
Building The Soul Before The Body

In a world where Martial Arts reign supreme and cultivators are scarce, an ancient spirit finds itself trapped within the body of a village chief's newborn son. As he learns about this unfamiliar world, he decides to remain dormant, hiding his existence to observe the events that unfold. Witnessing the rise of his host's village through the child's eyes, he gets drawn into the politics, challenges, and opportunities of this new life. Yet, danger lurks around every corner as the child, Jasper, is destined for greatness. Will the ancient spirit aid in Jasper's ascension, or will their worlds collide, causing chaos and destruction? *** This novel is currently rotating around Jasper but will later in the story revolve around the Spring Village and the Clan that Jasper creates. In this novel you will see the Spring Village navigate and explore this world reaching the peak, and eventually having to face the God of this world. The cultivation system and synopsis will also change as the story goes on. *** ***Slight spoiler warning*** This novel starts us off with us following Jasper. Jasper is the son of the Spring Village Chief. The Spring Village also founded the near by Martial Hall which is now a local power. Jasper while going through his journey will be accompanied by a system, but what he doesn't know is that the system is actually just some old grampa living in his soul. (I'll make a better abstract later)

Omnidoa · Eastern
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37 Chs

Chapter 10 Jasper's Rite of Passage Part 2 and History Lesson

As the festivities concluded, Jasper, Cline, and Grant gathered within the confines of a private room in the village chief's residence. Grant, a middle-aged man with a warmth radiating from his smile mirrored in his eyes, listened with gentle attentiveness. Jasper, his enthusiasm uncontained, animatedly recounted the day's events with vivid excitement. The previously silent and shy boy had an endearing spark in his eyes as he relayed the experiences and achievements of the day. Grant, amused by this uncharacteristic fervor, couldn't help but emit a tender chuckle, ruffling the boy's hair affectionately. It was a simple, heartwarming moment.

"Well, young master Jasper," he said, addressing the boy by his newly given name. "You certainly were brave up there, standing before all those people. You should be very proud."

Jasper looked up at him, his bright eyes alight with pride. "I was brave, wasn't I? And did you hear? Everyone was clapping for me!"

Grant responded with a hearty laugh. "Indeed, they were. And rightly so, Jasper. You were very brave today."

The jovial atmosphere paused momentarily as Cline stepped forward, kneeling to level his gaze with Jasper's. He ran his fingers through the boy's hair affectionately. "Jasper," he began, his voice carrying a warmth that seemed to permeate the room. "I'm incredibly proud of you. Despite your initial fear, you held yourself well today. And your name... it means 'treasure'. You truly are a treasure to all of us here." The earnest sincerity in Cline's words added an additional layer of warmth to the room.

Jasper's eyes lit up at his father's words. "Really, dad?"

"Yes, really," Cline said, standing up. He turned to Grant, "And Grant, please take care of Jasper for now. I have to meet with the guests."

As his father left the room, Jasper turned to Grant with a look of curiosity. "Grant, why does dad have to meet with the guests? Can't he stay here?"

Grant, sensing the boy's deep interest, decided to indulge him in some of the village history, but simplified for a child's understanding. "You see, Jasper," Grant began, settling down comfortably on a chair, "A long time ago, our Spring Village wasn't as prosperous as it is now."

He paused, gathering his thoughts. "We were once like every other farming village around here. We would toil and work hard to grow our crops, then sell them to the big city, Grain City. That was our only way of making a living."

Grant sighed, his gaze distant as he recalled those harsh times. "We were weak, Jasper. We didn't have strong fighters to defend our village, so we had to rely on the bigger, stronger sects nearby, the Forest Mountain Sects, to protect us from the monsters and beasts that roamed the lands."

"But your father, Cline," Grant's voice took on a note of admiration, "changed everything. He created the Martial Hall, a place where any villager could learn martial arts. That meant we didn't have to depend on the sects anymore. We could protect ourselves."

His eyes twinkled as he went on, "The Martial Hall also brought in a lot of wealth and manpower. We didn't just farm anymore. We had other ways to earn and survive. The Hall attracted many foreigners and talented individuals to our village. I am one such foreigner, who your father recruited to protect you and serve you for life."

"Your father's efforts transformed our village. He brought about changes that bettered our lives. But with change came influence and power. And with influence and power, came responsibilities."

His gaze softened as he looked at Jasper. "Right now, your father is one of the most influential people around. So many people want to meet him, talk to him. Many of the people who came to celebrate your naming ceremony today are powerful individuals from neighboring clans and villages. They've come to greet your father and he, in turn, has to greet them. It's a way of showing respect and maintaining relations. Do you understand, Jasper?"

