
Btth: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback

Xiao Ze crossed over to the world of Dou Po, becoming the fourth young master of the Xiao family, and obtained a binding feedback system. When the bound individual's strength increases, it can be tenfold feedback to Xiao Ze. 【Successfully bound Xiao Xun'er, Xiao Xun'er's strength increased, congratulations to the host for gaining tenfold feedback, strength increased to a nine-star fighter...】. 【Xiao Xun'er took the Saint Heart Luminous Pill, greatly increasing aptitude! Congratulations to the host for gaining tenfold feedback, aptitude increased to the level of a peerless genius...】 . 【Xiao Xun'er successfully refined the Emperor Burning Heaven Flame, greatly increasing strength! Congratulations to the host for gaining tenfold feedback, successful refinement of the Emperor Flame (20%)...】. Xiao Ze thought it would end like this, but he didn't expect that as Xiao Xun'er's strength increased, the number of people he could bind also increased. The Seven-Colored Devouring Sky Python bloodline of Queen Medusa, the Calamity Poison Body of Little Doctor Immortal, the Emerald Snake Triple Flower Pupil of Qinglin... all receive tenfold feedback! Years later, when the Soul Heavenly Emperor just caused havoc, he was immediately suppressed by Xiao Ze! Only then did Xiao Ze realize that he had reached the pinnacle of the Continent of Douqi. He couldn't help but cast his gaze towards the vast world. If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/johanssen10 Chapters on my Patreon Soccer: I have the attributes of Messi in his Prime (up to chapter 85) I cannot be a Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan. (up to chapter 60) Dou Po: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback (up to chapter 30)

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Chapter 95: The Powerful Yunling Cauldron!

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Chapter 95: The Powerful Yunling Cauldron!

The Medicine Management Repository.

Elder Xue watched as Xiao Ze left.

After some consideration, he decided it would be best to report this matter to the Grand Elder.

Shortly afterward, in a dimly lit room, the Grand Elder furrowed his brows tightly as he listened to Elder Xue's description.

The Transcendence Pill, such a miraculous elixir, was indeed unheard of.

However, Xiao Ze shouldn't be someone who acts without reason.

He wouldn't expend such precious medicinal quotas to exchange for medicinal ingredients that were useless to him.

"The Transcendence Pill... I am not an expert in the field of alchemy, and my understanding of elixirs is not as good as that of an alchemist... In this case, I will go ask the old man of the Alchemy Department!"

The Grand Elder pondered for a moment before speaking solemnly.

"What about Xiao Ze's side?" he asked.

"Let him be. A genius of his level has his own ideas. If it doesn't work out, he can just take back those medicinal ingredients," Elder Xue replied.

After some consideration, the Grand Elder made the same decision as Elder Xue had before.

"As long as it's not too much of a loss, just return the medicinal quota to him as it was."

Alchemy Department.

"What! Elder Su, are you kidding me? Such an effective elixir exists?"

Elder Huo of the Alchemy Department naturally received Elder Su when he came to him, serving him tea.

After listening to Elder Su's description, Elder Huo was shocked, and his hand involuntarily squeezed the teacup, shattering it.

The tea spilled from his hand, but he paid no attention, his gaze fixed on Elder Su.

If a elixir like the Transcendence Pill truly existed, how could it not have been passed down?

An elixir capable of bestowing the talent of an alchemist upon someone would undoubtedly be an extremely precious elixir!

If such an elixir were truly passed down, it would be possible to artificially cultivate alchemists!

"Elder Huo, have you also not heard of the Transcendence Pill?"

Elder Su furrowed his brows, realizing the seriousness of the situation.

He was not from the world of alchemy, so he could be forgiven for not knowing about the Transcendence Pill. However, as a fifth-rank alchemist, Elder Huo was well-versed in the common practices of the alchemy world.

"I have not heard of it. Over the years, I have read many ancient texts and have never come across an elixir with such miraculous effects in the classical works of alchemy."

"However, the continent of Dou Qi is vast and boundless. If this elixir truly originated from ancient times and there are no records of it, it is still possible."

"To be honest, instead of speculating here, it would be better to wait for Xiao Ze to produce results. Then we will know for sure, won't we?"

After some thought, Elder Su nodded slowly. "You're right. I just hope that the Transcendence Pill doesn't have any side effects. We wouldn't want to ruin a genius!"

When Xiao Ze returned to Room No. 2 of the cultivation chamber, Xiao Xuan'er and Xiao Xun'er were somewhat surprised.

They hadn't expected Xiao Ze to return so soon.

"Did you gain anything from your trip, Xiao Ze?" Xiao Xuan'er asked first, glancing outside as if expecting Xiao Ze to have brought back another girl.

