
Buggy D Clown

An adventure that takes you to the heart of Impel Down, right before the epic Marineford War, with an unexpected twist. Meet our self-inserted character, who finds himself in the shoes of none other than the comical and infamous Buggy the Clown. As the story unfolds, this new Buggy is thrust into the treacherous depths of Impel Down, the world's most impregnable prison. Surrounded by some of the most dangerous criminals in the Grand Line, our protagonist must navigate the perils of this nightmarish facility. But He is not just any ordinary inmate; he possess knowledge of the upcoming Marineford War that could change the course of history. With Buggy's knack for comedic mishaps and antics, this fanfiction promises a unique blend of humor and action as the self-inserted character interacts with familiar faces from the One Piece universe. Whether it's forming unlikely alliances or attempting daring escapes, Buggy's journey through Impel Down will keep readers on the edge of their seats. As the Marineford War looms on the horizon, the fate of the world teeters on a knife's edge. Can this unassuming Buggy make a difference in the face of overwhelming odds? Join them on this extraordinary adventure filled with laughter, chaos, and unexpected heroics as they set out to carve their own legend in the world of One Piece.

Marioni · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 32 The Plan!

Rob Lucci now understands why Buggy dared to invite them, who used to be CP9 government spies, on board.

At the same time, he also understood the meaning of Buggy. As long as they appear in Marineford with Buggy to fight against Marines, and as long as they survive after this war, their bounty orders will inevitably be distributed all over the world.

At that time, Blueno and Kalifa, who were hidden, would follow Buggy's route to find them.

After figuring this out, Lucci's eyes gradually became sharper, and he looked at Buggy and said in a deep voice:

"Okay! This time on the battlefield we will fight for you even against Marines and the world government, Mr Buggy!"

"I didn't ask you to do this. I didn't ask you to help Whitebeard kill Marines." Buggy chuckled and waved his hands.

"You guys have great potential, and your physical skills over the years have laid a good foundation for yourselves. It's just being an espionage officer for too long and wasting too much time!"

"I want you to go to the top of the battlefield not to kill you but to let you experience the world's top battlefield and the fighting between the top powerhouses, so as to completely wash away the breath of spy agent on your body!"

"A strong man needs constant fighting to transform! If you don't die on the top battlefield this time, I will teach you how to embark on the road to becoming a top powerhouse."

Lucci and the others were stunned when they heard Buggy's words.

They originally thought that Buggy recruited them just because of their status as former spy members and to gather some government secrets.

After all, they didn't think that their current strength could be of much use to Buggy. Unexpectedly, the other party was so optimistic about them.

This brought a little surprise to their originally low expectations.

At the same time, there was a trace of gratitude. After all, Buggy really saved them from CP0, and it can be said that they also avoided the destruction of their hometown, Guanhao Island, from the side.

How can they not be grateful for being treated like this now?

It can only be said that strong people are very admirable. Especially the strong ones who are good to you.


Buggy was very satisfied with Lucci's answer, snapped his fingers, and looked at Ivankov with a smile.

"Iva-chan, I'll leave their injuries to you."

"Count on me, Buggy Boy!"

Ivankov patted his muscular chest. I have to say that the Paramecia hormone fruit is really awesome.

After explaining the matter here, Buggy walked to the bow again.

Redfield and Gabban were standing there and staring ahead, both looking at the slowly opening door of justice.

"Crr Crr Crrr———"

As the towering door of justice slowly opened, even the ocean currents were partially changed. This made the large warship move a little faster.

"I smell battle." Bullet looked forward, licked his lips, and said

"Yes, a tragic war!" Redfield also narrowed his eyes.

Buggy laughed and walked over.

"Guys, I haven't fought for a long time, so don't be scared to pee your pants later." His words were like stabbing a hornet's nest and instantly made them all go crazy.

"Smelly brat, who are you underestimating?"

"You are the weak one; don't drag us back!"

"Hmph! Give me some respect for your seniors!"

After a burst of laughter, Gabban suddenly looked at Buggy and said, "Buggy, now that you've decided to rescue Ace, do you have any plans? It is not that simple to save someone from the execution platform in Marineford. Whether it is the three Admirals, Garp, or Sengoku, they will not let you get your wish easily."

"The plan was naturally thought of long ago." Buggy chuckled, waved to Mr. 3 and Bon Clay and called them over.

Then he briefly talked about the plan. In fact, they would attract attention on the frontal battlefield, and then, when the battle was heating up, Marine and the others would use Conqueror's Haki to stun the two execution soldiers when they started the execution.

Then Bon Clay, who mastered the Clone-Clone Fruit, would sneak into the execution soldiers and let him and Mr. 3 replace the execution soldiers.

Coupled with Mr. 3's Wax-Wax Fruit ability, they could easily open the Seastone handcuffs. At that time, even if Sengoku and the others were guarding Ace, they would not have thought that the execution soldiers would suddenly release Ace's Seastone handcuffs.

This completes the first part of the rescue plan. Whether they can be taken away later depends on their future plans.

After listening to Buggy's plan, Mr. 3 and Bentham finally understood why Buggy wanted to rescue them.

"So at that time, Master Buggy already had a perfect plan in mind?"

"What do you mean?" Gabban, on the side, asked with some doubts. Mr. 3 and Bentham talked about the fact that Buggy had a purpose to save them from the beginning, and Luffy on one side raised his hand as a testimony.

After understanding what happened, Gabban and others looked at each other in blank dismay, admiring Buggy's strategy in their hearts!

Ivankov and his younger Sisters exclaimed and admired him for a while. You must know that they watched the whole process of Buggy's rescue from the Den Den Mushi. It can be said that they knew it best.

It's just that the more they got to know, the more in awe they became of Buggy! Mr. 3 and Bon clay glanced at each other, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes. Then they patted their chests to reassure each other.

"Don't worry, Master Buggy, we will definitely complete the task!"

"That's right! Leave the heavy responsibility of rescuing Ace to us!"


Hearing the roar of the two of them, Luffy, who was eating in the distance, perked up his ears, rushed over, and shouted, "The task of saving Ace? I want to participate in any task!"

"Shut up, you!"

Buggy glared at him and said:

"As long as you don't make trouble, Ace can be rescued easily, and you can safely attract firepower on the frontal battlefield. Leave the rest to me!"


<Luffy and Zoro the monster duo who love to ruin Law's careful plans.>

Luffy scowled, then immediately nodded and said, "Okay, leave it to you Uncle Buggy!"

At this time, Gabban on the side suddenly said, "Buggy, since you're here, what about Shanks? If you know the identity of Ace, he shouldn't be ignorant, right?"