing the rise of his host's village through the child's eyes, he gets drawn into the politics, challenges, and opportunities of this new life. Yet, danger lurks around every corner as the child, Jasper, is destined for greatness. Will the ancient spirit aid in Jasper's ascension, or will their worlds collide, causing chaos and destruction? *** This novel is currently rotating around Jasper but will later in the story revolve around the Spring Village and the Clan that Jasper creates. In this novel you will see the Spring Village navigate and explore this world reaching the peak, and eventually having to face the God of this world. The cultivation system and synopsis will also change as the story goes on. *** ***Slight spoiler warning*** This novel starts us off with us following Jasper. Jasper is the son of the Spring Village Chief. The Spring Village also founded the near by Martial Hall which is now a local power. Jasper while going through his journey will be accompanied by a system, but what he doesn't know is that the system is actually just some old grampa living in his soul. (I'll make a better abstract later)

Omnidoa · Eastern
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37 Chs

Chapter 16 Punishment

The office was a reflection of Cline's authority and position - a modestly sized room filled with an aura of discipline and orderliness. The mahogany desk stood firm in the middle, scattered with scrolls and ink pots, illuminated by a single, delicate oil lamp. Shelves filled with books and documents lined the walls, speaking volumes of the growth and governance of Spring Village. A large window offered a view of the tranquil courtyard, now draped in twilight's soft hues. The gentle rustling of the parchment against the wooden desk was the only sound disturbing the room's serene silence.

In this somber setting, the head maid divulged the information that disrupted Cline's tranquility. Upon hearing the news, Cline's face tightened and his eyes turned a shade darker. After a moment of contemplation, he looked at the head maid and instructed, "Fetch Jasper. I need to speak with him."

Jasper entered the room a while later, his vibrant smile contrasting the somber mood of the room. His eyes widened as Cline began to relay the recent events, his facial expressions cycling through surprise, confusion, and ultimately, disappointment.

"Father," he began, attempting to explain, "I... I didn't think it was that big of a deal."

"And yet, it is, son," Cline interrupted, a hint of sternness to his voice. "Can you tell me why you felt the need to share this with Alexa?"

Jasper hesitated, grappling with his own disappointment. Alexa had been someone he considered very close to him, like a friend. He sighed, a mixture of regret and sadness painting his face. "I... I thought she wouldn't say anything. I didn't realize that she would..."

His words hung in the air, and the silence that followed was a testament to the gravity of the situation. For Cline, it was clear that his son was beginning to grasp the implications of his actions. And for Jasper, it was a hard lesson about trust.

Gazing at Jasper, Cline decided it was time for his son to learn some crucial lessons about leadership and responsibility. "I'll handle the other maids and the rumors," he stated, his voice filled with the weight of his authority, "However, you will have to confront Alexa yourself."

Alexa was Jasper's personal maid for the past few years and the two of had a close relationship shared through their daily lives. But he was not just any young man; he was the son of the village chief, a position that demanded a certain level of maturity and responsibility. Despite his youth, it was necessary for Jasper to understand the nuances of trust, discipline, and confrontations.

Looking at his father, Jasper nodded, understanding the expectations placed on him. "Head maid," Cline directed, his voice echoing with authority, "Bring Alexa and Bernice here."

Without any delay, the head maid departed to carry out the Chief's orders. Shortly, she returned, escorting a visibly frightened Bernice and a shame-faced Alexa into the room. As the door closed behind them, the room was filled with a palpable tension.

Their reactions mirrored the gravity of their situation - Bernice looked as if she had seen a ghost, her usual bravado nowhere to be found. Alexa, on the other hand, kept her gaze down, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment and her shoulders drooped in an unspoken admission of guilt.

The quiet in the room was broken only by the soft rustling of clothes and the nervous shuffling of feet.

On Cline's signal, Bernice moved from the group towards the center of the room, her usual swagger replaced by trembling uncertainty. Cline picked up a scroll, the Head Maid's report of the incident. As he began to read aloud Bernice's transgressions, the room fell silent, punctuated only by the steady rhythm of his voice.

"For causing unrest among the servants, for speaking disrespectfully of Young Master Jasper, and for disrespecting the privacy of the Chief's family..." Cline's voice echoed in the room, each accusation hanging heavily in the air.

"Head maid, escort Bernice to the village dungeon," Cline ordered after finishing the list.

