
Buddyfight Ace, Path To Liberation

In An Alternate Timeline, A 15 year old buddyfighter has been suffering from alot of neglection, mistreatment, trauma and betrayal. He had enough. He decides to change his destiny by setting himself free once and for all. A few of his Brothers had decided to join him, along with his Buddy Monster. Henceforth it has begun. The Greatest....."PATH TO LIBERATION".

FanaticWriter · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Path To Liberation, End it with a bang (Chap 32)

Synopsis: With the battle concluded in the sanctuary, the final decision has been made. However, before doing so, Hou Ren wants to have one last loving moment with smiles on their faces.....

A few flashbacks were shown based on the Sanctuary's battles. Many have fallen. Judgements were given one after another. Emotions, Beliefs, Reasons were exchanged one after another. In the end, A victory was made successful on one side. 

Now with the decision made, it seems it's time for a goodbye.....But before that, something's going on in the mansion on the bright morning. In a bedroom, Hou Ren was seen sleeping on his bed. When he woke up slightly, he notices a note on the side of his bed. He picks it up and reads it.

Hou Ren: "Did you enjoy your nap? We have a surprise for you. Wear your new outfit on the door and come outside."

Hou Ren notices his outfit behind his door. It's a new white jacket with a black casual t shirt and blue jeans. He opened the door and what he saw were party decorations all over the living room. Delicious food and drinks were also seen and there was even a birthday cake on the table. This made Hou Ren surprised.

Hou Ren: What is....

Suddenly, multiple people pop out of nowhere and surprised him.

???: SURPRISE!!!

Hou Ren: Ah! (Happy) What the freak?

Elijah: It's still your birthday man. Of course we had to celebrate it.

Hou Ren: But....how long was I out?

Garga: 5 hours. You were having a good rest and me & Shiloh were beside to keep you safe.

Hearing this, Hou Ren paid attention to Shiloh as she nodded in agreement. Feeling so glad, his smile becomes warm.

Hou Ren: Thank you....

The two of them hugged each other while feeling lovely and warm. But then Hou Ren realized something.

Hou Ren: But wait....don't we have to leave? Why are we still here?

Tasuku: Well....Seeing that you made so much new friends and how much you adored Shiloh & everything else, we thought why not we spend one last day in California. 

Ranma: Consider it as your new birthday present.

Hou Ren: I see. Well.....Let's Party then.

At Hou Ren's request, the birthday party started. Judah & Micah being the DJs while everyone else party. Loud music was played and everyone chit chat here and there. All of Hou Ren's classmates gave him new Birthday Presents. Pictures were taken everywhere as they enjoy some food. Later, Hou Ren went outside for abit & Garga followed him.

Garga: Something the matter?

Hou Ren: I'm ok. I just want to get some fresh air.

Garga: I see.

Hou Ren: Although, I'm glad I get to have this party and all but...I'm gonna miss this place.

Garga: I knew you would say that, which is why we planned another surprise for you.

Hou Ren: What do you mean?

Garga: (Calls out everyone else) Everyone, it's time to go.

Hou Ren: Huh?

Garga: Just follow us.

Hou Ren was feeling curious as his eyes blinked multiple times. Garga activates a portal through a portal card and he jumps in. Everyone else follow but Hou Ren's parents & Tasuku. Hou Ren asked why.

Hou Ren: You're not coming, Commisioner?

Tasuku: I think I maybe abit too old for this. Besides, someone needs to manage the airship.

Hou Ren's Father: And we believe we should let you spend time with your friends one last time. Enjoy this moment alone.

Hou Ren: Um....okay. (Jumps in)

The portal closes after Hou Ren jumps in. Later, at a beautiful beachside, a portal appeared and everyone jumped out. (Minus Hou Ren's brothers because they are not seen) When they arrived, Hou Ren could not believe his eyes as he saw what's before him. The sea breezes warmly as it roars smoothly. The bright blue sky along with the yellow sun shines in the sky. 

Hou Ren: Woah....

Josiah: What do you think? This is one of the beautiful beaches in California.

Hou Ren: Pretty.

Eden: The waters are glistening with each other.

Light: Talk about amazing.....

Hou Ren: What'd you know. Wait.....Where's Shiloh?

???: Right here.

When they turned around after hearing her voice, Shiloh was seen wearing a casual and beautiful pink dress. Her long hair shone with the sun. The wind breeze through her dress slowly. Everyone fell in aww, especially the young king himself.

Hou Ren: Woah.....Shiloh look at you...

Shiloh: (Blushed) Hehe, surprised? 

Hou Ren: I am.....(Blushed and whispers) Cutie.....

Shiloh: I heard that. Hehe.

Garga: Now that you both are here, it's time.

Hou Ren: For what?

Shiloh: For this.

