
BTTH: Beginning Strategy Medusa

Ye Feng embarked on a journey to the Dou Qi Continent and joined the snake-human tribe. Being part of Medusa's personal guard, it was essential to gain favor with the queen. He activated the sign-in system in the game, earning rewards such as martial arts techniques, combat skills, and precious treasures. "Ding! You have obtained the Heavenly fire: Three Thousand Flames!" "Ding! You have acquired the Three Thousand body... [closed]" ——— Support me on patreon.com/Gojo_sensei_ [Cover not mine.] —————— [Original Author: Xiao Jie Jie Jie ] [Chinese novel link : https://m.qidian.com/book/1031494529.html] _________

Gojo_Sensei_ · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Sand Mercenary Group, he... so strong!

"Sand Mercenaries, huh?"

Ye Feng, standing atop the sand dunes, was startled when he heard the leader of the mercenary group mention their name.

So they were the Sand Mercenary Group, the renowned mercenary group based in Stone Desert City, led by Luo Lan...

With the shout from their leader, Luo Lan, the surrounding mercenaries' faces twisted with bloodlust as they brandished their machetes, swiftly killing the snake man they were facing.

Despite the snake people's formidable fighting skills, they found themselves at a disadvantage due to the overwhelming numbers of the mercenaries.

As the two groups clashed, the snake people struggled, beads of cold sweat forming on their foreheads.

The Snakemen's faces grew serious as they found themselves outnumbered two-to-one against the mercenaries.

They realized the odds were stacked against them, and their expressions reflected the weight of the challenge before them.

In the midst of the battle, Luo Lan, the leader of the Sand Mercenary Group, forcefully threw the captivating snake girl onto the carriage beside him.

His eyes filled with lust as he shamelessly ogled her graceful figure, his gaze lingering on her slender waist and the tantalizing snake tail that hinted at the allure of her exotic nature.

Unable to resist, Luo Lan licked the corner of his mouth, a strange smile appearing on his face as he whispered:

"Damn it, you bitch! How dare you anger me? No matter how valuable you are, I still have to enjoy you a few times today! Hehehe~"

Accompanied by his extremely perverted laughter, Luo Lan extended his hands, moving step by step towards the carriage...

Witnessing this disturbing scene, Ye Feng's expression darkened with anger.

Without hesitation, Ye Feng swiftly swung his snake tail, creating a thunderous impact that resonated throughout the area, propelling him away from the sand dunes with tremendous force.


A sharp, rushing wind accompanied by the sound of whooshing filled the air as a dark silhouette streaked across the sky, descending upon the ground like a bolt of lightning.

It landed with a powerful impact.

With a resounding "boom," the mercenaries and snake men who had been fighting just moments ago retreated in shock, abandoning their ongoing battle to look towards the newcomer.

The yellow sand gradually settled, revealing a black figure holding a purple-black flaming blade, slowly emerging before everyone's eyes.

The sudden appearance of a slightly thin boy in a black robe surprised both parties.

However, after a moment, the hearts of the snake people gradually calmed.

Although they were unfamiliar with the young man who arrived, they were very familiar with the long blade enveloped in purple-black flames.

Having become a master fighter at the age of eighteen, wielding a purple-black long blade, he had shone brilliantly in the selection meeting of Medusa's personal guards!

Having killed the grandson of the ruler of the underworld, engaging in a long conversation with Her Majesty the Queen throughout the night, and becoming the top genius in the snake-human race, they were no strangers to the name Ye Feng!

Joy appeared on the faces of the snake men, as they believed that help had arrived.


Luo Lan, who had just entered the carriage with perverse intentions, heard this sound and turned his head curiously...

And at that very moment he turned his head away!

Inside the carriage, the snake tail that had been curled up timidly suddenly lashed out, slamming fiercely into Luo Lan's body!


A heart-piercing scream echoed out as Luo Lan writhed in pain, falling directly from the carriage.

As he quickly got up, Luo Lan clenched his teeth and vigorously rubbed his buttocks.

His fierce gaze was now directed towards the timid snake girl inside the carriage as he cursed vehemently:

"You stinky bitch! After I deal with this kid, I'll teach you a lesson and show you that I'm not to be trifled with!"

The snake girl inside the carriage shrank back in fright, her delicate body trembling slightly, eliciting pity...

Yet as the vicious Luo Lan turned around, she poked her head out curiously...

Before her eyes, a strikingly handsome young snake-man emerged. Clad in a black robe, he wielded a peculiar flaming long blade.

Ye Feng moved the long blade in his hand slightly, his eyes shining like a starry sky as he spoke to Luo Lan with a calm tone:

"I'll be taking them away."

"Get fucked! A scrawny kid like you wants to challenge me? Brothers, fuck him up! Fuck him to death!"

Luo Lan's eyes flickered as he immediately stretched out his hand, commanding the mercenaries to attack.

Rage consumed the group of mercenaries as they caught sight of the unexpected visitor.

The weapons they gripped gleamed with an icy glint, their expressions filled with ferocity, as if Ye Feng was the cause of the anger brewing within them.

Raising his eyes, a strange smile formed on the corner of Ye Feng's mouth. His purple-black snake tail suddenly struck the sand, and like lightning, he swiftly moved between two mercenaries.

As the black shadow paused and the flaming long blade in his hand fell slowly...

"Puff~! Puff~!"

The two mercenaries, who had been fierce just moments ago, suddenly felt a surge of heat in their waists as a long arc of purple-black flame erupted from their bodies!


Two agonizing screams that struck the depths of the soul echoed in everyone's ears on the ground.

All of this occurred in the blink of an eye, sending shivers down their spines.


The snake men gasped, their gazes fixed on the figure of the young snake man in astonishment.

It was difficult for them to imagine that such strength could reside within this slender body.

"He... he's so powerful!"

The seductive snake girl, poking her head out from the carriage, couldn't help but murmur in awe at the sight of Ye Feng effortlessly dispatching the two subordinates.

Within seconds, Luo Lan narrowed his eyes, glaring at Ye Feng, and said:

"Snake-human boy, it's not a wise choice to provoke our mercenary group in the Tagore Desert!"

A faint smile curved on Ye Feng's lips, and though he remained silent, his curious gaze remained fixed on the enchanting snake girl who peeked out from the carriage.

The snake girl caught Ye Feng's gaze and a blush appeared on her delicate cheeks hidden beneath the scarf.

"He's looking at me... does he... know me?"

The snake girl timidly withdrew her head, her beautiful eyes flickering with doubt.

Seeing that Ye Feng paid him no attention and instead flirted with the snake girl, Luo Lan grew extremely annoyed, his eyes filled with coldness.

However, having just tested the opponent's strength with his subordinates, a trace of fear and treachery lingered within Luo Lan's heart.

"Snake-human boy, if you're sensible, I advise you to leave now. I won't hold your actions against my men against you!"

"Sorry, but I have to take them away!"

Ye Feng shook his head indifferently, his resolute words leaving no room for debate.

"You're seeking death! Let's attack together! Chop them up! I want to make soup out of them!"

After being rejected by Ye Feng, a surge of ferocious determination twisted Luo Lan's face.

Suddenly, his fighting spirit surged,

causing his combat attire to materialize with a crackling sound.

With a thunderous roar beneath his feet, he charged towards Ye Feng with unwavering determination.

"The wounded, stand by! The rest, follow me and assist Master Ye Feng!"

The leader, a Nine-Star Dou Practitioner of the Snake Human Race, coldly issued the order.

"No, I can handle this on my own!"

A cold arc formed on the corner of Ye Feng's mouth as he spoke indifferently.


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