
Chapter 67

It took Maximus and his Royal Guards 3 days until they arrived at Castle Black. As they approached the Castle, Maximus could see lots of people moving around in the castle, lining up on the Walls preparing to defend themselves.

If it was an enemy coming to attack them with a dragon then for sure they would have been dead by now, but luckily for them, it was only Maximus.

Maximus and his Royal Guards had landed in front of the castle gates, as the archers on top of the walls were all aiming at him. But none of them were calm and some were even panicking since Dragons were thought to be long gone since the last one died centuries ago, but now in front of them was a dragon along with some other creatures which looked like giant eagles.

Balerion had lowered his head as Maximus got on the ground and started walking forward towards the Gate of the castle. With him were 10 of his Royal Guards, making sure that nobody tries to do any harm to him.

As Maximus approached the Gate it started to open, so Maximus walked in and was greeted by his soldiers who were lined up and saluting him "We Greet His Majesty"

As the soldiers said this, the men of the Night's Watch were watching as the most powerful person in the World walked through the courtyard. Lord Commander Mormont had come out to meet him and to thank him for his assistance.

"Lord Commander Mormont it is such a pleasure to be able to meet you" Said Maximus as he reached out his hand for a handshake

Lord Commander Mormont had grabbed his hand and shook it, "The pleasures all mine your majesty we haven't been able to properly man the walls for years but thanks to your 200+ soldiers we are able to man enough of it to be able to defend against the Wildling attack" Said Lord Commander Mormont

"These soldiers will only be staying here temporarily for a couple of months until my business here is done" Said Maximus

"Does this business have something to do with the Stark boys" Asked Lord Commander Mormont

"It does, that's why I personally came here to see them since I have both their sisters on the way here right now and both of them are the last remaining boys of House Stark besides Jon Snow" Said Maximus

"Well I won't take up too much of your time since I heard that the men that escorted them here are under you" Said Lord Commander Mormont "Snow show him to where your brothers are"

Jon was a little hesitant since he didn't really trust the Emperor like that since this was his first time meeting him, but he still obeyed the command and took him to where his brothers were waiting.

Maximus followed Jon to one of the buildings of the castle, where in a room Bran and Rickon were waiting.

Once they arrived at the door, Jon opened it, revealing Bran and Rickon who were sitting near the fire warming up.

"Bran, Rickon you have a guest here to see you" Said Jon

Bran and Rickon had turned their heads as Maximus walked through the door. The viking guards had saluted Maximus once they saw him, while Bran and Rickon figured that this must be the Emperor that sent the Vikings to protect them.

Bran, who was sitting down, because his legs were crippled was the first one to speak "Are you the Emperor" Asked Bran since he has heard so much about the Emperor from Essos

"Yes that is me, I have come here to return House Stark back to their home in Winterfell and both of your Sisters Arya and Sansa are safe, and they are on the way here with my army and should arrive in like a week or two" Said Maximus

"My Sisters are alive" Bran was excited hearing that his sisters were alive since he hadn't heard anything about them in months

"Yes, I rescued them after the death of your mother and brother Robb" Said Maximus

"So my sisters are alive" Asked Jon Snow

Maximus nodded his head "But first Jon can you close the door for me, I have something to tell the three of you that I don't want others to hear" Seeing how serious his face was, Jon closed the door

"Okay so first of all as you know your brother and mother died at the red wedding after being betrayed by House Bolton and after angering Lord Walder Frey after breaking up a marriage agreement between Robb and one of his daughter" Maximus paused as he saw how the Stark boys were still saddened by the death of their older brother and mother

"I was supporting them with their war, giving them some weapons and supplies which helped them greatly in their war, and they could have achieved victory but like I said they were betrayed" Maximus paused before he continued "but I can bring them back to life" Said Maximus

"Really, you can bring my Brother Robb back and my mother" Bran was excited if he could stand he would have been running around in joy

Jon had bowed his head, "If what you say is true then please bring them back, I will help you in any way you need"

"There is no need, plus you are a man of the Night's Watch, so you can't help me unless you break your vows"

Jon was about to say something, but Maximus put his hand up "It's fine I have already recovered their bodies and soon once they arrive they will be brought back to life, so your help isn't needed" Maximus was going to use his Blood magic to bring back both Catelyn Stark and Robb Stark.

He would have brought Ned Stark back, but his head was severed from his head, so it wouldn't work.

"But how will you bring them back" Asked Jon

"That is for you to find out, but just rest assured they will be brought back"

Jon wanted to ask more about how he was going to do it, but he felt like if he asked again his head would be severed from his head by the Royal Guards who were releasing their killing intent just a little.

In truth, After the Red Wedding Maximus had already sent people to recover their bodies, so nothing besides the slit throats and multiple stab wounds should be wrong with the body. And if his blood magic didn't work, then he brought two Wizards with him who could probably perform some type of revival magic.

Maximus might be more evil than the Mad King since he let Robb and Catelyn die only to bring them back to life later and have them in his debt, so he could get them to be his vassals. Though, the Mad King did just burn innocent people and never brought them back to life, so who is to say whether it's evil or just using his powers to his advantage.

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