All of the sudden, Shiloh jumped forward and embraced and kissed Hou Ren. Hou Ren felt surprised. Everyone felt happily surprised and go "WOAHHHHHH" loudly. Hou Ren kissed back in response. Gwen & Eden kinda felt jealous. Garga then took a picture with his phone. They both let go of the kiss while feeling happily blushed.

Hou Ren: What was that for?

Shiloh: Your birthday present. And I wanna do that. You like it?

Hou Ren: I do...

Shiloh: Now then....

Shiloh let go of herself and suddenly a sea giant robot came out of nowhere from the blue ocean and kidnapped Shiloh. Everyone felt shocked as they see what's before him.

Daryl: WHAT THE?

Gwen: What is that?

Hou Ren: Who are you? What do you want? And Let Shiloh Go.

But the robot did not speak. All it did was stomp onto the sand and Shiloh is seen struggling to get out of the Robot's hand. As the Hou Ren stomped forward, Hou Ren felt stern.

Hou Ren: Fine. No talk. (Fighting stance) I'll do this by force. (Towards Everyone) Everyone stand back.

As Hou Ren's request, they moved back. The Robot swallowed Shiloh to it's mouth and she screamed as she does so. Hou Ren felt shocked and charges his lightning through his palms but then he stopped as he realize he could hurt Shiloh as she is inside. So Hou Ren disarmed his powers and the robot attempts to slam his left hand towards the king. Luckily Hou Ren manages to dodge it.

Hou Ren: Too close. (Jumps onto the Robot's arm and run towards it's head) Let my Shiloh go. (Kicks the head with his leg twice) 

But the Head didn't budge and the robot attempts to move his other hand and slam him. Hou Ren summoned his wings and flies out of the way, making the hand slam the shoulder. Hou Ren then charges his hands with lightning. All of the sudden, lightning aura sabers popped out of his palm, leaving everyone surprised. Hou Ren flies forward and slices the robot's hands at a fast rate. 


Judah: His Arms.

Hou Ren punches the robot's head with his lightning charged fists countlessly and consecutively. Flying around here and there and shot sharp feathers from his wings and hit the torso. The torso however takes no damage and Hou Ren combined his sabers to form a powerful mega lightning saber. With a massive swung, he sliced the Robot in half between the waist and the legs. 

Daryl: NAH.....

Hou Ren even pierce the sabers through it's eyes and he flew back and stop his attacks.


Unfortunately, The Robot reattached it's limbs onto itself, making Hou Ren surprised. The Robot attempts to punch Hou Ren, only for him to lightning punch the robot's knuckle. It created a massive gust of wind, blowing through everyone. 

Garga: What power.....

Hou Ren then flew to the ocean itself and close his wings. His eyes glowed as he use his powers to form a waterlike mech from the ocean itself. The waves roars as he forms his water mech. It's so big and it matches the size of the robot. Everyone is shocked as Hou Ren becomes it's head in giant water bubble.

Hou Ren: You wanted a mech fight? YOU GOT IT. 

Hou Ren use his mega water fists and continuously punch the robot. The robot was able to sustain himself and shot missiles out of it's body at the water mech. Unfortunately, it went through the water mech instead and the water mech did not take any damage. 


And Hou Ren was even strong enough to create a giant waterlike torpedo at the latter. Hou Ren was about to launch the torpedo but then all of the sudden, the Robot stopped him as he begs for mercy with a voice? This made Hou Ren confused.

Hou Ren: What? Who's in there?

The water mech & the torpedo dissapears and Hou Ren then flows on a medium water tornado. The Robot's head opened and it reveals to be.....Agent Ren?

Hou Ren: WHAT? Agent Ren?

Agent: It's Me Hou....

Hou Ren: What?

All of the sudden, from the left arms, Blaze & Trickstar came out. From the right arm, it's Sensei & Kaizer. The legs, it's Rockstar & Magician each. This made Hou Ren surprised.

Hou Ren: What in the? It was you guys all along? Why?

The Draknights suddenly laugh.

Draknights: GOTCHA.

Hou Ren: You guys.....THIS AIN'T FUNNY. (Realized) Wait.....

The robot's torso opened up and Shiloh came out of it and she seem to be fine.

Hou Ren: SHILOH? You're....Alive?

Shiloh: Hehe. GOTCHA.

Then everyone on the sand burst out laughing.

Hou Ren: (Dismayed) You're In On this Too? 

They all stop laughing and surprised him.


Hou Ren: (Flows down from the tornado and land on the sand) What the heck.....

Agent: Hehe. Surprised Brother? Surprised to be attacked by your own mech?

Hou Ren: This ain't funny. You know how much I could have hurt you guys in there? You as well Shiloh.

Shiloh: I know. I'm sorry. I just...well kinda wanna join in the prank.

Hou Ren: (Facepalmed) Aish.....

Blaze: Relax, Your robot is fine. We created to have enhanced durability. Meaning we're fine too.

