
Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

"If you have artificial intelligence, what will you use to do?" Lincoln's answer is: make games! Create virtual worlds! Whether it was a classic game or a wonderful movie, all of them were adapted into virtual reality games! He wanted to make every game the cornerstone of the virtual world. ...... But before that, he had to set an example in his industry so that people would not go astray. And then he would have a few good fights with the leading boss of the gaming industry!

Zoo of Darwin · Urban
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1333 Chs

Chapter 21: The Proactive Princess

Translator: 549690339

The next day, the Deputy Governor of Nancheng Branch of Xiajing Bank personally visited Lincoln to discuss loan matters.

In just an hour, the deputy governor had completed the loan discussion and was escorted out by Lincoln, together with the customer manager.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to shake Lincoln's hand tightly, expressing his gratitude repeatedly.

Lincoln, with a polite business smile, shook his hand and said, "There's no need to be so polite. We help each other, help each other!"

Seeing this, the customer manager was full of question marks. After walking some distance, he finally couldn't help but ask, "Governor, are you really giving him a 500 million interest-free loan just like that?"

The deputy governor, looking at his questioning subordinate, recalled the experience Lincoln gave him with the virtual reality device - seeing the scenery in the sand sea and feeling the realness of sand brushing past his face.