Upon hearing this, Bernice's face turned ghostly pale. "No, Chief, please!" she cried out, falling onto her knees. "I...I didn't mean... I'm sorry!" Her pleas filled the room, each word more desperate than the last.

But her pleas fell on deaf ears. A sentence to the village dungeon was no small matter. In a small village like this, where resources were scarce, prisoners were not a priority. In essence, the sentence was akin to a slow, torturous death by starvation. This harsh reality was evident in Bernice's frantic pleas, but the decision had been made.

For a child of only five, the scene unfolding before Jasper was nothing short of horrifying. Bernice's desperate pleas echoed through the room, her tear-streaked face a stark reminder of the grim reality of their world. The usually vibrant atmosphere of the office had turned somber, filled with a dreadfulness that was palpable. The stern, unforgiving expression on his father's face, the sorrowful sobs of Bernice, and the icy silence that followed each plea, painted a picture that was likely to haunt Jasper's young mind for a long time.

His gaze fell on Alexa, who had remained silent throughout the ordeal. Her head was still bowed, but her body trembled slightly, an obvious sign of her inner turmoil. Jasper felt a knot tighten in his stomach. He didn't want Alexa to share the same fate as Bernice, didn't want to see her fear-stricken and desperate.

Cline remained unmoved by Bernice's pleas. His gaze met the head maid's, her eyes wide with fear, before he reiterated his order in a harsher tone. "Head maid, take her to the Manor guards. Relay my orders and they will ensure her punishment is carried out."

With his command echoing in the room, the head maid ushered a still sobbing Bernice away, their departure leaving behind a chilling silence.

Now, only Cline, Alexa, and Jasper remained in the office. The atmosphere felt heavy, the aftermath of the stern punishment.

With a subtle nod, Cline indicated to Jasper that it was his turn to take the lead. Rising from his seat, Jasper stood tall. He may have only been four feet tall, still just a small child, but in that moment, to Alexa, his presence felt immense. His silence was deafening, his disappointment palpable.

From his seat behind the desk, Cline broke the silence that had filled the room. His voice, firm yet not unkind, directed at the young maid. "Alexa," he commanded, "Look up."

At Cline's command, Alexa flinched, a small shiver running through her. She hesitated for a moment before slowly lifting her head. The moment her gaze met Jasper's, a torrent of emotions overwhelmed her.

Tears welled up in her eyes and before she knew it, she was sobbing. "I... I'm so sorry, Young Master Jasper," she cried, her voice trembling. "I never... I didn't mean to..." Her words were broken by sobs, the regret evident in her voice.

Given Jasper's age and experience, his approach might be less measured but nonetheless direct. He would move closer to Alexa, his brows furrowing as he said, "Alexa, why did you tell my secret?" His voice would be filled with the raw emotion of betrayal.

Alexa, her tears still flowing freely, would stumble over her words in an attempt to explain herself. Her explanation, however, would be cut short by Cline's stern voice.

"Alexa," Cline would start, his voice echoing the disappointment that Jasper had just voiced, "As a servant in this manor, there are certain codes of conduct you must adhere to. Your actions have shown a disregard for these rules."

His voice would grow sterner as he declared, "Just as with Bernice, there will be consequences for your actions. You too will spend time in the village dungeon to reflect upon your actions."

Witnessing the severity of Bernice's punishment earlier had left a deep impact on Jasper. Seeing Alexa in a similar situation, he felt a surge of sympathy. He glanced at his father, his eyes pleading for leniency.

"Father," Jasper began, his voice steady despite his anxiety, "Alexa made a mistake, but so did I. I shouldn't have shared such sensitive information with her."

Cline raised an eyebrow at Jasper's intervention, surprised yet inwardly pleased at his son's display of maturity and empathy.

Jasper continued, "She should be punished, but I believe the sentence is too harsh. And since I am also at fault, I am willing to share in the punishment."

Cline contemplated his son's words before speaking, "Very well, Jasper. Your willingness to take responsibility is commendable. Alexa will still be punished, but her sentence will be lighter."

Turning to Alexa, he said, "Instead of the dungeon, you will perform the hardest chores in the mansion for a period of one month. And Jasper, since your secret talent is now known, you will have to prove your worth. Once you start training at the Martial Hall, you will only have two years to graduate. This will be your punishment - to take responsibility for your talents and to ensure they are not wasted."

Jasper, with a sigh of relief, nodded his understanding. Alexa, although still teary-eyed, nodded in gratitude towards Jasper, the weight of her punishment significantly lighter thanks to his intervention.