
Bugged Reincarnation

"Morpheus I never thought living again would be fun," Alexa said smiling. "Well, what can I say the bugged reincarnation system was designed by death himself. It's bound to be glorious" Morpheus replied pridefully.

_Tesla · Fantasy
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5 Chs

I Want Power

Alexa lay on the ground feeling mixed emotions. She was confused, shocked, and scared at the same time.

"How!? Wasn- just how!?" She said muttering as she got up. She sat on the grass with a distorted expression on her face when she heard a familiar voice in her head.

"I told you to run, didn't i. I didn't want Varden to save you, if Dianne had tortured you a bit you'd know the difference" Morpheus said enraged.

He had watched the entire clash and thought Alexa would die immediately lept from the tree, but Varden came to her rescue and sent her back even giving her the gold she'd come to get.

"I'm sorry, I was overconfident," She said ashamed. She had gotten so involved in the fantasy world she'd created where she was the main character, forgetting reality was always crueler.

"Now death knows about you… Anyways your trainer will be coming soon depending on when he's motivated enough too. Be careful not to piss him off" Morpheus warned her sternly.

"I'll do my best. I'm sorry" Alexa replied. She finally understood the severity of the situation and how much she would have to do before she could live the dream main character life.

She cut the call with Morpheus and checked the bag laying idly in her ring's space. She hadn't known it was gold until Morpheus told her. There was no time to confirm the contents of the bag when her life was in danger.

"Oh well, might as well find out how much all of this is worth," Alexa said as she got out the bag. It contained fifty gold bars and a couple of jewels. Alexa checked her map and headed towards the best Jeweler the ring recommended.

The store wasn't far so she decided to walk there. little did she know someone had been watching her the entire time.

"Good-day sir where do I head to to trade Jewels and stuff," Alexa said to the store's receptionist" her dress was dirty, her hair ruffled and the bag she carried the gold in was old and smelled old and weird.

The receptionist looked at Alexa disgustedly and asked where she was coming from and why she wanted to head to the jewel trading section.

"Well, madame you'd be shocked what I found. I live close to the woods and I was camping out when I saw an old sack-like material sticking out the ground. I dug and pulled it out to find this" Alexa placed the bag on the counter and opened it.

"What the-" The receptionist was completely dumbfounded when she saw the content of the bag and Alexa's appearance checked out her story. She immediately treated Alexa like a VIP and she was able to sell all of the gold and jewels

Alexa had been worried about where she would store the money so she called Morpheus and asked him to create a bank account for her with everything she'd need to be sent to her ring.

Morpheus had insulted her for treating him like some sort of butler, but he got the job done and even sent the card to her ring storage.

The transaction went smoothly after providing some fake IDs Morpheus had prepared for her beforehand and she left the store with five million dollars in her account. she couldn't hold her excitement so after she'd left the store she used minor teleport to go back to the park, of course using camouflage.

She headed towards an empty bench and sat down squealing as she confirmed the amount the ring displayed as her account.

"I'm rich! bruhhhhh, was it always this easy. f*&^%ing hell i-" Alexa said excitedly before she heard a voice beside her.

"Rich. You're rich right? You waste your time on frivolities like wealth and he bugs you're supposed to kill roam free" Varden said with a smile on his face as he watched Alexa's joyous expression fade.

"it's you! You're going to be my instructor?" Alexa said with a mortified expression on her face.

The handsome-looking guy in front of her seemed to be about her age. He was dark-skinned with deep blue eyes and locked hair. He dressed casually wearing a matching hoodie and sweatpants with a pair of classy sneakers. He looked anything but frightening yet Alexa had beads f sweat rolling down her forehead just sitting beside him.

"Is there is a problem with that?" Varden asked calmly a smile still on his face.

"No, not a single problem" Alexa replied immediately.

"Perfect, we need to get you a house then, you don't seem so keen on sleeping in the border, plus it's nice to blend in," Varden said and grabbed Alexa's hand. When she opened her eyes she was in front of a real estate agency office and in a couple of hours Varden had finalized a deal and paid for it.

"When the papers are ready send them here," Varden said to the agent as he was about to leave.

"Yes sir that will be done" He replied then left.

Varden got a luxurious completely furnished seven-bedroom mansion complete with a pool, gym, cinema room, and other luxuries in a matter of hours.

Alexa only watched shocked as he went about everything calmly. he had also gotten a phone and registered a sim for her. It was a YouPhone thirteen pro max. The most expensive phone in the world currently was treated like a trinket in front of Varden.

"Good now we got a place to stay," Varden said as he headed to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of whisky and a glass.

"Whe-" Alexa couldn't even finish her statement. She simply stared shocked and confused at Varden who sat idly at the dining area in the kitchen. She looked around the house and realized everything was set up, from lighting to decoration, etc. Varden had changed everything to suit his taste.

"Don't be confused this is simply power. Pups like you can't comprehend this yet" He said chuckling with his glass of whisky in his hand as he walked towards her.

"You're pretty cute you know? Strip for me" Varden said smiling calmly

Alexa was frozen in place, Morpheus' statement replaying in her head in a loop. If this was what he wanted she would do it, she daren't complain.

Alexa slowly reached for her gown and was about to pull them down and let the dress fall when Varden started laughing.

"Your expression is so priceless, stop. I'm only teasing you. You're far too weak, what's fun about a pet that won't disobey a couple of orders. How do I break you then?" Varden said sighing and walking away.

Alexa stood there mortified. Her body, one of the few gifts she had, had been shoved aside flippantly. She couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

"He's kinda cute though," Alexa said under her breath.

"Thanks, I know" Varden replied flipping through movie channels on the TV

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