
Btth: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback

Xiao Ze crossed over to the world of Dou Po, becoming the fourth young master of the Xiao family, and obtained a binding feedback system. When the bound individual's strength increases, it can be tenfold feedback to Xiao Ze. 【Successfully bound Xiao Xun'er, Xiao Xun'er's strength increased, congratulations to the host for gaining tenfold feedback, strength increased to a nine-star fighter...】. 【Xiao Xun'er took the Saint Heart Luminous Pill, greatly increasing aptitude! Congratulations to the host for gaining tenfold feedback, aptitude increased to the level of a peerless genius...】 . 【Xiao Xun'er successfully refined the Emperor Burning Heaven Flame, greatly increasing strength! Congratulations to the host for gaining tenfold feedback, successful refinement of the Emperor Flame (20%)...】. Xiao Ze thought it would end like this, but he didn't expect that as Xiao Xun'er's strength increased, the number of people he could bind also increased. The Seven-Colored Devouring Sky Python bloodline of Queen Medusa, the Calamity Poison Body of Little Doctor Immortal, the Emerald Snake Triple Flower Pupil of Qinglin... all receive tenfold feedback! Years later, when the Soul Heavenly Emperor just caused havoc, he was immediately suppressed by Xiao Ze! Only then did Xiao Ze realize that he had reached the pinnacle of the Continent of Douqi. He couldn't help but cast his gaze towards the vast world. If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/johanssen10 Chapters on my Patreon Soccer: I have the attributes of Messi in his Prime (up to chapter 85) I cannot be a Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan. (up to chapter 60) Dou Po: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback (up to chapter 30)

Johanssen10 · Anime & Comics
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170 Chs

Chapter 28: The Little Doctor Fairy Poisoning? Help Out!

Chapter 28: The Little Doctor Fairy Poisoning? Help Out!

The Little Doctor Fairy pursed her lips, tears suddenly streaming down her face.

"What's wrong? Don't want to?''

Xiao Ze couldn't help but wonder. Why was she crying when she could just refuse if she didn't want to?

"No, I want to!"

The Little Doctor Fairy shook her head vigorously and quickly replied.

"From childhood till now, anyone who discovered my poison body feared me like a fierce tiger, avoiding me. Only you are willing to accept me."

At these words, Xiao Ze restrained his smile, reached out to touch the Little Doctor Fairy's head, and looked her straight in the eye, earnestly saying,

"Rest assured, your poison body will definitely be thoroughly controlled. Then everyone won't fear you anymore."

Xiao Ze assured her solemnly.

With all her might, the Little Doctor Fairy nodded, her eyes brimming with tears.

Innately kind-hearted, the Little Doctor Fairy dreamed of becoming an alchemist, but her natural attributes fell short, preventing her from achieving her dream.

Yet, she remained determined to become a healer, tirelessly pursuing her dream.

Unfortunately, fate seemed to play a cruel joke on her.

A healer with a poison body that would kill anyone who touched it!

Even if she didn't want to, the poison body would unconsciously harm many close to her!

In the original story, the Little Doctor Fairy unintentionally killed two beloved elders upon arriving in the Yun Empire.

Even in death, those two elders still cared for her!

This cruel experience completely closed off the Little Doctor Fairy's heart!

She believed she was a natural disaster!

And this was why Xiao Ze wanted to take her away.

Not only because the Little Doctor Fairy could help him cultivate.

But also because his Perfect Calamity Poison Body could help the Little Doctor Fairy control her poison body, preventing her from accidentally harming others.

He wanted to spare the Little Doctor Fairy from experiencing that pain again!

"Alright, since you're going to follow me, let's formally introduce ourselves!"

Xiao Ze, confirming the Little Doctor Fairy's willingness to follow him, no longer concealed his identity.

"I'm the Fourth Young Master of the Xiao Family in Utan City, Xiao Ze!"

Of course, it wasn't convenient to remove the delicate facial mask. He would do it once they returned to Utan City; after all, removing it now would damage it.

"I'm the apothecary of the Wan Yao Zhai in Qing Shan Town, Little Doctor Fairy!"

Observing the slightly weathered face of this young man, the Little Doctor Fairy curiously asked, "So should I call you Young Master Xiao Ze from now on?"

"No need, we're friends. I'm not here to find servants or subordinates."

Xiao Ze shook his head, looking earnestly at the Little Doctor Fairy.

"I hope you can be my confidante and partner in battle!"

At these words, the Little Doctor Fairy's warm smile appeared, nodding vigorously.

Since meeting Xiao Ze, she found herself nodding more often than usual, her smile more frequent.

In fact, the Little Doctor Fairy had already noticed.

Xiao Ze didn't treat her like a servant or follower.

