
Btth: Reborn with the Legacy of the Desolate Emperor

This is not my work but a translation of a MTLN

true_nephalem · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 24

Walking into the spacious Wanyao Zhai store, Xiao Ning noticed that the interior was brightly lit by moonstones hanging on the walls.

The store was bustling, and the clerks were extremely busy, so no one greeted him.

In desperation, Xiao Ning took the initiative.

"Hello, is the Little Fairy Doctor here?" he asked, grabbing a male clerk.

The clerk turned to glance at Xiao Ning. Seeing that Xiao Ning was dressed like a young master from an aristocratic family, he immediately assumed Xiao Ning was another playboy pursuing the Little Medical Fairy.

Many had come before, but all had been rejected.

"The Little Fairy Doctor is out," the clerk replied impatiently before returning to his tasks.

"Out?" Xiao Ning was stunned.

When he tried to ask more, the clerk had already walked away.

Frustrated, Xiao Ning thought of a different approach. He bought some medicinal materials and, while checking out, asked the cashier directly.

The cashier told him that the Little Medical Fairy had gone into the Warcraft Mountains to collect herbs and provided the usual herb collection locations.

"Money really makes the world go round," Xiao Ning sighed.

With this new information, he headed towards the entrance of the Warcraft Mountains.


As night fell a group camped in an open area of the Warcraft Mountains, a sunken basin filled with medicinal herbs.

The fragrant scent of herbs floated in the air, creating a relaxing atmosphere.

This was Wanyao Zhai's regular herb collection spot.

White tents dotted the area, and mercenaries were busy preparing dinner.

Among the crowd, Xiao Ning spotted a woman in a white dress.

Though not stunning, she had a rare beauty with a calm smile and an ethereal temperament.

His eyes were drawn to her slender waist, adding to her charm.

Hidden in a dense forest outside the basin, Xiao Ning watched.

He had easily killed several low-level monsters on his way, allowing him to reach this spot before dark.

"Is this the Little Medical Fairy? Her temperament is indeed extraordinary," Xiao Ning thought, hiding himself to avoid trouble.

He estimated that she would explore the cave at night, giving him the chance to follow her.


"Little Fairy, you are under the protection of my Wolf Head Mercenary Group.

Feel free to collect herbs.

I'll personally keep watch tonight," said Mu Li, the young leader of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group.

"Thank you, Commander Mu," she replied politely, though with a hint of distance in her voice.

"This is what I should do," Mu Li smiled warmly.

"I'm going to take stock of the medicinal materials first.

Please help me manage the camp," she said, before walking to a larger tent.

Watching her leave, Mu Li's smile turned strange. "Little Medical Fairy, you won't escape my grasp," he muttered.

As night fell, the camp grew quiet, apart form the crackling of bonfires and the guards' watchful presence.

In the dark, a tent moved slightly, and a graceful figure slipped out, heading into the forest.

Shortly after, another shadow emerged and followed closely.

In the dense forest, Xiao Ning followed the graceful figure ahead, smiling faintly.

The Little Medical Fairy moved quickly, turning occasionally to check for followers.

Satisfied she was alone, she continued until she reached a steep cliff.

At the edge of the cliff, she carefully looked around before descending.

Moments later, Xiao Ning emerged from the night, arriving at the cliff's edge.

It was finally time to see where this journey would lead.