
Building Legends: The Rise of RC Deportivo de la Coruña

Saverio Anselmi, a wealthy Italian businessman, has always been passionate about football and dreams of owning a football club. His opportunity finally arises when he acquires Deportivo de la Coruña, a struggling football club in Spain. With his vast knowledge of football, Saverio starts to build a team that can compete with the best in Spain and Europe. At first, the idea seems impossible as Deportivo de la Coruña is struggling financially, and the team is in the bottom tier of the Spanish football league. Anselmi knows that he need to put in a lot of work to transform the club into a top one, but he is determined. Through hard work, dedication and smart investments, Anselmi turns the club around. He brings in new talents, hires experienced managers, immediatly yield results on the pitch. Along the way, we meet other important characters, such as players, reporters, managers, etc. As Deportivo de la Coruña wins game after game and rises through the league ranks, their reputation grows, and they start to attract attention from major football clubs around the world. However, Anselmi is not constent to simply make the club successful-he wants to make a legend. Building Legends: The Rise of RC Deportivo de la Coruña follows Anselmi, and other chartacters as they strive to make the club one of the greatest football clubs in history.

Lil_Scam · Sports
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11 Chs

Mazda Soma

Soma had always been an excellent student, and his parents had high hopes for him. Yuuto, his father, was a successful businessman who owned his own company, and Aoi, his mother, was a talented artist who ran her own studio. They both encouraged Soma to pursue his interests and excel in his studies.

When Soma turned 15, it was time for him to enter a chain of restaurants, and Aoi, his mother, was an artist. They had always encouraged Soma to pursue his interests and excel in whatever he did.

When Soma turned 15, he started upper secondary school. It was a big step for him as he was now in a more advanced level of education with a more rigorous curriculum and higher expectations. However, Soma was determined to do his best and make his parents proud.

On his first day at the new school, Soma was a little nervous as he did not know anyone. However, he soon made friends with Talehiko, a 13-year-old boy who was in the same class as him. Even at a young age, Talehiko was extremely talented and was known to be a math genius. Soma admired Talehiko for his intellect and they quickly became good friends.

Soma's first term at the upper secondary school went by quickly, and during the holidays, Soma and his father decided to visit their distant relatives to catch up. They went to different cities and towns and sent postcards to everyone they met. This was a fun experience for Soma as he got to learn about his family and their culture.

During the same holidays, Soma and his mother went to a local art studio and made hand-printed T-shirts. Soma enjoyed this creative experience with his mother and was proud of the T-shirt he had made. He wore it to school the next day and got compliments from his friends.

Soma's passion, however, was soccer. He had been playing soccer since he was a child and was now determined to join the soccer team at the upper secondary school. He tried out for the team and was pleasantly surprised when he got selected. This was a huge boost for Soma's confidence, and he was determined to work harder to become a better player.

Soma began practicing harder and longer hours, perfecting his soccer skills with every session. He was now part of a team of talented players and felt a great sense of camaraderie with his teammates. Soma enjoyed the thrill of competition and the feeling of belonging to a team.

Along with soccer, Soma knew he had to put more effort into his studies too. The upper secondary school was much more challenging than his previous school, and he needed to put in extra hours to keep up. Soma started studying harder and spending more time on his homework.

Soma's parents also encouraged him to start working out at the gym. They wanted him to be fit and healthy and believed that regular exercise would help him achieve his goals. Soma was initially hesitant, but he soon got used to the gym routine and enjoyed the feeling of being fit and strong.

As the school year progressed, Soma's hard work started paying off. He was doing well in his studies and was now an integral part of the soccer team. Soma's confidence was at an all-time high, and he was excited about the future. He had made new friends, pursued his interests, and was now a well-rounded individual.


Soma is now in his second year of upper secondary school. He had successfully passed his first year, but it was not easy. He had to study hard and balance his schoolwork with his extracurricular activities. However, Soma was determined to make the most of his high school years.

One day, Soma tried hitting a JUUL pen in the bathroom, but he didn't feel well afterward. He realized that experimenting with such things was not worth it and vowed to stay away from harmful substances.

Soma's father, Yuuto, noticed that his son needed a break from the stresses of school, so he suggested going mountain climbing together. Soma was initially hesitant, but he was curious to try something new. They prepared all the equipment and headed to the mountains. As they climbed, Soma felt an adrenaline rush and a sense of accomplishment when they reached the summit. He realized that challenging himself physically could be just as satisfying as succeeding academically.

A few weeks later, Soma's mother, Aoi, invited him to go canoeing on a nearby lake. Soma was excited to try it as he had never done it before. They rented a canoe and paddled around the lake, enjoying the calming effect of the water and the beautiful scenery. Soma realized that being in nature could be therapeutic and refreshing.

Soma had put in extra effort in practicing his skills and endurance. He attended all the team practices and worked on his weak areas. Soma enjoyed being part of the team and making new friendships.

At the gym, Soma met a girl named Yuki. They started talking and found that they shared many interests. Soma asked Yuki out on a date, and they had a good time together. After a few dates, they decided to start dating. Soma was happy to have met someone who shared his passion for working out and exploring new activities.

Soma and Yuki decided on a Friday evening to catch the latest blockbuster movie that had just been released. They arrived at the bustling cinema and purchased their tickets, excited to see the movie.

Yuki had been looking forward to the date the entire week, and she spent hours trying on different outfits before settling on a cute yellow sundress. Soma also put on his favorite shirt and pants to look his best for Yuki.

