
Btth: Reborn with the Legacy of the Desolate Emperor

This is not my work but a translation of a MTLN

true_nephalem · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 4

Witnessing Xiao Yan's defeat, Yao Chen was filled with disbelief.

Despite guiding Xiao Yan's remarkable progress over the past year, he couldn't comprehend Xiao Ning's sudden surge in strength.

"How did he become so powerful?" Yao Chen muttered to himself, astonished by Xiao Ning's unexpected victory.

The other Xiao clan disciples were equally stunned by the outcome.

"Xiao Yan... he lost?"

"Xiao Ning defeated Xiao Yan with just one punch?!"

"Wasn't Xiao Ning unable to defeat Xiao Yan at the last ceremony? How did his strength increase so drastically in such a short time?"

The shocked murmurs of the Xiao family members echoed through the training ground as they struggled to process the turn of events.

As Xiao Yan struggled to rise from the ground, his face pale and blood dripping from his mouth, he couldn't shake off the horror of Xiao Ning's devastating blow.

He recognized the vast disparity in their strengths and couldn't help but feel frustrated by this humiliating defeat.

"Brother Xiao Yan, are you alright?" Xiao Xun'er rushed to his side, her worry palpable.

"I'm fine, Xun'er..." Despite his injuries, Xiao Yan reassured her, determined not to let her see his weakness.

Acknowledging his defeat, Xiao Yan conceded gracefully to Xiao Ning, honoring their agreement without hesitation.

Impressed by Xiao Ning's performance, Yao Lao expressed his confidence in Xiao Yan's ability to bounce back from the setback.

Yet, despite his assurance, Xiao Yan couldn't shake off the feeling of defeat.

"Cousin Xiao Ning, I lost," Xiao Yan admitted, masking his disappointment with a forced smile.

"Cousin Xiao Yan, you're a man for owning up to your defeat," Xiao Ning applauded, inwardly amused by Xiao Xun'er's protective demeanor towards Xiao Yan.

Observing Xiao Xun'er's unwavering support, Xiao Ning couldn't help but feel a twinge of bitterness. He knew her allegiance lay solely with Xiao Yan, making her an obstacle to his plans.

Xiao Ning accepted the purple gold card from Xiao Yan, pleased with his unexpected windfall. With this substantial sum, his prospects for the future looked brighter than ever.

Xiao Yan challenged Xiao Ning to a rematch in a month's time, eager to reclaim his lost honor. Undeterred by his defeat, Xiao Yan remained resolute in his determination to surpass Xiao Ning.

"Brother Xiao Yan, you performed admirably. One setback does not define you," Yao Lao reassured him, his confidence unwavering.

Determined to regain his former glory, Xiao Yan vowed to surpass Xiao Ning in their next encounter.

Meanwhile, Xiao Ning relished his victory, relishing the prospect of further success. Yet, despite his triumph, he couldn't escape Xiao Yu's piercing gaze.

"Sister, why are you looking at me like that?" Xiao Ning asked innocently, feigning ignorance.

Xiao Yu scrutinized him, detecting a change in his demeanor. Suspicious yet unable to pinpoint the cause, she pressed him for answers.

Xiao Ning, hesitant to reveal his secret, offered a partial explanation, leaving Xiao Yu dissatisfied but unable to press further.

Unwilling to confront Xiao Ning, Xiao Yu reluctantly demanded reimbursement for her medical expenses.

However, Xiao Ning brushed off her request, intent on retaining his newfound wealth.

Disgruntled by Xiao Ning's evasiveness, Xiao Yu seethed with anger, vowing to confront him later.

As news of Xiao Ning's victory spread throughout the Xiao family, many hailed him as the new top genius, overshadowing Xiao Yan's former glory.

Despite Xiao Yan's defeat, Xiao Ning emerged triumphant, solidifying his status as the rising star of the Xiao family.