
BTTH: Start With Saving Yun Yun

After crossing into the world of "Battle Through the Heavens," Chen Mo found himself in the Magic Beast Mountain Range, the place where Xiao Yan and Yun Yun first met. Chen Mo gazed at the young woman in a simple dress, who was standing in the air facing the Amethyst Winged Lion King. In that moment, he made a decision... This translation: 鬥破之從拯救雲韻開始

Betek · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 5: Seal Lifted, Action Begins

"Do you really think I wouldn't kill you?" Yun Yun's voice was as cold as before but carried confidence and a hint of anger.

"It was a reflex, a reflex..." Feeling the cold sword at his neck, Chen Mo's legs tightened. He coughed awkwardly, "The weather is nice today."

Saying this, he gently pushed the sword away from his neck.

This wasn't cowardice, it was prudence.

Yun Yun didn't press further, seemingly just reminding Chen Mo not to overstep his boundaries.

She sheathed her sword into her storage ring and started to walk outside the cave.


In the sky, the sun hung high.

On a small hill, Yun Yun stood with her back to Chen Mo. Despite her mismatched martial attire and half-torn skirt, she looked as elegant and noble as when she fought the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King. Her cold arrogance was humbling.

In the original story, she could outshine the likes of Xiao Xun'er and Little Doctor Fairy, comparable only to Queen Medusa.

To Chen Mo, who had an adult's soul, the appeal of mature women was undeniable.

Sensing Chen Mo's intense gaze, Yun Yun slowly turned around. Her eyes met his bold ones, and she said plainly, "It's natural for someone your age to be restless. When we reach Yunlan Sect, I will introduce you to a girl with a talent comparable to yours."

"Who?" Chen Mo asked.

"You'll find out then," Yun Yun replied, glancing at the magical beasts still searching for her. "They're persistent..."

Chen Mo knew whom she meant and was about to respond when Yun Yun continued, "You've advanced to Dou Shi, which saves me some effort. I am of the wind attribute; I will channel some Dou Qi into you to enhance your speed..."

Yun Yun explained her plan to Chen Mo, who eagerly anticipated the next steps.

Seconds passed, but the system remained silent.

"Seriously? Other systems would have given a mission by now. Are you really this lazy?" Chen Mo grumbled.

Still no response.

"Fine, fine. Who needs you?" Chen Mo sighed.

Yun Yun, mistaking his silence for reluctance, felt unexpectedly hurt. Just as she was about to go alone, Chen Mo's cheerful voice broke her thoughts, "Alright, let's do it."

Without waiting for her response, he grabbed her delicate hand and placed it on his back.

Looking at his back, Yun Yun blushed, noting her attire and feeling an unfamiliar warmth. She didn't mind his boldness and smiled softly.

Then, a surge of Dou Qi flowed into Chen Mo, like a warm stream coursing through his meridians.

Before he could savor the sensation of her touch, the system chimed in.

"Ding, a three-star peak Dou Huang is transferring power to you. Spend 310 luck points to peep at her cultivation."

"Ding, since she is willingly transferring power, note that any ability peeped will be lost by the donor."

"What? It can do that?" Chen Mo was surprised.

A string of information flashed by, and the system presented two options.

Chen Mo stared at the confirmation option, feeling that with a single thought, he could drain Yun Yun's cultivation.


Chen Mo decided quickly.

What a joke.

He was planning to win Yun Yun over. If he drained her cultivation, he wouldn't be much of a person.

Moreover, a powerful beauty as a protector was far more appealing than just gaining the strength of a three-star Dou Huang.

The massive influx of Dou Qi filled Chen Mo with a sense of power, as if he could plow fields with ease.

As his bones crackled, Chen Mo shuddered, feeling a sublime transformation.

"This Dou Qi will last for an hour. During this time, your speed will increase severalfold, outpacing even a high-level Dou Shi," Yun Yun instructed. "But if you can't find an opportunity, don't risk yourself..."

"I understand, safety first." Chen Mo smiled, knowing Yun Yun was concerned for him.

But he knew that getting the Purple Spirit Crystal would bring him closer to winning her over.

In the original story, Xiao Yan got the Purple Spirit Crystal with little difficulty and some unexpected gains. He felt he was stronger than Xiao Yan at that point, so he was confident.

Unless Xiao Yan showed up to complicate things.

Based on his vast reading experience, Chen Mo believed that where treasures lay, protagonists were sure to appear.

The stronger the treasure, the higher the chance of encountering a protagonist.

Protagonist auras were formidable.

If Xiao Yan showed up with Yao Lao, he wouldn't stand a chance.

What to do?

What to do?



According to the novel, once in the Magic Beast Mountain Range, Yao Lao wouldn't intervene unless Xiao Yan's life was in danger.

In that case...


I can beat Xiao Yan...

No, Chen Mo shook his head. He needed to be cautious in case of unforeseen events.

"Slap!" Yun Yun, seeing a lecherous smile flash on Chen Mo's face, slapped his head. "What are you scheming?"

Seeing Yun Yun before him, Chen Mo coughed and said seriously, "I wasn't scheming. I was thinking about how to get the Purple Spirit Crystal for you."


"Of course."

"By the way, if I do get the Purple Spirit Crystal for you, what reward will you give me?"

"What do you want as a reward?"

Chen Mo almost blurted out his innermost desire but quickly corrected, "I haven't decided yet. Just promise me first."

Yun Yun shook her head. "If you don't say what it is, I won't promise."

"It won't be anything against your conscience."

"Not against my conscience? Alright," Yun Yun agreed after a moment's thought.

"Let's start then!"

Chen Mo quickly wrapped his arms around Yun Yun's slender waist.

"What are you doing?"

"I can't fly."


"Teacher, at this rate, when will I reach Dou Shi?" Xiao Yan asked, swinging the heavy ruler, drenched in sweat.

"Thinking of giving up?" Yao Lao frowned.

"Of course not," Xiao Yan stopped and wiped his sweat. "I was just thinking about Nalan Yanran's resources from Yunlan Sect. What level is she at now?"

"Feeling pressured is good," Yao Lao smiled, his frown easing. "Though you haven't reached Dou Shi yet, you're already stronger than most one-star Dou Shis. Keep training, and you'll advance in two months at most..."


"Human woman, you dare appear again. Today, I'll kill you to avenge my broken horn."

A thunderous roar interrupted Yao Lao, who then laughed, "Looks like it won't take two months."