
BTTH: Start With Saving Yun Yun

After crossing into the world of "Battle Through the Heavens," Chen Mo found himself in the Magic Beast Mountain Range, the place where Xiao Yan and Yun Yun first met. Chen Mo gazed at the young woman in a simple dress, who was standing in the air facing the Amethyst Winged Lion King. In that moment, he made a decision... This translation: 鬥破之從拯救雲韻開始

Betek · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 8: Sister Yun Yun

"Ding, the companion purple crystal source has been successfully obtained. Please check your inventory."

Just as Chen Mo managed to sneak out of the cave, the system notification rang in his mind. With a thought, he opened the system's inventory and saw that, alongside the Concealment Technique and three healing talismans, there were now four bottles of companion purple crystal source.


As Chen Mo prepared to leave the dangerous area, a mischievous idea came to mind. A transmigrator who doesn't cause trouble for the protagonist isn't a true transmigrator.

Meanwhile, Xiao Yan was just about to store the two small jade bottles of purple crystal source in his ring when he noticed they were inexplicably empty.

"Damn, where's my companion purple crystal source?"

"Teacher, the companion purple crystal source is gone."





As Xiao Yan panicked over the disappearance of the companion purple crystal source, the roars and the ensuing battle outside made Yao Lao's face change.

"Not good, someone's provoking the guards at the entrance!"

"Teacher, it must be him." With Yao Lao's reminder, Xiao Yan thought of Chen Mo, who had just left, and anger flashed in his eyes.

Yao Lao's face was also grim. He didn't expect to be outmaneuvered in the small Magic Beast Mountain Range. But being a seasoned individual, he quickly calmed down and urged, "Let's go. We need to escape before the big one blocks the entrance."


Yao Lao possessed Xiao Yan, and they hurriedly rushed out of the cave.

Just as they exited the tunnel, an angry roar echoed from ahead.

The young Purple Crystal Winged Lion King looked disheveled and furious. It couldn't believe that in the short time it went to relieve itself, intruders had invaded its lair repeatedly. Worse, it barely dodged being sliced by that woman's sword. Unable to deal with the woman, it resolved to take a bite out of this intruder.

However, with Yao Lao possessing Xiao Yan, they were even more formidable than Yun Yun. As it approached, a massive black blade struck it, sending the creature crashing into the cave wall.

"Whimper!" The young lion king's head buzzed from the blow, and the cave wall cracked behind it.

"Don't get distracted, hurry. The big one's coming." With the young lion king sent flying, Xiao Yan, possessed by Yao Lao, didn't pause and continued dashing towards the cave exit.

Just as they flew out of the cave, they were a step too late. The lion king, returning to find intruders had hurt its offspring, was furious.

"Damned humans, you won't get away today!"

A massive purple beam erupted from the lion king's mouth, fueled by rage, targeting Xiao Yan. It didn't matter if they were accomplices; someone had to pay. A fierce battle was imminent.

In a hidden grove outside the mountain range, even from a distance, Yun Yun could sense the powerful energy fluctuations. The Purple Crystal Winged Lion King was utterly enraged.

"What happened? Why is the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King so angry?" This anger was something Yun Yun hadn't provoked even after two confrontations. She turned and squatted, facing Chen Mo, who was leaning against a tree, animatedly recounting his heroic deeds, proudly waving the Purple Spirit Crystal.

Yun Yun's gaze shifted to the ghastly wound on Chen Mo's chest, her heart aching. She pulled out some bottles from her ring. Opening a small bottle, she poured some pale green liquid onto her fingers and carefully applied it to Chen Mo's wound. As she applied the medicine, she scolded, "Why did you provoke the guards after getting out safely?"

Chen Mo's proud expression faltered, seeing this gentle side of Yun Yun for the first time. He laughed heartily, "That kid had bad luck."

Thinking of how Xiao Yan suffered because of his plan, Chen Mo felt elated.

"That kid?"

"Yeah, someone got there before me."

"Others? How many?"

"Two, actually," Chen Mo winced in pain, then decided to reveal Xiao Yan's name.

"Xiao Yan?" Yun Yun was surprised. Could it be that Xiao Yan?

"He said he's from Wu Tan City. Do you know him?" Chen Mo said, watching her reaction closely.

Yun Yun hesitated, then poured some powder from another bottle onto Chen Mo's wound. Seeing it stop bleeding, she sighed, "There are some things you'll learn eventually, so I won't hide them from you."

Chen Mo seemed to know what she was about to say and listened quietly.

"Didn't I say I'd introduce you to a girl with similar talent in the Yunlan Sect?" Yun Yun stood up and turned her back to him. "Her name is Nalan Yanran. She used to be Xiao Yan's fiancée."

"What!" Chen Mo feigned surprise.

"And I'm not Yun Zhi. I'm Yun Yun, the sect leader of Yunlan Sect."

"What!" Chen Mo acted shocked again, as if hearing it for the first time.

"Sorry for deceiving you, but I…" Yun Yun turned to explain but found herself falling into Chen Mo's arms, not knowing when he appeared behind her.

"Ouch, it hurts." Chen Mo winced, the collision aggravating his wound, but before he could savor the moment, Yun Yun quickly pushed him away.

"Cough," Chen Mo coughed awkwardly, smiling, "So, should I call you Sect Leader Yun or Yun Zhi?"

"Are you not angry?" Yun Yun, unexpectedly concerned about his opinion, asked softly.

"I understand. It's our first meeting; no need to reveal your real name." To reassure her, Chen Mo said, "But I didn't lie. My name is Chen Mo."

Yun Yun bit her lip, the boy's sincerity making her feel helpless, her gaze dodging his. For a moment, they were both silent.

Chen Mo broke the silence first, holding Yun Yun's hand. He swore he wasn't trying to take advantage but was giving her the Purple Spirit Crystal.

"The teacher you mentioned is yourself, right?" Chen Mo asked with a smile.

A blush appeared on Yun Yun's face, but she quickly composed herself, "What, you don't want to?"

"I do, but can I call you by your name instead? Or Sister Yun Yun?"


"Because that's my request."

"Alright, but only in private."

"Sister Yun Yun."