Trickstar: But that water mech though.....how did you do it?

Hou Ren: Water powers. Duh. I forgive you guys but please.....don't do it again. You guys literally jumpscared me.

Sensei: We will. We promise. Relax.

Hou Ren: Jeez....But dang, this is for me?

Magician: Yep. Check this out. It can repair itself with a snap of your finger.

Hou Ren snaps his finger and at his reponse, The robot repaired itself completely.

Trickstar: And, it can shrunk to the size of your deck case when you snap your finger twice.

Hou Ren does so and it shrunked itself.

Rockstar: And just a reminder it will enlarge if you snap it three times. And it took us 5 whole days to...

Hou Ren: (Interupts) You used the crystal didn't you?

Rockstar: Okay yeah.

Hou Ren: Well I'll be.....Where's Lost Ren?

???: Right here.

Lost Ren appears by the trees.

Lost Ren: I didn't join in the fight cause I thought it's ridiculous. Besides, I just thought why not I be a spectator for once.

Hou Ren: Whatever you say.....

Elijah: Well either way....There's still one last thing to do.

Everyone then moves out the way and Shiloh makes way forward. She holds out her right hand and ask a question. They both look each other eye to eye and smiled.

Shiloh: May I have this dance?

Hou Ren: Delighted too. (Took her hand and bowed) My Lady.

Shiloh bowed with her skirt in response while blushing happily.

The two began dancing in ballet x tango style. Once again, "Mi Amor" was played and sang by the two. They dance on the sand elegantly, smoothly, gracefully and it was very passionate. Everyone felt happily impressed as they does so as they clap their hands.

Hou Ren:

Underneath the full moon, lies just you and me.

Our lovely romance is as happy as can be.


And here we are, dancing to the beat.

I feel a connection the moment we first meet.

Hou Ren:

I know it's a lot to take in, Shiloh. And I know we're afraid.


Don't you worry now, My Love, I am here, mi amor. I'm here,


Mi Amor. Amooooor.

Hou Ren:

Your not alone anymore.

Don't you worry now. I'm here,


Mi Amoooor. Amooor.


When we're together,

there's nothing we can't handle.

Hou Ren:

I really don't want to say goodbye now,

Cuz you are my everything here and now.


Don't worry my love, I'm here and I'll always,

Be by your side, even far apart.

Hou Ren:

I know it's a lot to take in, Shiloh. And I know we're afraid.


Don't you worry now, My Love, I am here, mi amor. I'm here,


I'm here, Mi Amor. Amooooor.

Hou Ren:

Your not alone anymore.

Don't you worry now. I'm here,


Mi Amoooor. Amooor.


When we're together, there's nothing we can't handle.

And We will always fight on long as we're out for LOVE.

Once again, their wings are awakened and they share a beautiful kiss. Feathers flew out beautifully. Everyone cheered & clapped their hands for their wonderful performance. Lost Ren remains calm instead. 

Judah & Micah: AWEEESOMEEEEEE!!!

Blaze & Rockstar: YEAHHHHHH!!!!!

The couple bowed to the audience in response and then hugged each other tight and warmly. 

Hou Ren: You're so good.

Shiloh: So are you.

Garga: (Clapping his hands) Marvelous Dancing you two. Come, let's take a group picture.

Hou Ren: Yeah sure.

Everyone gathered around and took a group picture. The picture was taken with smiles on their faces. After that, Everyone decides to enjoy the sand & sea and even head back to the city to buy some souvenirs. Soon, evening arrived and it's time to say goodbye. Everyone board their things into the airship. The couple decides to have one last talk before they leave...

Hou Ren: So I guess this is it....

Shiloh: Yeah....It's a shame you can't stay here.

Hou Ren: (Nodded) Before I go, take this. (Hands her a card)

Shiloh: What's this?

Hou Ren: It's a portal card. It's how I got here. With this you can travel to anywhere in the world. And well, come visit me anytime if you want.

Shiloh: Hou Ren.....I don't know what to say...I'll cherish it with my heart.

Hou Ren: Yeah....

Both of them hugged for one last time.

Hou Ren: I'll Miss You.

Shiloh: Me too.

Elijah: Same here. It was an honor working alongside you.

Hou Ren: Promise me we'll keep in touch.

Judah: Sure thing. You're the best man.

Hou Ren: Tell Britney that she's sus.

Judah: (Excited) MY MAN. (High Five Hou Ren's hand)

Tasuku: Hou Ren, it's time to go. Everyone's waiting.

Hou Ren: Okay. (Turned Towards His Friends) Bye bye.

Shiloh: Bye bye.

Hou Ren nodded and then board the airship with his things. As the doors close and the vehicle took off, Shiloh & Bros waved goodbye from below. The airship moves into the sunset as the story ends. The credits were shown and the ending song plays.

Anime Ending: Promise you.

Story End.