
Building a Religion as a God in Another World

Kami is a normal 18-year-old high school boy on his way home after he got dumped by his girlfriend. In a small back alley, truck-kun lurks for him and transports him to a world where he has to build a world religion from scratch?! Note: Kami does not have a real physical body (yet) - it's my first time writing, so the summary is a little bit short - please try to survive the first chapters. My writing will get better. I promise -> If you read the first chapters before the 24th of June, please check them out again! - newest chapters are about >1000 words

NTVGOT · Fantasy
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38 Chs

First War of the Divinum Religion (Part 2)

Old Man P surveyed the unfolding chaos with a conceiting gaze. His eyes narrowed as he observed the resolute defenders, their formation unyielding and their determination unwavering.

"Stupid blasphemer! Why do these fucking knights don't surrender??!! And why are they so strong?! I already lost half of my entire troops!" He cursed, while trying to pull his hair out

Old Man P. was enraged. He knew that even after victory, he would suffer. After losing half of his troops, it would be near impossible to maintain the same control over the Slum as before. That fact almost drove him insane.

Beside him stood a hooded figure, his face hidden in shadow.

"Mr. Gausling, I advise you to remain calm. You're not the only one, who lost troops. We counted every dead body and the Divinum Religion should have lost 25 troops. Among them are even 3 Holy Knights! It's to be expected to loose this many troops, when you only have untrained thugs against highly trained Holy Knights." the mysterious figure advised. "But I still don't know, how it is possible that they have Holy Knights even though, according to the reports, it hasn't existed even for 1 year."


<In the North, at the 2nd Line of Defense>

Due to the fact that the opponents are already too close to the Divinum Square, the hit-and-run tactics were abandoned. Each group is now in direct confrontation with the opponent to defeat the remaining 200 thugs.

Knight William, his brow furrowed with determination, rallied his weary comrades to stand firm.

"Hold the line!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the chaos.

"We cannot let them breach our defenses!"

The Holy Knights and regular knights formed a tight formation, their shields interlocking once again. They braced themselves for the onslaught, their muscles aching from the prolonged fight.

The sound of pounding footsteps grew louder, signaling the approaching thugs.

The clash of steel erupted once more as the enemy crashed against the defenders' shields. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and the deafening sound of swords colliding.

Knight William fought with renewed vigor, his sword cutting through the air with precision. His comrades fought alongside him, their resolve unyielding.

They parried and struck back with every ounce of strength they could muster.

The defenders' formation held strong, a wall of unwavering determination. But the thugs, fueled by desperation and outnumbering the defenders, pressed on relentlessly.

Their attacks came from all sides, testing the defenders' endurance and resolve.

After killing more than 6 thugs, Knight William felt the strain in his muscles, the weariness seeping into his bones, but he refused to give in.

With every swing of his sword, William struck down an assailant, his movements a testament to his unwavering spirit. He could hear the grunts and shouts of his comrades as they fought alongside him, their combined efforts a symphony of defiance.

The second line of defense wavered, threatened by the unrelenting assault. The defenders gritted their teeth, pushing back against the overwhelming force. Shields splintered, swords clashed, and the air filled with cries of pain and determination.

Knight William's heart pounded in his chest, his breath ragged. He glanced at his comrades, seeing the exhaustion etched on their faces.

Suddenly, as if descending from the heavens, a group of ethereal beings appeared behind the weary defenders.

Angels, with shimmering wings and radiant halos, gracefully landed on the battlefield.

Their presence infused the defenders with a renewed sense of strength and resolve. The angels embraced the weary knights, their celestial touch reinvigorating their bodies and spirits. A surge of energy coursed through their veins, and weariness transformed into unwavering determination.

The defenders, filled with renewed vigor, raised their swords high once again. The angels, their faces serene and compassionate, turned their gaze toward a specific point in the sky. They inclined their heads in reverence before vanishing as mysteriously as they had appeared.

The defenders, now renewed in strength and purpose, fought on with a newfound sense of divine guidance.

The same scene could be seen at the other 3 locations.

Bizarrely, all the angels bowed towards the same point in the sky.

Most of the thugs that witnessed this divine scene and lost their will to fight. But strangely enough, each thug that turned around and wanted to flee, got stabed to death by another thug.

Minutes turned into hours, and the battle became a test of endurance and will. The defenders, battered and bruised, refused to yield an inch of ground.

Their swords flashed in the sunlight, their movements a testament to their unyielding devotion. In the distance, the villagers watched, their hope rekindled by the defenders' resilience.

Their prayers mingled with the clash of swords, creating an ethereal aura of faith and determination. Though the outcome remained uncertain, Knight William and his comrades fought on, their resolve unbroken.

They knew that victory might still elude them, but their sacrifice would forever be etched in the annals of their faith and the hearts of those they fought to defend.

And so, the defenders held their ground, their spirits unyielding, as they faced the relentless onslaught.

In their united front, they embodied the very essence of courage and sacrifice, fighting not only for their own lives but for their God, their faith and the safety and sanctity of the residents they swore to protect.

Hours passed and William was about to behead the last thug.

They won.

"Report", William, exhausted, asked the Knight next to him.

"Sir, we lost 2 Holy Knights, 5 Knights and 2 Longbow-Knights", the Knight replied, equally exhausted as William

Just as William was about to sit down on the floor and rest like the other survivors, a messenger ran frantically towards him.

"Sir!! Urgent News! The East got wiped out!"

"WHAT?!" William thought he misheard

"The East got wiped out! One of the Knights that was stationed in the East, reported that they were wiped out! Before he could say what happened, he died of blood lost!"