The couple had been excited all day and couldn't wait for the movie to start. They arrived early, got their snacks, and found their seats among the other couples. The lights dimmed, and the movie began. Soma could feel Yuki leaning on him, and it was all he could do to keep his attention on the movie.

About halfway through the film, Yuki got restless. Soma saw her checking her phone and shifting in her seat. He could tell something was wrong. He leaned in and whispered, "Is everything okay?"

Yuki shook her head and leaned into Soma. "I'm sorry. I just can't focus on the movie. I want to do something more exciting."

Soma thought for a moment before getting an idea. "I know. Let's go to the music festival happening tonight. We can dance and listen to music together."

Yuki's face lit up, and she eagerly agreed. They left the theater and headed to the festival. They could hear the music as they got closer, and it made their hearts race with excitement.

They arrived at the entrance and could see the crowd dancing and swaying to the beat. Soma and Yuki joined in, dancing in each other's arms. They were lost in the music, swaying to the beat. They felt like they were the only two people in the world.

As the night went on, the music became more lively and the dancing more passionate. Soma and Yuki were both lost in the rhythm as they danced. In a moment of spontaneity, Soma pulled Yuki closer and whispered into her ear, "Let's go somewhere more private."

Yuki was hesitant at first, but the intensity of the moment was too much to resist. They left the festival and headed to a nearby park. The park was quiet, and the only sound was their breathing as they were lying on the grass, holding each other.

Soma and Yuki shared a kiss under the stars. It was soft and slow, and both could feel their hearts racing. They lost all sense of time as they kissed and caressed each other's bodies. They made love for the first time, both losing their virginity to one another.

The night was magical, and the love between Soma and Yuki grew even stronger. As they lay in each other's arms, looking at the stars, they knew that they had found something special.

They were grateful for each other and the beautiful moments they had shared. They felt like nothing could ever separate them, and they were right. Soma and Yuki's love grew stronger every day, and they knew that they were meant to be together forever.

In conclusion, Soma's second year of upper secondary school was a year of exploration, growth, and new experiences. He discovered new passions and made new friendships. He realized that balancing his academic life with his personal life was essential, and he needed to take care of himself mentally and physically. Finally, he found that hard work and dedication paid off in achieving his goals and making meaningful connections.


In his 3rd year of upper secondary school, Soma found himself more focused on his studies as he knew that this year was crucial for him to achieve good grades and secure a good future for himself. However, Soma's personal life was not any less important to him.

One day, Soma's father, Yuuto, expressed to him that he was jealous of Soma's bond with his girlfriend, Yuki. Soma listened carefully to his father's concerns but didn't say anything. He knew that his father was worried that Yuki might be a distraction to his studies, but he was confident that he could manage both his relationship and academics.

To prove his point, Soma invited Yuki to go shopping with him at a flea market. They spent the entire day browsing through different stalls, trying out vintage clothes, and enjoying the local food. It was one of those rare days when Soma felt that he was living in the moment and not stressing about his studies or his father's expectations.

While Soma was busy bonding with his girlfriend, his father had another idea for them to bond. Yuuto suggested that they go on a bike ride together, and Soma agreed. They set off early in the morning, and as they rode through the countryside, Soma's father opened up to him about his own struggles in life.

Yuuto told Soma about how he had always been afraid to pursue his dreams and that he didn't want Soma to make the same mistake. He urged Soma never to give up on his goals, no matter how difficult they may seem. Soma listened intently to his father's words, and for the first time in a long time, he felt a deep connection with him.

A few days later, Soma's mother, Aoi, asked him if he would like to go to the church with her. Soma had never been interested in religion, but he agreed to accompany his mother. As they sat in the church, Aoi explained to Soma the importance of faith and how it could provide strength, comfort, and guidance in times of need.

Soma listened attentively to his mother's words and found himself drawn to the peaceful atmosphere of the church. He felt a sense of calm wash over him as he listened to the choir singing hymns. As they left the church, Soma felt a newfound appreciation for his mother and her beliefs.

As the year progressed, Soma's studies became more challenging, but he didn't let that deter him from his goals. He continued to work hard, balancing his academics and his relationship with Yuki. He also deepened his relationships with his parents, sharing intimate moments with them that he never thought were possible before.


Soma had always loved soccer, ever since he was a child. Growing up in Japan, he played for his local team and dreamed of one day playing professionally. He worked hard both on and off the field, balancing his school work and soccer practice.

As he entered his final year of upper secondary school, he knew that his chances of fulfilling his dream were slim, but he was determined to give it his all.

With the support of his parents and girlfriend, Yuki, Soma worked tirelessly to improve his game. He maintained a strict diet, focused on his fitness, and spent hours studying game tactics. His hard work and dedication paid off, and he was scouted by RC Deportivo de La Coruña, a professional team in Spain.

The offer was an opportunity of a lifetime for Soma, but it was also a major decision that would require him to leave behind everything he knew and loved in Japan. It was a daunting prospect, but Soma knew in his heart that he couldn't let this opportunity pass him by.

Yuki, being the supportive partner that she was, encouraged Soma to take the offer. They made a pact to stay together, no matter what, and Yuki even went on birth control so that they could both focus on their dreams without any distractions.

As Soma prepared to move to Spain, he felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension. He had never been to Europe before, and he knew that adjusting to a new culture and lifestyle would be challenging. But he reminded himself that this was his dream and he was willing to do whatever it took to make it a reality.