
Building The Soul Before The Body

In a world where Martial Arts reign supreme and cultivators are scarce, an ancient spirit finds itself trapped within the body of a village chief's newborn son. As he learns about this unfamiliar world, he decides to remain dormant, hiding his existence to observe the events that unfold. Witnessing the rise of his host's village through the child's eyes, he gets drawn into the politics, challenges, and opportunities of this new life. Yet, danger lurks around every corner as the child, Jasper, is destined for greatness. Will the ancient spirit aid in Jasper's ascension, or will their worlds collide, causing chaos and destruction? *** This novel is currently rotating around Jasper but will later in the story revolve around the Spring Village and the Clan that Jasper creates. In this novel you will see the Spring Village navigate and explore this world reaching the peak, and eventually having to face the God of this world. The cultivation system and synopsis will also change as the story goes on. *** ***Slight spoiler warning*** This novel starts us off with us following Jasper. Jasper is the son of the Spring Village Chief. The Spring Village also founded the near by Martial Hall which is now a local power. Jasper while going through his journey will be accompanied by a system, but what he doesn't know is that the system is actually just some old grampa living in his soul. (I'll make a better abstract later)

Omnidoa · Eastern
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Chapter 1 Breaking Through

Seven years had elapsed since the grand opening of the Spring Village Martial Hall. Within the confines of a tranquil, open courtyard, where the sun's rays painted a golden hue on the worn cobblestones, a young child, dressed in the distinctive uniform of a third-class student, tirelessly honed his skills.

The boy, only seven years old, stood in the center of the courtyard, beads of sweat glistening on his furrowed brow. His small frame was adorned in the standard attire of a third-class student. Gripping a wooden practice sword tightly in his hands, engrossed in practicing the Initiate technique an integral part of the Spring Martial Hall's curriculum.

With focused determination, the boy adeptly wielded his sword, following a meticulously choreographed sequence of motions. Clad in a snug athletic uniform befitting a 3rd class student, he exemplified discipline and dedication. Each fluid completion of the sword cycle was accompanied by a subtle yet discernible wisp of aura cascading through his body—an ethereal manifestation of his burgeoning martial prowess. The Initiate technique he diligently practiced served as a conduit, harnessing and circulating the martial aura within his being. Its purpose was clear: to fortify the core muscles, strengthening the very foundation upon which his martial prowess would be built.

The Spring Martial Hall, recognized the paramount significance of core muscles in all forms of martial arts. Hence, the Initiate technique was deliberately crafted as the cornerstone of every student's training. From the very outset, novices were initiated into this fundamental skill, understanding that the cultivation of their core muscles formed the bedrock of their martial journey.

As students progressed along the arduous path of mastery, ascending the ranks to become esteemed Martial Practitioners, the significance of the Initiate technique remained resolute. Even at the pinnacle of their training, these practitioners found solace in the continued practice of this essential technique, well aware of its perennial value.

In the midst of the boy's focused exertions, a fellow student, distinguished by their 2nd class outfit, entered the courtyard from the periphery. Noticing the newcomer's arrival, the child paused his sword motions, beckoning the fellow student to join him.

"What is it, John?" The boy inquired, recognizing the newcomer as one of his group leaders within the team. In the structured hierarchy of the school, 3rd class students were entrusted with the responsibility of leading teams. A team, in turn, comprised three 2nd class group leaders, with each leader overseeing nine 1st class students. John, as a group leader, had recently embarked on a mission with his team, fulfilling their duty before returning to report to the team captain.

"Team captain, these are the hearts and three blood capsules obtained from the monsters we hunted," John began, presenting the harvested items to the team captain. "Additionally, we have submitted the herbs we gathered outside to the Herbal Room. In return, they rewarded us with four bottles of Body Strengthening medicine. We also earned 330 merit points."

"Excellent work," acknowledged the team captain, acknowledging the successful completion of their mission. "Leave two of the blood capsules and three of the medicine bottles for our collective use. You may distribute the remaining items among your team as you see fit."

"Understood!" John responded with enthusiasm, fully comprehending the instructions. He made a mental note to allocate the resources judiciously, ensuring that each member of his team would benefit from their hard-earned spoils.

With a respectful bow, the group leader carefully placed the rewards on a table situated at the side of the courtyard before taking his leave. As silence settled over the now-empty courtyard, the young man with the sword strode toward the side table where the hard-earned rewards awaited him. Picking up one of the medicine bottles, a soft smile graced his lips.