"Uh... why are you looking outside while asking?" Xiao Ze shook his head slightly, diverting their attention back to himself.

"I did gain something. I came across the ruins of an alchemist on my trip!"

"In the ruins, I obtained a pill called the Transcendence Pill, which can bestow the talent of an alchemist upon someone!"

After Xiao Ze finished speaking, Xiao Xuan'er couldn't help but widen her eyes, hastily asking, "So, does this mean you now have the talent of an alchemist?"

Xiao Ze nodded with a smile, simultaneously retrieving the bottle of Transcendence Pills from his pocket.

"Such a miraculous pill! There truly are endless wonders on the continent of Dou Qi!" Xiao Xun'er also approached, carefully examining the bottle of Transcendence Pills in Xiao Ze's hand.

Seeing the description on the Transcendence Pill, she couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

Even with Xiao Xun'er's experience, she had never heard of an elixir that could bestow the talent of an alchemist upon someone!

"Not only that, but I also obtained a highly graded medicine cauldron from the ruins. According to its description, it is said to be comparable to the cauldrons on the Celestial Cauldron List!"

As he spoke, Xiao Ze took out the Yunling Cauldron.

The large cauldron fell to the ground with a thud, causing the ground to tremble slightly.

Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Xuan'er also curiously inspected the cauldron in front of them.

Even though they were not alchemists, they could still see the extraordinary nature of the cauldron. There was a faint spirituality within the cauldron.

"But... Xiao Ze, I've heard that becoming an alchemist is not that easy," Xiao Xun'er said hesitantly.

"Even if you have the talent of an alchemist, you still need a teacher to guide you. It's almost impossible to rely on self-study alone."

"Would you consider joining the Alchemy Department?" she suggested.

Xiao Ze smiled and politely declined Xiao Xun'er's suggestion, while also showing them the jade slip.

"I also obtained an inheritance from the alchemist ruins. Let me study it on my own first. Perhaps I truly have extraordinary talent and can achieve success through self-study?"

Hearing Xiao Ze's words, Xiao Xun'er didn't continue persuading him.

If necessary, she could use the family's connections to find one or two high-level alchemists to be Xiao Ze's teachers in the future.

"Alright, I'm going to start practicing alchemy now. You two continue with your cultivation," Xiao Ze said as he moved to a corner of Room No. 2.

Meanwhile, Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Xuan'er huddled together, discussing for a while, watching as Xiao Ze manipulated the medicinal ingredients in the corner.

"By the way, Xun'er, is that cauldron really amazing?" Xiao Xuan'er asked.

Xiao Xuan'er wasn't very knowledgeable about the world of Dou Qi, especially in the field of alchemy.

"It's extremely amazing! If what Brother Xiao Ze said is true, that it's a cauldron comparable to those on the Celestial Cauldron List..."

"Then the opportunity Brother Xiao Ze gained this time is enough to make countless alchemists envy!" Xiao Xun'er earnestly nodded and continued to explain about the Celestial Cauldron List.

"In the world of alchemy, there are two major lists: the List of Strange Fires and the Celestial Cauldron List, which respectively record strange fires and medicine cauldrons."

"For alchemists, strange fires and medicine cauldrons are their two most powerful tools. Items that can make it onto these two lists are highly sought after by countless alchemists!"

After Xiao Xun'er's explanation, Xiao Xuan'er nodded in understanding.

Looking at the Yunling Cauldron, her eyes were filled with astonishment.

Meanwhile, Xiao Ze had already infused fire attribute Dou Qi into the Yunling Cauldron, and the raging flames quickly heated the cauldron.

Then, with a thought, the branch representing alchemy arts within the void space trembled slightly.

A hint of wood essence emerged from it.

The wood essence that Xiao Yan had to spend over ten minutes searching for in his body could be directly transformed by Xiao Ze!

As the wood essence entered the Yunling Cauldron, the originally violent flames were neutralized, allowing Xiao Ze to more easily control the flames.

Following the alchemical formula in his mind, Xiao Ze threw the medicinal ingredients into the cauldron and began his first attempt at alchemy!

Even though it was his first time practicing alchemy, Xiao Ze felt as if he were a seasoned alchemist who had immersed himself in the art for years.

Every movement seemed skillful and practiced.

He also made sure that Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Xuan'er were already in a state of cultivation.

Otherwise, he would have to pretend to be a beginner.

During this process, Xiao Ze also discovered the mysteries of the Yunling Cauldron.

It could actually make it easier for Xiao Ze to control the flames!

At the same time, the faint spirituality within the Yunling Cauldron made it easier for Xiao Ze to refine medicinal ingredients!

"No wonder they say that a good cauldron can greatly increase the success rate of an alchemist's refining!"

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