Jasper, wide-eyed and attentive, nodded. He had understood some of it, but the enormity of his father's responsibilities left him in awe. "Dad is amazing," he murmured, and Grant could only agree.

With a faint nod, Grant continued, "Yes, Jasper, your father is indeed amazing. His actions not only uplifted our village, but also made a profound impact on the world around us. This transformation wasn't easy, it required immense courage, tenacity, and vision. And now, our Spring Village isn't just another farming village, but a thriving place bustling with opportunities."

Jasper's gaze was fixated on Grant, his eyes shining with curiosity and awe. He was barely old enough to comprehend the magnitude of his father's deeds, yet there was an understanding blooming in his eyes. An understanding that his father was a man of great valor and honor, someone he could proudly look up to.

"Will I be like Dad when I grow up?" Jasper asked, his voice full of innocent determination.

Grant smiled warmly at the young boy. "Well, Jasper, that's up to you. You certainly have the potential. But remember, becoming a man like your father means you'll need to carry a great deal of responsibility. Are you ready to do that?"

Jasper pondered Grant's words for a moment before nodding firmly. "Yes, I want to be like Dad. I want to protect our village and make it even better!"

Grant couldn't help but laugh at Jasper's enthusiasm. "That's the spirit, Jasper! I'm sure your father will be very proud to hear that."

That day, as they sat in the comfort of the house, engaging in discussions about the history of the village and visions for the future, a transformation began to take place in Jasper. The stories ignited a spark in his young heart, and the first seeds of his understanding of the world outside were planted.

From the tales of his father's courageous efforts to uplift their village to the political intricacies and dynamics that shaped their world, everything began to paint a broader, more complex picture of life in his mind. The notions of responsibility, leadership, and sacrifice started to take root, subtly shaping his thoughts and dreams.

From that day forward, the carefree child started to understand the world from a more mature perspective. He realized that he was not just a son or a resident of the Spring Village, but also a crucial part of its future. His ambitions began to align with his father's legacy, his dreams now encompassing the prosperity and safety of the village.

The process was gradual, almost imperceptible, but the change was undeniably there. Over the next few years, Jasper would grow, not just in body, but in mind and spirit as well, slowly but surely, maturing into a young man ready to face the challenges of a rapidly changing world, just like his father.

In the depths of the boy's being, the unseen man absorbed the recounted history with profound shock. The presence of 'sects' in this world stirred a whirlwind of thoughts. Perhaps these sects weren't akin to those of his original world, the ones deeply steeped in the training of spiritual qi, but the mere possibility was undeniably intriguing.

Were these sects the same? Did they also cultivate the spiritual qi? The answers remained elusive, yet if the assumptions held true, the implications would be vast, even staggering! It would mean this world was not bound to a single form of energy or progression paths but harbored multiple, co-existing paths of cultivation.

The man found himself drawn into an internal monologue, a self-reflection spurred by the revelations. If he had discovered and harnessed spiritual energy, couldn't others in this world have done the same? Might there be other individuals or groups who had unearthed the secrets of spiritual qi?

Immersed in his thoughts, the man considered the wider implications of the world he found himself in. The information Grant had shared painted a picture of a world teeming with power dynamics, and now, the possibility of multiple paths of cultivation seemed almost certain. His mind was alight with excitement, yet the consequences were sobering.

"If there are indeed cultivators in this world who can harness spiritual qi, like I can..." he pondered, "then they may also have the ability to detect its presence. This body's transformation wouldn't go unnoticed... The spiritual qi coursing through it would act as a beacon to them..."

A cold shiver ran through him as he imagined the perilous situation he might have unknowingly thrown himself into. The initial joy of finding a familiar concept of cultivation quickly turned into a gripping fear. He, himself was a non-entity, residing in the body of a young child. If found, he'd be defenseless, a lamb amongst wolves.

Reassuring himself, he mentally patted his own back, glad for his foresight. His decision to hide the spiritual qi had been, in hindsight, a lifesaving choice. "It was right to stay hidden... if the spiritual qi was detected, it could very well spell the end of me." He thought, apprehension pooling deep within him.

A heavy sigh echoed in the silence of his mind, the gravity of the situation weighing on him. He had much to think about, but for now, the decision to remain hidden was clearer than ever. After all, he'd already learned the hard way that survival required more than strength it required cunning and caution. And for now, caution would be his closest ally.