
A Father's Dilemma

< Administrative Building >

Esther sat at the head of the long table, surrounded by Sir Richard, Aeden and Mary Kelin in the dimly lit chamber.

The time had come for a crucial meeting to discuss the expansion of the domain and the eradication of the gangs and cults that plagued the land.

With unwavering determination in her eyes, she began to address her council. "We find ourselves at a crossroads," Esther spoke with conviction.

"Our domain must be extended, and the influence of these gangs and cults must be eradicated. We cannot allow their chaos and oppression to persist."

Her advisors nodded in agreement, their faces reflecting the gravity of the situation. They knew that the path ahead would not be easy, but they were ready to stand by the Divinums side.

"Our greatest weapon lies in our faith, we should not shed blood unnecessarily" Esther continued. "The gangs were formed by impoverished slum dwellers seeking survival and protection. Driven by the relentless hunger, they scavenged for resources, forged alliances, and engaged in territorial disputes. They embodied resilience and adaptability, fighting against the odds in their quest for existence. The principle of the Divinum Religion is to help others and eliminate suffering!

So, we must utilize our Lord's healing abilities to sway the hearts of these gangs. Show them the power of our divine intervention and offer them a path to redemption through the Divinum Religion."

The room buzzed with anticipation as ideas began to flow. Esther's advisors strategized on how to approach the leaders of the gangs, convincing them to embrace the healing powers of their god and abandon their violent ways.

"Our main problem lies with the cults and the Holy Knights will play a crucial role in this mission," Esther declared.

"They shall confront the cults head-on, vanquishing their twisted beliefs and spreading the light of the Divinum Religion. We cannot allow these dark forces to corrupt our people any longer."

The advisors nodded, fully aware of the dangers that lay ahead.

Esther concluded the meeting with a sense of determination.

"The time for action is now. We shall expand our domain, liberate the oppressed, and restore peace and order to our lands. Let us go forth, guided by the light of our faith, and bring salvation to those who have lost their way."

The council rose from their seats, inspired by Esther's words. They were ready to face the challenges ahead, united in their purpose.

With their combined efforts and the might of the Holy Knights, they believed that they could overcome any obstacle standing in their path. As they left the chamber, a renewed sense of hope filled the air.

The journey to expand their domain and get rid of the gangs and cults would be arduous, but Esther and her advisors were prepared to do whatever it took to ensure a brighter future for every human being.

United in their cause, they embarked on their mission, ready to bring about the transformation the land so desperately needed.

Just as the three of them were about to leave the chamber, Esther stopped them

"Sir Richard, I want you to inform Elias about the content of the meeting. I want him to lead the operation against the cults."

Sir Richard nodded.

"As you command, Your holiness"


Elias savored the quiet moments spent with his daughter in the comfort of their home. They sat on the living room floor, surrounded by scattered toys and coloring books. His daughter's bright eyes sparkled with curiosity as they embarked on imaginary adventures together.

Before, they built towering castles with blocks, her tiny hands carefully stacking each piece. Elias would play along, pretending to be a mighty knight protecting their fortress from dragons and imaginary foes. Their laughter filled the air, creating a world of magic and wonder within the walls of their home.

Sir Richard entered the house where he saw how Elias was enjoying a rare moment with his daughter.

The knight's stern expression hinted at the gravity of his message. Elias sensed the shift in the atmosphere and turned his attention to Sir Richard.


Sir Richard began, his voice carrying a weight of importance.

"I bring news that requires your immediate attention. The Council has deemed it necessary for you, as a Sacred Knight, to lead a mission against the cults that have been plaguing our lands."

Elias exchanged a worried glance with his wife, their hearts heavy with the knowledge of the dangers that lay ahead. His daughter, sensing the tension, clung onto his leg, her innocent eyes filled with concern.

"But... but we just reunited," Elias stammered, his voice filled with hesitation. "I yearned for this time with my family, to protect them and cherish these precious moments. Can't someone else lead this mission?"

Sir Richard's expression softened, understanding the internal conflict Elias was facing.

"I empathize with your desire for family time, Grandmaster. But the threat these cults pose to our people cannot be ignored. Your skills as a Sacred Knight, honed through the special training in the Knight Temple, makes you the most qualified for this task.The safety of the realm depends on it."

Elias sighed, his heart torn between his duty and his loved ones. He knelt down, gently embracing his daughter and pressing a tender kiss on her forehead.

"I will do what needs to be done to protect our land and its people," he whispered, his voice filled with determination. His wife, holding back tears, placed a hand on Elias' shoulder. "We understand, my love," she said, her voice trembling with a mix of pride and worry. "Your duty calls, and we will be here, praying for your safety and eagerly awaiting your return."

Elias stood up, his resolve solidifying. He turned to Sir Richard and nodded. "I accept the mission, Sir Richard. Lead the way, and we shall rid our land of these dark forces." With that, Elias embraced his family one last time before stepping into the unknown, ready to face the challenges that awaited him as he embarked on his sacred duty to protect the realm from the clutches of the cults.

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