
Buddyfight Ace, Path To Liberation

In An Alternate Timeline, A 15 year old buddyfighter has been suffering from alot of neglection, mistreatment, trauma and betrayal. He had enough. He decides to change his destiny by setting himself free once and for all. A few of his Brothers had decided to join him, along with his Buddy Monster. Henceforth it has begun. The Greatest....."PATH TO LIBERATION".

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37 Chs

Path To Liberation, Countdown To Demise (Chap 27)

Synopsis: Lost Ren is the last remaining knight before his brother takes the mantle. His new power makes him simmilar to his old self. His opponent is none other than...Anime Opening: Knock On Your Gate.While Agent's battle ensues, Lost Ren is walking down one of the sancutary hallways. His expression is hateful but he retains his calmness. He remembers Hou Ren's request to him & Agent. A flashback was revealed, showing Triple D in the throne room.Hou Ren: I need you both to not release your prisons.Agent: Why?Hou Ren: Agent. You're facing Commisioner Tasuku. He's like a higher up. The same with Light. Respect your elders they say.Agent: Oh yeah.....Lost: So it seems. My guess is that despite the respect, you still want us to stop them.Hou Ren: See if they're worthy of seeing me. Don't hold back using the new powers I bestowed you with. The judgement is all on you.As the flashback ends, Lost Ren remains stern as he walks. Just a heads up, his true form is him wering a dark purple trenchoat and black tshirt and black trousers. His sneakers are dark as night. His half-face mask is also dark. He also wears dark fingerless gloves. The bottom part of the jacket is quite torn and the collar was up.Lost Ren: (Thought) Of course Agent certainly won't. But I rather do this my way. The judgement is mine alone. (Thought)Lost Ren stops as he heard footsteps in front of him. He then look to see the person who walked before him is.....Light: Lost Ren.Lost Ren: Light Kurouzu.Light: It's been awhile.Lost Ren: I'm surprised you showed up. I thought you and Tasuku have better things to do.Light: (Shrugs) What Can I say. I came to save your brother. Also, he needed my help so.....Lost Ren: I don't care. And I'll only say it once. He doesn't want to be saved. Leave.Light: No can do. (Holds out his deck)Lost Ren: (Closed his eyes) So be it. Suddenly, massive dark winds are waving and wrapping around them. The two of them remains unfazed and stern as the earth began to rumble.Lost Ren: This world only deserves despair. Let it be crushed to oblivion. Arise....Corrupted Crystallized (Slam the ground) Prison.As the ground was slammed, giant purple shards & crystals rose from the ground. The entire atmosphere turned purple once again as it world with the dark wind. Once again, the prison is formed. A buddyfight stage is formed afterwards.Light: Huh....Interesting.....Lost Ren: I'll wipe that smile off your face. (Holds out his deck) Darkness & Despair. Shatter all hope and turn them to dust. Dark Luminize, March Of The ONI.Light: The Death Curse Has Fortold Our Victory. Let it shine like the silver moon. Luminize, Cursed Knights.....Luna.All: Buddyfight.Both: Raise the.....As the disc got scratch to a halt, they stopped. Light turned around to see that Gwen, Ranma & Hou Ren's parents are behind him.Light: What the. Gwen? Is that you?Gwen: Light. You're here too.Light: Why is it only the four of you? Where's the rest?Hearing this, they felt saddened. All of them suddenly heard a slow but loud applause. It came from the dark knight.Lost Ren: Marvelous. Marverlous. Just....Marvelous. You all had done it. The impossible. You guys are pitiful. Raise the Flag.Lost Ren rose his flag.Lost Ren: Darkness Dragon World.Light: I don't know why but Raise the flag.Light also rose his flag.Light: Darkness Dragon World.Lost Ren: I'll let you go first if you want.Light: By all means. Draw. Charge & Draw. I set Sentence Of Curse. The Cursed Puzzle appeared infront of Lost Ren's flag. Lost Ren remains unfazed as he looks at it.Light: That's your cursed puzzle. I buddycall Black Dragon Knight Geil to the center.Geil (Appears) Light. Fight to your hearts content.Light: Black Dragon Knight, Claw to the left.Claw: (Appears) Give me orders.Light: Claw's effect. I destroy Geil. Geil gets destroyed.Light: It's ability lets me move another Monster from my deck to the top. Lost Ren: Let me guess. Geil is on top. And now you're gonna activate Geil's ability and cast Curse Destruction.Light: Very Perceptive. Geil's ability activates. Geil returns to my hand and 1 card.As a card is placed, the cursed puzzle fills up. A part of his flag becomes cursed.Cards under Lost Ren's flag: 1.Light: Cast. Curse Destruction. I destroy Claw.Now Claw is eliminated and Light discards the top 2 cards of his deck. Naturally, Geil is one of the two cards.Light: 2 cards. 3 cards. 4 cards.Lost Ren's flag is cursed even more with each flag placed.Light: Equip. Black Dragon Sword Geilblade. (Stabs the ground) Ability activates. 5 cards.Lost Ren's flag is cursed again.Light: Cast. Underration. Claw goes to my hand and I increase my gauge & life by 2. Final Phase.Lost Ren: What?Light: Cast. Three white chandeliers appeared and lowered behind him. Light: Impact...Curse Count Requiem. (Seriously, Curse Count Requiem sounds better than "Curse Count") These are the flames of your destiny.Ranma: An Impact? That's New.Gwen: Those Chandeliers though.Lost Ren: So, that's your new power. My turn. And 1 card under my flag.Light: 3 actually.Lost Ren: Hmm?Light: When my turn ends, 2 more cards under your flag thanks to Curse Count. Don't forget that.The chandeliers lit up and Lost Ren's flag is cursed even more.Cards under Lost Ren's flag: 5 -> 8Lost: Draw. Charge And Draw. Equip. (Equips a double blade scythe) ONI's Sickle, Gar-Lost Haken.Light: A new item.Lost Ren: I call Lostcat "ONI" to the left.Lostcat: (Arrives as half cat, half oni) I'm fired up, cat. Lost Ren: Lostcat's effect, I add one item or one set card to my hand. And since Haken's on the field, I draw a card. I buddycall Garga to the right.Lost Ren's Life: 9 -> 10Lost Ren: I cast, Black Drain. (Activates effect) Final Phase. (Pays 2 life)All: WHAT?Lost Ren: Impact. Oni's Finale, Dead End Ringer.A giant death clock in a shape of an ONI appeared behind him.Lost Ren: This clock represents the end of time and things.Ranma: He's got a set impact too.???: I must say, This is interesting.Agent Ren and Tasuku walked in with everyone surprised to see them.Ranma: Commisioner.Gwen: Agent Ren.Ranma: Why are you two together?Agent: I fought against Commisoner and I lost. Now I'm just bringing him to where Hou Ren is. Fancy seeing you all here. (In regret) I'm Sorry Lost Ren.Lost Ren: You couldn't even surpass your Master? You an eyesore you know that. (Eyes looked more sharp and determined) And I hate cleaning up messes.Agent: This guy.....Light: Regardless. Draw. Charge and Draw. Geilblade activates. 9 Cards.Cards under Lost Ren's flag: 9.Light: Black Dragon Knight, Arbol to the left. Geil to the center.Both Monsters are summoned respectfully.Light: Arbol's skill. I gain 1 gauge, draw a card and gain 1 life. Cast, Curse Destruction. I destroy Geil. The top 2 cards are discarded again, and Geil is one of them.Light: 10 cards. 11 cards. 12 cards. Geil's ability activates. 