
BTTH: Starting With Auctioning Green Lotus Core Flame

English translation of the BTTH fanfic under the same title with 700+ chapters upon completion. Support this translation at patreon.com/RebornAnew and read at least 5 chapters ahead of everyone. --- Li Xiao, an ordinary young man from Earth, suddenly crossed over to world of "Break Through The Heaven" and obtained godly auction system where rare and precious items could be auctioned off to earn wealth which then would be converted into system points, allowing him to buy various skills and techniques from the shop. Heavenly Flames, Heavenly Cauldrons, Dou God-level Dou Techniques, rare Heaven and Earth treasures... nothing couldn't be found in Heaven Ascending Pavilion! When Xiao Yan, the future Flame Emperor, and many powerhouses were still vying the inheritance of Tou She Ancient God, Li Xiao was already standing at the apex of Dou Qi Continent! --- Original Title: 鬥破:開局拍賣青蓮地心火 Original Author: 落塵煙緲 --- Disclaimer: I don't own the cover image. If you are the owner and want me to remove it, kindly leave a comment on the comment or review section.

RebornAnew_author · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Poaching Ya Fei

Linglong covered her mouth and laughed softly. In this small Wu Tan City, the value of the auction items was only a few thousand gold coins at best. With their financial prowess, it would be too easy for them to win all the auction items. Even the entire Mittel Auction House could be bought with a wave of their hand.

As the head auctioneer and the manager of Wu Tan's Mittel Auction House, Ya Fei personally brought a tray of pastries into the room. Despite not possessing any extraordinary strength, she had a keen eye for people. Naturally, she could see that Li Xiao and Linglong were far from ordinary.

Placing the tray down, Ya Fei smiled warmly, "Esteemed guest, may I know your name?"

"Li Xiao."

Ya Fei raised an eyebrow. She had no recollection of this name. The Mittel Auction House was one of the top auction houses in the Jia Ma Empire. Although not on par with the royal family, they controlled one-fifth of the empire's economy and were backed by Hai Bodong, a Dou Emperor. Even other Dou Emperors had to show them some respect.

However, Ya Fei didn't treat Li Xiao differently because of his unique identity. Instead, she remained respectful, "Mr. Li, the auction is about to begin. I will take my leave now."

"Alright, I would like to talk to you after the auction," Li Xiao said.

Ya Fei nodded without hesitation, then gracefully turned and left. Her pure and ethereal demeanor, combined with her exceptional beauty, would make any other man eager to savor her charm.

Her entire being exuded seductive allure. Under the gaze of her narrow peach blossom eyes, anyone would struggle to resist.

To many men, she was a coveted treasure, a cat brimming with allure, stirring countless hearts.

Li Xiao clicked his tongue, "Linglong, try these. They taste quite good."

"Um." Linglong picked up a piece of osmanthus cake and placed it in her mouth. It was soft, sticky, and filled with a subtle osmanthus fragrance.

Li Xiao played with the Tuo She Ancient Emperor Jade in his hand, wondering what price this piece could fetch.

The auction began, featuring low-level items beneficial to those below the Dou Grandmaster level. For those above, they were of little use.

Li Xiao did not participate in the bidding, leaving it to Linglong to bid on whatever she fancied.

Soon, Linglong had purchased several items. Though not particularly valuable, they were aesthetically pleasing. What girl doesn't like pretty things?

The auction concluded quickly, and Ya Fei returned to the lounge as promised, bringing the items Linglong had bought.

With a seductive posture, Ya Fei sat on the sofa, "Mr. Li, these are the items you purchased, totaling fifty thousand gold coins."

Linglong stepped forward, took out a gold card, and paid the amount. Then, she placed all the items Ya Fei brought into her storage ring.

Ya Fei, maintaining her composure, couldn't help but be curious about the jade-like storage ring on Linglong's finger. As a seasoned auctioneer, she could tell this was a high-quality item.

The grading of storage rings primarily depended on their spatial capacity and security features. High-end rings even had protective functions, shielding the wearer from all forms of spiritual probing.

