
Btth: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback

Xiao Ze crossed over to the world of Dou Po, becoming the fourth young master of the Xiao family, and obtained a binding feedback system. When the bound individual's strength increases, it can be tenfold feedback to Xiao Ze. 【Successfully bound Xiao Xun'er, Xiao Xun'er's strength increased, congratulations to the host for gaining tenfold feedback, strength increased to a nine-star fighter...】. 【Xiao Xun'er took the Saint Heart Luminous Pill, greatly increasing aptitude! Congratulations to the host for gaining tenfold feedback, aptitude increased to the level of a peerless genius...】 . 【Xiao Xun'er successfully refined the Emperor Burning Heaven Flame, greatly increasing strength! Congratulations to the host for gaining tenfold feedback, successful refinement of the Emperor Flame (20%)...】. Xiao Ze thought it would end like this, but he didn't expect that as Xiao Xun'er's strength increased, the number of people he could bind also increased. The Seven-Colored Devouring Sky Python bloodline of Queen Medusa, the Calamity Poison Body of Little Doctor Immortal, the Emerald Snake Triple Flower Pupil of Qinglin... all receive tenfold feedback! Years later, when the Soul Heavenly Emperor just caused havoc, he was immediately suppressed by Xiao Ze! Only then did Xiao Ze realize that he had reached the pinnacle of the Continent of Douqi. He couldn't help but cast his gaze towards the vast world. If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/johanssen10 Chapters on my Patreon Soccer: I have the attributes of Messi in his Prime (up to chapter 85) I cannot be a Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan. (up to chapter 60) Dou Po: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback (up to chapter 30)

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Chapter 96: Invitation from the Alchemy Department!

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Chapter 96: Invitation from the Alchemy Department!

"Next, all you need to do is to blend these refined powders according to a certain ratio, and the refining process will be considered complete."

Xiao Ze calmly observed the surging flames inside the medicine cauldron, knowing that the next step was the most important in refining medicine!

The liquid inside the cauldron rolled and spun rhythmically, gradually becoming round under the burning flames.

As time passed, only a smooth and round pill remained in the cauldron, spinning swiftly within the flames.

"Phew... Although it's my first time refining pills, it seems to be going quite smoothly."

Xiao Ze extinguished the flames and, with a slight suction from his palm, the pill from the cauldron fell into his hand.

The pill was entirely snow-white, with a faint blue pattern on it.

Generally, only when the quality and luster of a pill reached its peak could it form patterns.

And the standard of a first-rank alchemist was the ability to independently refine formed pills.

"According to this, am I now at the peak among first-rank alchemists?"

Xiao Ze played with the snow-white pill in his hand, but unfortunately, the feedback from the prescription revealed that all three were first-rank pills.

No matter how Xiao Ze tried to push his alchemy limits, he couldn't achieve it.

After all, even if he successfully refined first-rank pills, it couldn't prove that he had become a second-rank alchemist.

"The Frost Pill, its function is to calm the restlessness within the body."

Xiao Ze took out a jade bottle and placed the Frost Pill inside.

"Its function is decent, but I don't know how strong its effect is. After all, it's only a first-rank pill, so I can't expect it to be very powerful."

"The other two prescriptions are the Vitality Pill and the Flame Pill."

"The Vitality Pill can restore vitality and also has a slight healing effect."

"The Flame Pill, as the name suggests, can help fire attribute cultivators improve their cultivation speed."

"Currently, the most useful one is definitely the Frost Pill, which can help you practice longer in the Heavenly Incineration Qi Tower!"

After refining several dozen of each of the other two types of pills, Xiao Ze focused on refining more Frost Pills.

He had already tried each type of pill.

The pills had some effects, but for Xiao Ze, who was already at the peak of the Dou Ling realm, their usefulness was limited.

"Big Brother Xiao Ze! Is this the pill you talked about inheriting?"

Xiao Xuner's voice suddenly sounded, causing Xiao Ze to shift his gaze from the pill in his hand.

Seeing Xiao Ze's nonchalant expression, Xiao Xuner couldn't help but feel a little frustrated!

Although she wasn't an alchemist, she knew that becoming one wasn't that simple.

Just learning alchemy alone would take over a year!

Becoming a first-rank alchemist, refining formed pills, who knew how many years it would take.

And now, after Xiao Ze went out for a while, he came back and was already able to refine formed pills, the mark of a first-rank alchemist! Such an opportunity made Xiao Xuner feel envious.

Compared to Xiao Xuner's clear understanding of how outrageous Xiao Ze's current actions were, the little doctor's astonishment wasn't as significant.