13 cards. Revive, Geil.Geil: In order to help Light Win, I will revive as many times as necessary.Light: Black Dragon Knight, Belze to the right.Belze: (Summoned) Give me Commands.Light: Arbol. Attack Garga.Lost Ren: I cast, Corruption: "Wicked Shadow". If you want to defeat Garga, attack him twice.Light: What?Lost Ren: Since Ringer's on the field, I place the top card of my deck to it's soul. One.Lost Ren's deck automatically place one card into Ringer's soul. The Death Clock is moved to 1 o clock. Everyone's slightly surprised.Ranma: The Clock Moved. It's at One o clock.Light: If I can't defeat Garga, I'll attack Gar Cat. Belze.Belze destroys Lostcat.Lostcat: My curse will remain. (Destroyed)Lost Ren: Typical. When Lostcat is destroyed, I send 5 cards into your dropzone and one more card into Ringer's soul. Two.The clock moved again.Lost Ren: Ringer's effect. When a card has been sent from the opponent's deck to the dropzone, one more card. Three.The clock moved again.Light: I still have Geil. Attack the fighter.Geil attacks.Lost Ren: I cast, Corruption: "Phase Seal". I stop your attack and end your attack phase.Geil's attack was force to a halt as dark corruption chains appeared out of nowhere and chained him.Light: Geil?Geil: I....can't move....Lost Ren: You done yet? I also gain 1 gauge & draw a card.Light: Thank gosh. My turn is over. Activate, Curse Count's effect. 14 cards. 15 cards.The Cursed puzzle is completely filled and Lost Ren's flag is completely cursed and blacked.Light: The Dark Destiny will swallow you whole. This is the end.The Cursed Puzzle destroys itself and so does Lost Ren's flag as it crumples and falls down to pieces.Light: I did it.Ranma & Gwen are surprised and excited.Lost Ren: (Forehead shadowed) You should have kept quiet. I cast, Ultimate Corruption, "ONI's ressurection"Suddenly, Lost World's flag is revived. Everyone's shocked.Light: WHAT?Lost Ren: Light. Light. Light. What a dissapointment you are. I must admit you improved. But you'll never surpass me. Not in a million years.Light: How did you....Lost Ren: Oni's resurrection can only be casted when I'm about to lose and I have a set with at least 3 cards in it's soul. Do so and I cannot lose the game until your next turn begins.Light: Impossible.Lost Ren: There's more. Since Garga's on the field, I also draw three cards. My turn. Activate Ringer's effect. Four.Cards under Ringer's soul: 4.Lost Ren: Draw. Charge & Draw. I call LostDog "ONI" to the left. Lostdog: (Appears) You howl. I answer Dog.Lost Ren: When placed, I gain 2 gauge and I force the opponent's deck to lose two cards. Light's deck is discarded even more.Lost Ren: I cast, Devil Stigma. Lostdog is destroyed and Lost Ren gains 2 gauge & 1 life.Light: You destroyed your own monster?Lost Ren: No difference when you destroy Geil. When Destroyed, I dispose two of your gauge. I also move one more card into Ringer's soul. Five. Cards under Ringer's soul: 5.Gwen: He keeps piling up souls.Ranma: What is he doing?Lost Ren: Instead of having my cards attacking, I got a better Idea. G-EVO activate. Change, Oblivion's Arrival, Gargantua ONI.Garga transforms into his Dragon-ONI Hybrid form. He now has 4 hands and 2 Oni Horns and 2 Oni Wings, while still retain his dragon form without his swords. This made Everyone shocked at his New Form.Gwen: What The?Ranma: Is that even Garga now?Lost Ren: Gargantua ONI. Also spelled "Your Demise". The Real Definition Of Destruction. When placed, another 10 cards to your dropzone. G-EVO means everything on your field return to 0.Light's deck is discarded even more.Light: Deja vu....Lost Ren: Garga. Dispose of Him. And Make It Quick.Gargantua ONI flies high and summons corrupted swords while wielding his two edged-scythe. Lost Ren: ONI's effect. YOUR SOULS ARE MINE.Garga Stab it's scythe to the ground and 6 dark portals awakened below Light's cards.Arbol: What's happening.....All of Light's Cards suddenly got sucked through the portal and vanished. Even Geilblade.Geil: AHHHHH.....(Vanished)Everyone's shocked again.Ranma: They're gone?Lost Ren: When attacking, your cards cannot use their abilities. Thou must be sent to Dead End Ringer's soul afterwards. Light: NO.ONI continues to attack.Light: I cast, Black Dragon Shield.The spell did not work.Lost Ren: No use. You have more than 20 cards in your dropzone. ONI's attacks cannot be countered.Light: WHAT?Light's Life: 12 -> 9Lost Ren: (Attacks) Gar-Lost...