
Btth: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback

Xiao Ze crossed over to the world of Dou Po, becoming the fourth young master of the Xiao family, and obtained a binding feedback system. When the bound individual's strength increases, it can be tenfold feedback to Xiao Ze. 【Successfully bound Xiao Xun'er, Xiao Xun'er's strength increased, congratulations to the host for gaining tenfold feedback, strength increased to a nine-star fighter...】. 【Xiao Xun'er took the Saint Heart Luminous Pill, greatly increasing aptitude! Congratulations to the host for gaining tenfold feedback, aptitude increased to the level of a peerless genius...】 . 【Xiao Xun'er successfully refined the Emperor Burning Heaven Flame, greatly increasing strength! Congratulations to the host for gaining tenfold feedback, successful refinement of the Emperor Flame (20%)...】. Xiao Ze thought it would end like this, but he didn't expect that as Xiao Xun'er's strength increased, the number of people he could bind also increased. The Seven-Colored Devouring Sky Python bloodline of Queen Medusa, the Calamity Poison Body of Little Doctor Immortal, the Emerald Snake Triple Flower Pupil of Qinglin... all receive tenfold feedback! Years later, when the Soul Heavenly Emperor just caused havoc, he was immediately suppressed by Xiao Ze! Only then did Xiao Ze realize that he had reached the pinnacle of the Continent of Douqi. He couldn't help but cast his gaze towards the vast world. If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/johanssen10 Chapters on my Patreon Soccer: I have the attributes of Messi in his Prime (up to chapter 85) I cannot be a Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan. (up to chapter 60) Dou Po: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback (up to chapter 30)

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Chapter 34: Promotion to Grand Fighter!

Chapter 34: Promotion to Grand Fighter!

On the back mountain of the Xiao Family, Xiao Ze sat cross-legged on a stone platform, choosing to receive the feedback rewards for his recent interaction with Xiao Xuner!

Boom! The cyclone of Dou Qi that Xiao Ze had been suppressing for a long time began to spin wildly, with vast amounts of natural energy pouring into his body like rivers into the sea.

Not far away, the Little Doctor Fairy had already changed into new clothes, looking charming and beautiful.

Standing beside Xiao Xuner, the two held hands, appearing like a pair of intimate sisters.

The two sisters each had their own charm and grace!

"Does Xiao Ze always make such a big fuss when he breaks through?"

The Little Doctor Fairy couldn't help but comment as she looked at the energy vortex forming around Xiao Ze.

If Xiao Ze hadn't mentioned earlier that he was about to break through to Grand Fighter, she would have thought it was a breakthrough of a higher-level practitioner!

"Xiao Ze's talent and aptitude are among the best in the Gamma Empire, so this situation is normal."

Xiao Xuner explained, sounding matter-of-fact.

Completely forgetting the last time she had seen Xiao Ze breakthrough and was equally surprised.

Hearing Xiao Xuner's explanation, the Little Doctor Fairy couldn't help but look at Xiao Ze.

For a genius, this should be normal, right!

This time, Xiao Xuner informed Xiao Zhan in advance about Xiao Ze's breakthrough.

So the Xiao Family members didn't need to be surprised.

When Xiao Zhan heard the news, he was greatly shocked.

At the critical junction leading to the back mountain, Xiao Zhan stood with his hands behind his back.

Looking up at the energy vortex forming on the mountaintop, he was full of amazement.

"Ze'er's talent... is truly unheard of!"

He hadn't even turned twelve yet, and he was already prepared to break through to Grand Fighter!

Comparing himself to Xiao Ze, Xiao Zhan suddenly felt that his Five Stars Grand Fighter level wasn't much.

"Am I really getting old... Otherwise, when Ze'er breaks through to Dou Spirit, I'll pass the position of clan leader to him."

"With the strength of a Dou Spirit expert as the clan leader, no one in the family should dare to oppose."

Xiao Zhan was still calculating in his mind, planning to let Xiao Ze take on the responsibility of clan leader while he enjoyed his later years.

At this moment, Xiao Ze, who was still striving to break through, was unaware that Xiao Zhan was preparing to throw a big responsibility on his shoulders.

He only felt that the feedback reward for Xiao Xuner's ordinary advancement was ten times different from his previous breakthrough.

It seemed that only Xiao Xuner's advancement reward was special! But even so, the solid foundation laid by the previous breakthroughs of "Dou Qi Cyclone" and "Dou Qi Liquid" made Xiao Ze's breakthrough extremely smooth this time.

Vast amounts of natural energy poured into Xiao Ze's body through his pores, rushing and raging inside.

Different from Xiao Yan's breakthroughs, which were always aided by medicinal pills.

Xiao Ze's breakthroughs relied more on the natural energy, in addition to the feedback from the system.