"Don't be surprised, Miss Ya Fei," Linglong said calmly, seemingly reading Ya Fei's thoughts. "This is a Shenlong Storage Ring bestowed by our Pavilion Master."

"Shenlong Storage Ring?" Ya Fei echoed in amazement.

Linglong nodded, "Yes, it has considerable capacity and exceptional protective features. It is a treasure in itself."

Ya Fei became more and more curious about the identity of the two. She realized she was in the presence of extraordinarily powerful and wealthy individuals. Her experience told her to treat them with a more cautious and respectful manner.

Ya Fei raised an eyebrow but quickly regained her composure. She corrected her posture to a more business-like manner and asked, "So Mr. Li, may I ask why you want to meet me?"

Li Xiao didn't waste any time and got straight to the point. "I want to invite you to join Heaven Ascending Pavilion to conduct auctions for us."

Ya Fei furrowed her brow. "Heaven Ascending Pavilion? Why have I never heard of it?"

"That's understandable. Heaven Ascending Pavilion has only been established for a year, so it's not well-known yet," Li Xiao shrugged. "However, I believe it won't be long before Heaven Ascending Pavilion becomes one of the top auction houses on the Dou Qi continent."

"Therefore, I sincerely invite Miss Ya Fei to join Heaven Ascending Pavilion as an auctioneer."

Linglong, despite her capabilities, was too cold and aloof, much like Bing Shuang. This nature made her unsuitable for the role of an auctioneer. Ya Fei, on the other hand, was experienced in handling high-end auctions, understanding the intricacies of the business, and knowing how to appeal to bidders, making her an ideal candidate.

Ya Fei narrowed her eyes. "Pavilion Master Li Xiao, are you aware that I am part of the Mittel family? Aren't you afraid of offending them by trying to recruit me?"

"If I were afraid, I wouldn't be here," Li Xiao chuckled lightly.

As one of the three major families in the Jia Ma Empire, the Mittel family controlled a significant portion of the empire's economy.

The Mittel family, known for their business acumen, ran the Mittel Auction Houses throughout the Jia Ma Empire. They were one of the wealthiest families in the empire, with the clan leader, Mittel Tengshan, being one of the empire's top ten powerhouses and a Dou King. However, the true power behind the family was Hai Bodong, a Dou Emperor.

Li Xiao placed a jade bottle on the table. "Consider this a greeting gift."

Ya Fei hesitantly took the jade bottle and opened it. A strong medicinal aroma filled the room, carrying a violent energy.

"This is..." Ya Fei's pupils contracted, her beautiful eyes reflecting a hint of seriousness. "A Tier-6 pill... You actually have a Tier-6 pill..."

As an auctioneer for the Mittel family, Ya Fei had seen sixth-tier pills before, but those were crafted by highly skilled alchemists and auctioned personally by the clan leader. The value of such pills was astronomical.

Ya Fei swallowed hard and asked, "I don't understand. Pavilion Master Li Xiao, why are you interested in me? My strength is merely at the Dou Fighter level."

"A mountain doesn't have to be tall to be famous if there is a deity on it. A river doesn't have to be deep if there is a dragon in it," Li Xiao said with a gentle smile. "Heaven Ascending Pavilion needs an auctioneer. If Miss Ya Fei agrees to join us, this Tier-6 pill is yours."

Ya Fei bit her lower lip, clearly tempted. A top Tier-6 pill was a rare treasure even in the Jia Ma Empire's capital. Even Pill King Gu He was only a low-tier sixth-tier alchemist.

"We agree."

Suddenly, the door to the room was pushed open.

A middle-aged man in luxurious robes walked in, exuding an extraordinary aura. His eyes were closed, giving no hint of his gaze.

"Family head, why are you here?" Ya Fei stood up in surprise and bowed.

The newcomer was none other than the Mittel family's head, Mittel Tengshan, a seven-star Dou King and one of the Jia Ma Empire's top ten powerhouses.