
Building a Religion as a God in Another World

Kami is a normal 18-year-old high school boy on his way home after he got dumped by his girlfriend. In a small back alley, truck-kun lurks for him and transports him to a world where he has to build a world religion from scratch?! Note: Kami does not have a real physical body (yet) - it's my first time writing, so the summary is a little bit short - please try to survive the first chapters. My writing will get better. I promise -> If you read the first chapters before the 24th of June, please check them out again! - newest chapters are about >1000 words

NTVGOT · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Consequences of the War

Old Man P., once a powerful and feared ruler, now finds himself on the brink of madness.

The loss of all his loyal subjects to the Holy Knights has shattered his sanity and left him consumed by paranoia. In addition, he must constantly fear that Cardinal Bertrand will make his warning real.

No longer able to maintain control over the slum, chaos reigns supreme.

As the news of Old Man P.'s defeat spreads through the slum, despair takes hold of its residents.

The once orderly and structured community descends into anarchy and disarray.

Without the presence of Old Man P.'s troops to enforce his rule, people are left to fend for themselves.

In the absence of a centralized authority, small gangs and cults emerge, vying for power and control over the destitute slum.

These groups, fueled by desperation and hunger, exploit the vulnerability of the residents.

The lack of resources, malnutrition, and deteriorating living conditions further cloud the minds of the slum dwellers, making them susceptible to manipulation.

Dark alleyways once bustling with life became treacherous paths, filled with violence and uncertainty.

The once tight-knit community fractures into factions, each fighting for survival and dominance.

Fear and mistrust permeate the air, creating an atmosphere of constant tension. The once bustling marketplace, headquarters of Old ManP, now stands abandoned and decaying.

Shattered stalls and plundered warehouses serve as haunting reminders of a time when order still lingered.

The streets, once vibrant with activity, are now filled with the remnants of broken dreams and shattered lives.

The slum, once a microcosm of resilience and unity, is now a shadow of its former self.

The inhabitants, plagued by hunger, illness, and despair wandered, like zombies, aimlessly through the maze-like streets.

They are mere shells of their former selves, lost in a sea of uncertainty and chaos.

In this atmosphere of turmoil, Old Man P. retreats further into his delusions, unable to comprehend the consequences of his actions. The slum, once under his iron grip, has slipped through his fingers, leaving him a lonely and tormented figure.

As the sun sets on the desolate slum, its inhabitants continue their struggle for survival.

The once authorrative ruler, now a broken man, huddled in the corner of the same warehouse where Esther used to steal the sacred medium and the food. He layed there, holed up behind empty crates, talking to himself like a madman.

"How?How?How? How can this be possible? I had 400 thugs and even 100 Scarlet Knights! He will kill me! kill...kill...hahahahahah- Urgh"

"You're right. He will kill you." A familiar voice resounded as a knife pierced his back.


Old Man P. fell to the ground and saw the mysterious Person, who provided him with strategies and advices.

"Cardinal Bertrand sends his regards." with a wave of hands and a smile, the mysterious person vanished behind the empty crates.

Old Man P, now bathing in his own blood, watched with utter disbelief as the Traitor disappeared and his life vanished.


As the Domain, protected by Kami, rises from the ashes of the war with Old Man P., a newfound sense of peace settles within its boundaries.

The once devastated land begins its journey of restoration, guided by the benevolent presence of Kami and the unwavering faith of its inhabitants.

Within the Domain, a sanctuary of tranquility emerges. Kami's divine influence draws in those seeking solace and respite from the chaos that engulfs the surrounding slum.

Word spreaded way quicker than before and the Domain becomes a beacon of hope and salvation for the disheartened masses.

Under Kami's watchful eye, the people of the Domain find solace in the presence of their god.

Their faith grows exponentially, with each passing day, as they witness the growing contrast between the unfaithful and those who follow the word of the true God.

The ranks of believers swell, as individuals from all walks of life seek guidance and protection within the Domain's sacred walls that are currently under construction.

While the Domain flourishes under Kami's divine guidance, the slum descends further into chaos.

Stripped of Old Man P.'s control, lawlessness and desperation grip the streets. Gangs, fueled by scarcity and desperation, vie for power and dominance, turning the slum into a battleground of rival factions. Cults emerged, kidnapping woman and kids to sacrifice them to the - according to them- raging gods in an attempt to calm them down.

As the divide between the Domain and the slum deepens, the contrast becomes stark. Within the Domain's boundaries, a harmonious coexistence thrives, guided by Kami's teachings of love, compassion, and unity.

Meanwhile, the slum bears witness to a cycle of violence and strife, as rival gangs clash for control over limited resources.

The once vibrant and bustling slum becomes a shadow of its former self.

The lack of order and governance further exacerbate the plight of its residents, who are left to fend for themselves in a world devoid of hope.

In this environment of desperation, the allure of the Domain and its promise of security grows stronger, attracting even more faithful followers to its sanctuary.

As Kami's influence expands, his message of peace and salvation resonates deeply within the hearts of those seeking refuge from the turmoil.

The Domain becomes a refuge for the weary, a bastion of hope amidst the chaos outside its walls.

The swelling ranks of believers lend strength to the community, fostering a sense of unity and purpose.

While the slum descends deeper into darkness, the Domain stands as a shining testament to Kami's divine intervention.

The dichotomy between the two worlds becomes increasingly pronounced, emphasizing the transformative power of faith and the sanctuary the Domain provides to those in need.

In this tale of opposing destinies, the Domain blossoms as a haven of serenity, nurturing the faithful and growing in influence.

Meanwhile, the slum grapples with its own internal strife, trapped in a cycle of violence and despair.

Yet, the allure of the Domain persists, drawing in more souls seeking redemption, as the God of Salvation's light continues to guide and protect those who have found solace within its sacred embrace.