Therefore, there was a higher requirement for the strength of his meridians!

Xiao Ze needed to guide the natural energy flowing into his body, following the route of cultivation techniques, and ultimately channeling this huge energy into the Dou Qi Cyclone.

The peculiar cyclone in his body welcomed everything, spinning wildly at high speed.

It compressed the massive and variegated natural energy through its high-speed rotation!

A large amount of variegated energy was thrown out, leaving only the condensed essence to form a mist of energy.

Under the high pressure of the cyclone, this mist turned into higher-quality Dou Qi.


Xiao Ze seemed to hear the sound of something being crushed under unbearable pressure.

Under the terrifying pressure of the Dou Qi Cyclone, the liquid Dou Qi that originally filled the cyclone began to compress rapidly!

As the volume of the liquid Dou Qi rapidly decreased, Xiao Ze felt that the energy he possessed was doubling!


The sound of flowing liquid next to Xiao Ze suddenly turned into the sound of solid collision.

Xiao Ze quickly looked inside the Dou Qi Cyclone and found that it was now empty, with only a deep blue crystal spinning in it!

This deep blue crystal was smooth all over, only the size of an ordinary pearl.

But Xiao Ze could feel that the crystal contained vast and majestic energy! Dou Crystal!

Many strong practitioners on the Dou Qi Continent believed that only by condensing Dou Crystals could one truly step into the realm of Dou Qi cultivation!

This small crystal was the crystallization of a practitioner's internal energy!

It seemed tiny, but the energy it contained was jaw-dropping!

Xiao Ze continued to absorb the natural energy.

However, there was a trace of doubt in his mind. He had indeed understood the cultivation of Grand Fighters.

Breaking through to Grand Fighter meant condensing the Dou Qi in the body into a higher form of energy!

This was also the fundamental reason why Grand Fighters could form Dou Qi armors and release Dou Qi externally!

But generally speaking, the crystals condensed in the body should be rhomboid in shape.

Why did he condense a round bead instead?

Xiao Ze couldn't figure it out and could only attribute it to the system's credit.

As long as the Dou Crystal was real, it was fine!

Xiao Ze slowly opened his eyes, and a colorful light flashed by.

This was the symbol of his perfect Calamity Poison Body!

Different from a normal Calamity Poison Body, which had a seven-colored hidden line in the abdomen.

Once it spread to the heart, it would endure the torment of a thousand poisons.

Xiao Ze's perfect Calamity Poison Body did not have this feature.

The perfect Calamity Poison Body could perfectly control the poison energy within the body.

No matter how terrifying the poison energy grew, the Calamity Poison Body could completely suppress it!

This was completely different from the path taken by the Little Doctor Fairy in the original work.

The Little Doctor Fairy first crazily swallowed poisonous pills, accumulated a massive amount of poison energy, condensed poison beads, constructed runes, and finally perfected control, reaching the strength of a Seven Stars Dou Zun!

But Xiao Ze was different. He had a perfect Calamity Poison Body from the beginning!

There was no risk of poison energy running amok from the start.

He could swallow as many poisonous pills as he wanted!

Any poison that entered his body would be instantly suppressed by the perfect Calamity Poison Body!

The stronger the Calamity Poison Body, the more intense the seven colors in his pupils.

This was the only feature of Xiao Ze's Calamity Poison Body!

"Phew... Successfully broke through!"

Xiao Ze stood up, smiling at the two women.

"Xiao Ze, tomorrow is the enrollment day for the Canaan Academy."

"I heard that the mentor coming to Utan City for enrollment is Senior Sister Xiao Yu's mentor, who is a great beauty."

Xiao Xuner walked over with a meaningful smile.

"The minimum standard for mentors at Canaan Academy seems to be Grand Fighter level."

"Xiao Ze, going to attend the enrollment ceremony, I'm afraid will leave that beautiful mentor speechless!"

The Little Doctor Fairy said in surprise, "Ah? Does that mean Xiao Ze can become a mentor at the academy?"

"Don't! Being a mentor is troublesome! Although you don't have to take care of students like children, students still have to find mentors when they have problems, just thinking about it gives me a headache!"

Xiao Ze quickly waved his hand in refusal.

This caused the two women to smile knowingly.

They understood Xiao Ze's desire to avoid trouble and keep a low profile very well.

When they were soaking in the hot spring before, they had a deep conversation about this!

Ignoring the banter of Xiao Xuner and the Little Doctor Fairy, Xiao Ze stretched his body and said to the two of them.

"I'm going out to visit Miss Ya Fei. She helped me a lot this time when I was away, so I can't come back without saying anything."

"Do you want to come with me?"

Xiao Ze asked for the opinions of the two, but received unanimous refusal from Xuner and the Little Doctor Fairy.

(The end of this chapter)