Just seeing Xiao Ze actually refining pills filled her with joy.

"Xiao Ze, you've really become an alchemist, I envy you so much!"

"My dream was to become an alchemist too, but my innate talent isn't good enough. If only I could have eaten a Transcendence Pill, it would have been so great."

The two girls had completely different reactions, causing Xiao Ze to smile lightly.

"I didn't lie, did I? I really gained the talent of an alchemist, and that inheritance is also extraordinary, equivalent to being enlightened."

"It gives me the experience of immersing in this field for decades."

After Xiao Ze explained, Xiao Xuner's shocked expression eased a bit.

It was actually the little doctor whose expression became extremely astonished.

"Xiao Ze, you actually gained decades of alchemy experience from someone else!? Your luck is so enviable!"

The little doctor exclaimed in disbelief, her face almost oozing with envy.

Seeing the envy in Xiao Xuner's and the little doctor's eyes, Xiao Ze secretly chuckled.

He didn't stop smiling, but instead put the pills in his hand into jade bottles and handed them over.

"This is the Frost Pill, which can calm the restlessness within the body."

"Try it and see if you can suppress your inner turmoil. If you can, you can start practicing on the platform!"

At Xiao Ze's words, the two took turns trying it on the platform.

Xiao Xuner's complexion was fine.

The little doctor, on the other hand, was completely red-faced, obviously struggling to withstand the burning of the inner turmoil.

"I'm okay. With the slight suppression of the Frost Pill, I can withstand the burning of the inner turmoil. I can practice on the platform while the effect of the Frost Pill lasts."

Xiao Xuner expressed her feelings, while the little doctor shook her head.

"I'm still a bit short. Although the Frost Pill has suppressed it a bit, I still can't bear the intensity of the inner turmoil."

"I'll practice for a while longer, and wait until my strength improves before trying again."

"Alright then, let's stick to this plan. You two continue practicing here, I'll go see if I can get a few more prescriptions!"

Xiao Ze took several bottles of each of the three types of pills for himself and left the rest for them.

After putting away the Yuanshen Cauldron, Xiao Ze stood up to go to the Alchemy Department to exchange for a few new prescriptions.

Xiao Xuner and the little doctor didn't immediately enter the cultivation state, but instead chatted for a while longer.

Mainly, Xiao Xuner talked about things related to the alchemy world.

This was at the request of the little doctor.

Because she didn't want Xiao Ze to achieve achievements in alchemy in the future while she remained ignorant.


On the way, Xiao Ze thought for a moment. He didn't have any acquaintances in the Alchemy Department.

It might be better to go find Elder Xue from the Medicine Repository first, and let him introduce him. Perhaps he could get better results.

Thinking this, Xiao Ze turned his steps and headed towards the Medicine Repository.

Not long after, three bottles of pills were placed in front of Elder Xue.

He looked at the pills, then at Xiao Ze, and seeing Xiao Ze's calm expression, he couldn't keep his expression tense any longer.

"Are these three bottles of pills really refined by you?"

Xiao Ze earnestly nodded and said, "Indeed, they were refined by the student!"

"Come! Follow me to see Elder Huo!"

Elder Xue picked up the three jade bottles on the table, grabbed Xiao Ze's hand, and headed straight to the Alchemy Department.

Seeing Elder Xue's behavior, Xiao Ze knew he had come to the right person! Not long after, in front of Elder Huo, there were also three jade bottles, all of which had been opened.

"A first-rank pill, excellent in quality, and with patterns. It's definitely refined by a skilled first-rank alchemist."

After Elder Huo finished speaking, he raised his head, with a hint of shock still lingering in his eyes.

"Kid, are these three pills really refined by you!?"

"Yes. They were indeed refined by the student."

Xiao Ze raised his hand, and a substantial flame condensed in his palm.

"If the elders don't believe it, I can refine them on the spot."

"That's not necessary. It's just that what happened to you, kid, is a bit incredible."

"Obtaining a Transcendence Pill from the alchemist's remains, successfully gaining the talent of an alchemist, and then receiving the inheritance of an alchemist... "

Speaking up to here, Elder Huo couldn't help but speculate in his heart.

Could this kid be the chosen one of heaven and earth? This luck is too outrageous! Elder Huo couldn't help but say.

"Do you want to exchange for prescriptions from the Alchemy Department? Then you might as well join the Alchemy Department directly."

"After all, the Alchemy Department is independent of the two academies, and studying in the academy and having a private teacher do not conflict. If you want to apprentice later, it's also fine."

(End of this chapter)

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