
Btth: Reborn with the Legacy of the Desolate Emperor

This is not my work but a translation of a MTLN

true_nephalem · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 12

At night, the moon and stars were sparse.

"Galebi, what brings you here so late?" Obapa, the patriarch of the Oba family, asked in his study.

Both Gallebi and Obapa, leaders of two of the three major families in Wutan City, were present.

"Chief Oba, you must have heard about what happened yesterday," Gallebi said, his tone deep and somber.

"Of course I know what happened,who doesn't know that the mighty patriarch of the Jialie clan suffered a loss at the hands of a junior?" Obapa replied with a hint of ridicule.

"Snort! That boy's strength is unusual,I couldn't do anything to him," Gallebi admitted, his expression darkening.

"But if you feel your strength is far greater than mine, you're welcome to try yourself."

Obapa's smile faded. "Is that boy really that strong?"

"The younger generation of the Xiao family is formidable,first there was Xiao Yan and now there's an even more monstrous freak Xiao Ning. In a few years, when they grow up, there won't be room for you and me in Wutan City," Gallebi said, his eyes flashing coldly.

"What do you propose?" Obapa asked, his eyes narrowing.

"It's simple we strike first to gain the upper hand If you and I join forces and eliminate the Xiao family, this hidden danger will disappear," Gallebi suggested with murderous intent.

Meanwhile at the Xiao family residence, Xiao Ning was in the middle of his training.

"Three thousand nine hundred pounds of divine power!" Xiao Ning exclaimed as he leaped out of a barrel, soaking wet.

The top-quality medicinal materials from the Mitter Auction House were working wonders.

After just only a few days, his strength had improved significantly.

"At this rate, I'll have four thousand pounds of divine power soon the even Gallebi won't stand a chance against me," he thought with cold light flashing in his eyes.

Just then, a Xiao family disciple called out, "Cousin Xiao Ning, the clan leader has summoned you to the hall to discuss matters."

Perplexed, Xiao Ning stopped practicing and headed to the hall, wondering why he, a junior, was being summoned.

When he arrived, he saw the elders of the Xiao family gathered, including Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er.

The atmosphere was tense, indicating that something significant had happened.

"Damn it! Those old bastards Gallebi and Obapa are so arrogant they dare to steal our business so blatantly!" Xiao Zhan, the patriarch, raged, smashing a table in anger.

The Xiao family's markets were suffering as the Gallebi and Oba families tried to suppress them.

"Our market is on the brink of collapse," the second elder said gloomily.

"How about we burn down their market?" the third elder suggested fiercely.

"It's not that simple,they'll be prepared for it, and doing so would mean war," Xiao Zhan replied, frustrated.

"Didn't the mysterious alchemist at the anction express interest in working with us? If we had his help, the Jialie family wouldn't stand a chance," the great elder suggested.

"Who knows if that was just talk? And why would someone of that level care about our profits?" Xiao Zhan sighed.

The elders fell silent, recognizing the truth in Xiao Zhan's words.

Xiao Ning glanced at Xiao Yan, who remained composed despite the situation.

Xiao Ning realized that Xiao Yan was still hiding his identity as an alchemist.

"Damn it, just hold on a little longer,If both the Gallebi and Obapa families don't back off, we' ll have to fight," Xiao Zhan declared, a fierce light in his eyes.

Xiao Ning and the other young talents were assigned tasks.

Xiao Ning was to lead a team to protect one of their markets, with elders providing secret support.

"Forget it, Xiao Yan can endure, but I can't, Xiao Ning thought, a murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Protecting the market would delay his cultivation, and he was already planning to settle accounts with the Jialie family.

"Four thousand pounds of divine power should be enough to sweep through both the Jialie and Oba families," he thought, feeling the immense power within him.

It was time to release his pent-up energy and move forward with his plans.