After gaining her trust, he took the initiative to pull her up from the ground, no longer looking down on her.

This small gesture greatly endeared Xiao Ze to the Little Doctor Fairy.

"You can just call me by my name. I should be around the same age as you, and this face is just a mask. It would be damaged if I took it off now, so I can't."

Xiao Ze explained again, and the Little Doctor Fairy nodded obediently.

At the same time, she carefully examined Xiao Ze's face. If he hadn't mentioned it, she wouldn't have realized it was a disguised face.

Curious about the face beneath the mask, the Little Doctor Fairy suppressed her curiosity, as Xiao Ze had instructed.

After a conversation, the relationship between the two became much more harmonious.

"Speaking of which... how did your calamity poison body erupt? Did you voluntarily ingest poison?"

Xiao Ze was curious. He remembered the Little Doctor Fairy being quite resistant to ingesting poison.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have cried so bitterly after swallowing the poison.

"No, I remember eating a box of pastries, then feeling unwell and realizing my poison body was about to erupt."

"I quickly left Qing Shan Town alone and came to the Savage Beast Mountain Range, where I met you."

Xiao Ze wore a pensive expression as he spoke.

"You were poisoned. Someone wanted to kill you!"

"To be able to make someone with a calamity poison body like you lose consciousness, you can imagine how powerful the poison was!"

The Little Doctor Fairy nodded, her eyes filled with resentment.

"Who is so malicious as to want to kill me? I believe I haven't offended anyone in Qing Shan Town!"

"Sometimes trouble finds you even if you don't look for it."

Xiao Ze shook his head, speaking to the Little Doctor Fairy.

That was why he had avoided people along the way.

Even someone like the Little Doctor Fairy, a healer who saved lives, had someone poison her with intent to kill.

"Do you want the person who poisoned you to pay?"

The Little Doctor Fairy's eyes brightened at these words, nodding repeatedly.

Although naturally kind-hearted, she wasn't someone who would let those who wanted to kill her off easily.

"Then let's go back to Qing Shan Town and take a look. Maybe we'll find some answers there."

Xiao Ze took out two cloaks, handing one to the Little Doctor Fairy.

"Your clothes are dirty, and I don't have any women's clothing here. You can wear this cloak to cover your identity for now."

The Little Doctor Fairy obediently took the cloak, wrapping herself tightly in it.

"Also, don't call me by my real name later. When you're out and about, it's easy to attract trouble and involve the family, so it's best not to reveal your real name."

The Little Doctor Fairy nodded, then raised a question, "Then how should I address you?"

"You can choose any code name you like."

"Can I call you Young Master?"

"Um... sure."

As they chatted along the way, they soon arrived at Qing Shan Town. With the Little Doctor Fairy's guidance, Xiao Ze quickly identified their target.

The competitor of Wan Yao Zhai—Ji Shi Tang!

After hiring the Little Doctor Fairy, Wan Yao Zhai's business boomed, encroaching on Ji Shi Tang's business.

Cutting off someone's source of income was akin to killing their parents!

It wasn't surprising that Ji Shi Tang wanted to get rid of the Little Doctor Fairy.

Arriving in Qing Shan Town, Xiao Ze found that his verification was unnecessary.

The owner of Wan Yao Zhai and his men were blocking the entrance of Ji Shi Tang. Beside them knelt a young man, surrounded by a crowd of people, their indignation evident.

Xiao Ze and the Little Doctor Fairy stood nearby, listening for a while, and quickly understood the situation.

After the Little Doctor Fairy fell ill and left Wan Yao Zhai, the remaining pastries she had eaten were quickly discovered by Wan Yao Zhai's people, who immediately caught the poisoner.

After interrogation, they exposed Ji Shi Tang.

At this moment, the owner of Wan Yao Zhai was furious, demanding answers from Ji Shi Tang!

Other mercenaries who heard the news also gathered, demanding an explanation from Ji Shi Tang, or they wouldn't be lenient!

After all, the Little Doctor Fairy had saved many lives!

But the owner of Ji Shi Tang, a small and wiry old man, seemed fearless.

"Wan Yao Zhai! You want to frame my Ji Shi Tang with just this little runt!?"

The owner of Wan Yao Zhai snorted, accusing, "The evidence and witnesses are all here. Your sophistry is useless!"

"If you don't explain today, I'll tear down your Ji Shi Tang!"

The surrounding crowd responded.

"That's right! The beautiful and kind Little Doctor Fairy was poisoned by you wolves in sheep's clothing! It's inhumane!"

"Poor Little Doctor Fairy, being harmed by you heartless people!"

"Today, I'm going to help out!"

Suddenly, a discordant voice rang out.

"A healer being so easily poisoned, I guess her medical skills aren't that great!"

Mu She slowly walked out!

(End of this chapter)