(Slashed Light) HAKEN.Light's Life: 9 -> 6Lost Ren: Haken's effect. When succesfully hit it's target, another card goes to Ringer's Soul. And I'm not going to attack further.Light: Wait thats it? I win.Lost Ren: Pride goes before a fall.Ranma: What does that mean?Lost Ren: My turn is over.....That makes 12 cards.Everyone was curious regarding What Lost Ren is saying all along.Lost Ren: The countdown has stopped and Midnight arrives. It's like you said, the Dark Destiny will swallow you whole. Your Fate Has Been Sealed.The Clock Destroys itself and everything is covered in a Dark Foggy Mist. Everyone was scared as they were inside the mist and suddenly inside the Mist, an Oni appeared inside the mist and flew infront of Light and used it's scythe and sliced him From Above.Oni: Fall From Grace Will You? (AS He Sliced Light From Above).Light: Ahhhh.As Light's Flag is destroyed...Oni: I Win.All: IMPOSSIBLE.The Oni then fly towards them while scaring them. Revealing itself as he reverted back to His Original Form. It was none other than Lost Ren himself.Gwen: My goodness.Ranma: He won....regardless of the opponent's Life Points.....Lost Ren: Victory has never been bitter sweet. Especially when I'm up against someone who uses the same tactic. And Now that you've lost....Light was about to receive Judgement but instead Lost Ren snapped his fingers and the prison dissapears. This made everyone curious.Light: What in the world? Lost Ren: Relax, I'm not that of a Monster. (Feeling Reluctant) And even though you lost....you passed the test.Light: What do you mean?Lost Ren: I was only testing you to see if you are worthy of seeing Hou Ren himself. You passed so.Light was curious at first but in the end, he felt relieved to hear those words.Lost Ren:(Feeling disapproved) But as for those morons over there, I don't care that you've won your matches. Begone from sight right now.Ranma: But....Agent: WAIT.....Lost Ren. Give them a chance.Lost Ren: Hmmm?Agent: Commisioner said they've changed. And Ranma & Light are not traitors. Please. Lost Ren: Do you have dyslexia? They've teamed up with the traitors so it made sense that they are also traitors.Agent: Then I'll take the blame if things go wrong.Everyone else were surprised. Lost Ren was feeling more hatred but then he decided to calm down.Lost Ren: Fine. But Nothing Suspicious or else I will NOT hesitate and slice you to ribbons.Everyone but Ranma, Agent and Tasuku felt scared but at the same time relieved.Lost Ren: Follow me.Everyone followed Lost Ren to the Arena. When they got there, they were quite surprised. What's before them was a defeated Eden & Daryl knocked down to the ground. Gwen and Ranma rush in check on them.Gwen: Eden, Daryl. Are you Okay? What Happenned?Daryl: Yeah...except...Eden: We lost.....to him. (Pointed at The Man infront of them.)Everyone but the brothers were shocked and worried to see the person infront of them.....Ranma: Hou Ren...COTDLost Ren: It's Time For....Agent Ren: Agent and Lost's.....Both: Card of the Day.Lost Ren: What am I looking at here? Spit it out.Agent Ren: Just Chill Will You? We're gonna be taking a look at your new impact "Oni's Finale, Dead End Ringer".Lost Ren: This impact is very powerful but very difficult to master. So Pay Attention Idiots. This impact requires 2 life and it can only be used as a set card. Everytime the player's turn begins or a card from the opponent's deck is sent to the dropzone, A card can be placed from the deck right into it's soul. But Only Once.Agent Ren: At the end of the player's turn, if this impact has 12 or more cards in it's soul, the player automatically wins the game. The Cards in the soul cannot be removed or dropped. Intense Huh.Lost Ren: So what you think folks?Agent Ren: Think you can open up one of these?Both: You Never Know Until You Try.Anime Ending: Promise You.Story End.