"With this," he murmured with anticipation, "I should be able to ascend to the 6th stage." Within the esteemed confines of the Spring Martial Hall, the pre-practitioner stage was divided into six distinct stages of progression. Typically, 1st class students found themselves in the 1st or 2nd stage, while 2nd class students resided within the 3rd or 4th stage. As for the 3rd class students like himself, they occupied the advanced realms of the 5th to 6th stage.

"Once I reach the 6th stage," he continued, his voice laced with determination, "I can undertake a 4th class mission." Advancing to a higher class within the Martial Hall required students to successfully complete an ordinary mission of a higher rank. In theory, a 1st class student could attempt a 6th class mission and instantly progress to the 6th class. However, in reality, most 1st class students were merely in the initial stages of pre-practitioner training, rendering the clearance of a 6th class mission virtually impossible.

Armed with this understanding, the young martial artist consumed the contents of the medicinal bottle before returning to the center of the courtyard. Engaging in his sword practice once more, the circulating aura within his body facilitated the movement and absorption of the medicinal properties along a specific path. By intertwining the sword motions with the administration of the medicine, he ensured that the medicinal effects concentrated solely within the aura's pathway, targeting the core and other essential regions of his physique.

After diligently practicing the Initiate Technique for approximately 30 minutes, the child estimated that most of the medicine had dissolved into his body. With this in mind, he returned to the side table and retrieved another bottle, preparing to delve into a different technique. This time, it was a movement technique that focused on enhancing his mobility and strengthening specific areas, such as his legs and other targeted body parts. By following prescribed patterns of movement, he guided the flow of his aura along a distinct pathway, facilitating improved ease of motion.

Once again, after dedicating another half hour to this practice, the child repeated the process, but this time with a sword technique. With each swing of his blade, the circulation of his aura complemented his physical strength, enhancing his prowess in combat.

Completing the sequence, the young martial artist assumed a relaxed stance, allowing his body to find equilibrium. He then embarked on combining various techniques, seamlessly transitioning between them. This exercise aimed to refine his ability to manipulate his aura and fluidly shift its pathways during the chaos of combat. Mastery of these skills, including the coordination of movement, swinging, and core techniques, was indispensable in battle.

"Remarkable progress," the child acknowledged with satisfaction. "I can already wield two techniques simultaneously, so this time, incorporating the swinging and movement techniques, I should be well-prepared to undertake a 4th class mission. Moreover, the potency of my aura and the strength of its pathways have been enhanced thanks to the medicinal effects."

Leaving the courtyard, he donned his attire and embarked in the direction of the Spring Martial Hall Testing Hall. "First, I will complete the 6th stage test," he resolved, a sense of determination in his voice. "Then, I shall proceed to the Mission Hall to apply for one of the general 4th class missions, putting my newfound strength and skills to the test."

Knock, knock. The sound reverberated through the door, prompting a middle-aged man of formidable build to open it. Clad in a loose black instructor uniform, he was none other than Instructor Han.

"Oh, it's Jasper!" Instructor Han exclaimed, his eyes widening with surprise. "Are you here to undergo the 6th stage test?"

"Yes, Instructor Han," Jasper replied with determination. "I've made significant progress and feel ready to take on the challenge once again."

The instructor regarded Jasper with a mix of astonishment and disbelief. "Jasper, it has only been two months since you completed the 5th stage test, and you're already prepared for the 6th! Moreover, you're just seven years old! Most students your age are still in the 1st or 2nd stage. Tell me, did the village chief assist you secretly?"

Shaking his head, Jasper refuted the notion. "No, Instructor. You know well that outsiders cannot meddle in the affairs of the Spring Martial Hall."

Instructor Han, adopting a slightly teasing tone, continued, "Hmm, but considering your father is the Spring Village Chief and practically owns the Martial Hall, how can he be considered an outsider?"

Growing irritated by the instructor's banter, Jasper retorted, "You know my father's strong sense of justice. He wouldn't grant me excessive privileges behind the scenes."

With nervous laughter, Instructor Han quickly reassured him, "Haha, I was merely jesting. Someone of your father's stature would never engage in such practices."

With a respectful bow, Instructor Han ushered Jasper into the Testing Hall. "Young Master Jasper, please come in! I will immediately summon one of the elders to witness your test."